


#布鲁斯摇滚 #流行灵魂乐 #另类唱作人
Ireland 爱尔兰



安德鲁Hozier Byrne(生于1990年3月17日),简称为Hozier,一位爱尔兰布雷、威克洛郡音乐家。他的爸爸是一个都柏林蓝调音乐家,因此Hozier受爸爸影响很大 。妈妈有美术绘画的硕士学位,是个插画师。所以他的专辑封面是由妈妈设计,人脸部分为风景画。

Hozier的生日3月17日是St Patrick's Day,爱尔兰的国庆节。所以每年过生日他都不用上学。


15岁开始便在学校与乐队中演出。2009年后开始在都柏林三一学院进修音乐学位,以记录演示环球音乐,参与三一乐团。但随后中途辍学,辍学后投身范围广泛的音乐计划之中,比如2008-2012年间一直在著名合唱队Anúna(爱尔兰复古民谣乐团,这个团体原名An Uaithne,由当时就读于“都柏林音乐三一学院的”Michael McGlynn于1987年建立)。

并于 合唱团的2012Illumination上领唱了法国香颂 "La Chanson de Mardi Gras"。

还参加了波萨诺瓦乐演唱组Nova Collective、灵魂、funk和说唱为主的乐队Zaska,以及在Trinity Orchestra中担任首席男声。当时的参演主要在挪威,新西兰等地区 。


在 2013年, Hozier出了一个 专辑EP《Take Me to Church》 ,用他独特的灵魂之声使得其中主打歌《Take me to church》youtube900万次观看记录而获得瞩目,歌曲MV讲述了一段禁忌之恋,同性爱人被教徒迫害,而男主束手无策,信仰因此动摇,空留绝望和无奈。并夺得 爱尔兰音乐榜 Irish iTunes第一名,英国金曲单榜 official chart第二名(截止2013年10月25日)。也参加了各地的各种节日盛典和音乐节。

2014年,《Take me to church》冲进美国Billboard榜单,从开始的96名直到后来的榜单第3名,被Kiesza、 Orla Gartland、Ed Sheeran、Neon Jungle各路翻唱。2014年推出第二个EP专辑《From eden》,mv由Hozier和曾出演英剧《梅林传奇》、美剧《德古拉》的爱尔兰女星Katie McGrath共同演绎。Hozier还参加了一些美国著名综艺节目,如2014年5月24日艾伦秀ellen show,第S40E03 期的SNL周六夜现场。

2014年9月19日,Hozier发行第一张录音室专辑《Hozier》,收录了包括《take me to church》,《from eden》,《work song》,《cherry wine》等其他创作歌曲 。

2014年12月2日,出席参演维多利亚的秘密伦敦大秀嘉宾(与Taylor Swift、Ed Sheeran、Ariana Grande)。


2014年12月6日,2015年度第五十七届格莱美提名已经完全揭晓,新人Hozier的《Take Me to Church》获年度最佳单曲奖提名。

2014年12月17日,做客《美国之声》第七季决赛之夜,演唱热单《Take Me to Church》。


Born on St. Patricks Day and hailing from County Wicklow, Hozier was raised on the building blocks of popular music: rhythm and blues, soul, jazz and the deep dark stuff stretching from Chicago to the Delta. He joined his first band when he was 15 years old, fronting a soul band with some older heads. Taught himself to play guitar and piano, and went to Trinity College to study music. Whilst there, he bagged a seat on the flight deck of the symphonic B-52 that is the Trinity Orchestra, fronting their missions into the world of classic rock.

However, four years looked like a long stretch, particularly when the goal was to write, record and perform his own music; so Hozier dropped out to concentrate his talents on the creative process full time. He tried out with a few different producers in various studios, experimented with genres; but never felt happy with the results. Home is where the art is, and a simple studio, set up in the attic proved to be the crucible where Hozier would forge a musical identity he could call his own. A place where Stevie Wonder and Billie Holiday are revered alongside James Joyce and Oscar Wilde.

He says: “Listen to any song, from any era; and youre looking through a keyhole into the artists world as seen through their eyes. Art is, in its simplest form, the reproduction of the world around us. All artists reproduce their vision of the world, and in doing so create a document that reflects the times they live in”. Which brings us back to the Twenty First Century Blues, and Hoziers unique, poetic evocations.

Hoziers first release is a 4 track EP. Take Me To Church (the lead track) and Angel Of Small Death reflect the gospel – soul gumbo at the heart of his music; Like Real People Do is an Arcadian acoustic adventure and Cherry Wine a raw emotional discourse, recorded live at 6am on an abandoned hotel rooftop; with accompaniment from the dawn chorus. Hozier played all the instruments (Fiachra Kinder helped out on drums), sang all the parts and recorded at home. Rob Kirwan (Depeche Mode, PJ Harvey) mixed the tracks in Dublin.

