


Taiwan, PRC 中国台湾



秉持着如此的信念,足迹遍及亚洲各个时尚之都的DJ CrystalQ带着属于女生独特柔和特质;同时却又具有十足爆发力的音乐个性,正震撼着每一位乐迷的听觉神经。善于制造高潮迭起的音乐内容,将整场演出丰富精彩化;让大家随着音乐的情绪上下起伏,再一路带领整场派对至最高氛围-身为业界新锐菁英的Crystal Q将她对音乐和人群的热爱融合进自己的生活态度,用其独特性感姿态及感染力十足的舞台魅力,证明了高张力的音乐风格具有足以拯救这个世界的可能性。

音乐曲风从Hip-Hop、Trap、Twerk 到 Deep House、 Electronica Music 等多元化风格的Crystal Q,幸运地在20岁时受到台湾夜店教父DJ Junior的发掘栽培。凭借着自己对音乐的敏感度及热情,努力地吸收和融会贯通所学习到的根基与新知,并透过在台北指标时尚夜店SPARK 101驻场DJ累积经验,璞玉终于得以琢磨。凭借着出色的混音天份及对各种音乐类型的节奏运用,当时年仅22岁的Crystal Q很快的于2010 Pitbull台北演唱会担任暖场DJ而开始展露头角。

因为外型姣好,加上独特的个人音乐特色,她的窜升速度极快。除了渐渐受到业界、时尚圈专业人士及许多派对爱好者的注意之外,Crystal Q对气氛掌控的热诚、专注和天份更使她很快地于2011年触角就已遍及亚洲许多国家,成为各个大型时尚派对的御用DJ首选。目前身为SPARK 北京分店-SPARK BEJING首席女DJ的她,也旋风般的让Crystal Q的音乐魅力有如派对病毒扩散感染了新加坡、马来西亚、马尼拉、东京、上海等这些大城市的派对子民们。2013年更是将触角延伸至欧洲,造访了瑞士、巴黎、摩洛哥等城市。在面对不同形态的夜店下,她总是可以游刃有余的泰然面对,选择最佳的音乐将派对带到完美气氛中,更是让欧洲的人们惊喜一翻,他们表示从没想过看起来温柔的亚洲女DJ竟会有如此爆发力!!

除了在多元音乐曲风的精准掌握方面有着绝佳的本能;对于音乐悟性极高的 Crystal Q往往可以现场将歌曲作巧妙的融合,随时掌握台下群众气氛来变换不同的音乐,带给大家意想不到的组合。也因此,每一次的现场演出她都可以创造出不同的惊喜,有她的派对台下尖叫声更是从不间断。延伸散发出来的现场魅力,带领她成为了目前亚太地区最常被指名的DJ之一,进而跃升国际舞台受邀在各大指标性主流品牌活动如:Vogue Fashion Night Out、Coach秋冬发表会、Adidas Adicolor派对、Johnnie Walker 、Gap等不胜枚举的时尚派对担任冲击音乐味蕾之主秀。除了嘻哈之王Lil Jon对其赞誉有加外,入行至今,也曾与R3hab、Avicii、Kaskade、Afrojack、Chuckie、Fedde Le Grand、Showtek, 及 Alesso等多位国际大牌DJ同场演出过。

即便早已有着傲人的战绩,但犹如海绵吸收般的求知性格,却促使着Crystal Q持续探索着更多突破的可能性。目前也正在朝着音乐制作上的路迈进,期待着用自己的音乐来感动更多人。凭借着她对音乐绝对敏锐的双耳、充满时尚感知的卓越眼光、还有能撼动群众的热情,Crystal Q势必将带来更多、更具冲击性的音乐飨宴来满足所有派对狂热份子。

2014 垦丁春浪音乐节 Alesso 暖场DJ 2014 Road To Ultra Taiwan 指定开场 DJ

2014 全台首位荣登时尚大牌Chanel 星光背板女DJ代表

2015 H&M 台湾旗舰店开幕派对DJ

Taiwan’s leading female Dj, Crystal Q is currently enjoying success as one of the most sought-after djs in the region. This Taiwan and China based talent brings her love of music and people wherever she goes. By combining her sexy looks and contagious personality, Crystal Q is one individual that proves it in her mix, captivating the crowds and ruling the turntables at some of Asia’s most exclusive parties with her sexy, high energy music.

Introduced to the world of djing at 20, Dj Crystal Q has slowly and steadily been drawing the attention of club owners, fashion industry professionals, djs, and, most importantly, party-goers in Taiwan, China and the rest of Asia. The passion, integrity, and inspiration that Crystal Q brings to the table sees her take her place as one of the most requested female djs of the region.

Having found her talent for mixing and blending all sorts of music genres, Crystal Q quickly landed her first residency at Taiwan’s hottest nightclub, SPARK 101 at the young age of only 22. A couple years on, Crystal Q has cemented her residency in China at SPARK 101’s ultra-chic sister club, SPARK BEIJING, as well as regular guest appearances in Asia’s top-tier nightclubs in cities such as Shanghai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, and Tokyo.

Crystal Q’s diverse musical knowledge accompanied by her incredible ability to do live mixing has catapulted her to become one of the most requested djs in the Asia-Pacific region. Her talents have seen her perform for fashion events such as Vogue Fashion Night Out, Coach, Adidas Adicolor, and I.T. DPTY. Crystal Q has also held the stage alongside artists such as Pitbull, Lil Jon, and Far East Movement and has been the opening act for the likes of Avicii, Afrojack, Will.I.Am, and R3hab.

These short few years have proven to be groundbreaking for Crystal Q as she has taken Asia by storm but she is not stopping there as she continues to explore the boundaries of her craft. With her passion for music, an eye for fashion, and being able to feed off the crowd, Dj Crystal Q’s ability only goes from strength to strength.




