


#另类唱作人 #根源唱作人 #独立流行 #室内流行 #艺术流行 #电子民谣
United Kingdom 英国


Patrick Wolf,爱尔兰人,1983年出生。当别人仍为脸上的青春痘烦恼时,年仅十一岁的Patrick Wolf已经开始耕耘自己的singer/songwriter之途,他能拉小提琴,也能填词谱曲。十四岁加入流行乐队Minty,随后受到英国独立大厂Fat Cat赏识且资助其录音设备,Patrick Wolf开始在卧房里尝试录制四轨作品,并于2004年以二十一岁之龄发表了首张专辑Lycanthropy。

Patrick Wolf装备了每一种乐器,在11岁时就开始了声音的实验。他将古代和现代的吟游诗人的乐器融合为一体,锻造出令人惊奇的独特的音乐语言。歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。 Patrick Wolf六岁时从故乡爱尔兰前往英国学习小提琴,幼年便跟随交响乐团到欧洲巡回演出,十一岁时开始写歌,后来因为偷了学校一台四轨录音机器,逃出学校,当街头艺人,从此走上了另一条音乐之路。十六岁时回到伦敦,十七岁时组了一个叫做Maison Crimineaux的乐团。乐团到巴黎表演,于是他遇到Capitol K,他们合作,后来他还在Capitol K自创厂牌Faith and Industry下发表了LYCANTHROPY。 少年时代,他就是那种彻夜在睡房里用小提琴、人声、二手电子琴在四轨录音机上进行DIY创作导致翌日要逃学的乐痴孩子……他的作品能糅合Folk、Laptop Electronica与Neo-Classical等各种音乐成分,既古朴幽情、也摩登现代。乡村风情的民歌,古典优雅的弦乐钢琴,以及电气的Mircobeat肌理在他的作品里总可以如此丝丝入扣,和谐共处。你可以体验到原音与电音、乡间与城市、正统与街头之双重性格。他自幼学习正统音乐,却爱上进行DIY睡房电子音乐之实验;他深受Joni Mitchell的民歌影响却对Laptop电音制作平台趋之若鹜;早年他曾加入弦乐四重奏乐团演出以维持生计却又同时成立了Maison Crimineaux这支又嘈又颠的Gabba-Punk组合。 在Patrick身上你可以把本是风马牛不相及的东西混为一谈……

by James Christopher Monger

Violinist/singer/songwriter Patrick Wolf began experimenting with sound at the age of 11. While his peers were exploring the frivolity of youth, the precocious preteen was dabbling in four-track recording, eventually building an arsenal of instruments that included junk-shop organs and a home-built theremin. At the age of 14 he joined the pop-art collective Minty, a venture that caught the eyes and ears of Fat Cat Records, which went on to supply the youth with a computer and mixing tools for aid in his newfound audio experimentation. He left home at the age of 16 and formed Maison Crimineaux, which eventually found its way to France, where the noisy duo played a show attended by electronic maestro Kristian Robinson (aka Capitol K), who went on to release Wolf's lauded 2003 debut. With Lycanthropy reaching number 39 in NME's top LPs of the year, as well as receiving critical acclaim throughout Europe and America, Wolf decided to study composition at the Trinity College Music Conservatoire. The results of that endeavor can be heard on his 2005 release Wind in the Wires, a dark collection of moody British folk and chamber pop with a chilly laptop sheen. Wolf returned in 2007 with the colorful and eclectic Magic Position.

