Dan Deacon是一位才华横溢且脑袋里装满各种奇思妙想的的作曲家和电子音乐人,并以疯狂有趣的现场表演令人印象深刻。迄今为止他发表的每张专辑都被业界大咖全面喊赞,尤其是二专《Bromst》更是获得Pinchfork的高度肯定(8.5/10)。
来自巴尔的摩的Dan Deacon是电子音乐圈中的一个传奇。2003年起,他就涉足各种派对和俱乐部的个人演出,最终在美国东岸的独立乐圈内崭露头角。尤其在舞曲方面,Dan表现出极高的音乐天赋和才华。钢琴、真鼓、钟琴等各种非典型的电子乐器,都被运用到他的作品之中,超越了传统意义上“无需动脑”的舞曲理念。
2007年Dan Deacon的首张全长专辑《Spiderman of the Rings》就一鸣惊人,这是一张玩味十足,充满童趣的电子乐。而二专《Bromst》让他一下子成为圈内炙手可热的新贵,并荣获Pitchfork的高分推荐。与上张精灵古怪的纯器乐唱片不同,这张带着迷幻摇滚的气息。2012年 Deacon 再次启动创意引擎,推出全新概念式专辑《America》,在灌制过程中同时采用电子音效和现场录音。而对于这部力作的评价——无论是业界还是大众,都是一个字,赞!
Electronic music composer Dan Deacon is based in Baltimore, MD, and is equally influenced by such diverse elements as Devo, Talking Heads, Scratch Orchestra, Raymond Scott, and Conlon Nancarrow. After several self-released projects, he moved to Baltimore and became an instant figurehead of the fledgling electronic music community. In November of 2004, he lost 60 pounds while making the transition from a diet of chicken and cookies to a healthy vegan lifestyle. Though he releases several projects in limited quantities, Acorn Master and Spiderman of the Rings were released by Psych-O-Path Records in 2006.