山多尔·维格(Sándor Végh ,1912-1997 )罗马尼亚裔法国小提琴家、指挥家。1912年5月17日出生于罗马尼亚格鲁日的科洛斯堡(Kolozsvár, Cluj)。
6 岁开始学习小提琴,12 岁进入布达佩斯音乐学院,后又在李斯特音乐学院学习作曲和室内乐,取得硕士学位。毕业后开始活跃于乐坛,在欧洲各举办独奏音乐会。1934年创建匈牙利弦乐四重奏,1940年与绍博等人创建韦格四重奏,1941年29岁时即被任命为匈牙利皇家音乐大学的教授。1946年至法国居住,并加入法国国籍,期间并带领韦格四重奏在世界各地巡回演出,取得了很高的声誉,被公认为是四重奏领域中欧学派(central european school)的著名代表,他们在1952年录制贝多芬四重奏全集,被誉为贝多芬四重奏最好的阐释版本之一。1953-1979年在巴塞尔、弗赖堡等地的音乐学院担任小提琴教授、指挥。1971年担任萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院客座教授,1978年后任学院乐团艺术指导和指挥。1997年1月7日逝世。
Sándor Végh was best known as one of the great chamber music violinists of the twentieth century. He began studying piano at the age of six. He entered the Budapest Conservatory in 1924, taking violin studies with Jeno Hubay and composition under Zoltán Kodály. He began a career as a solo violinist, and in 1927 played a Richard Strauss composition under the composer's baton. He graduated from the Conservatory in 1930, having won the Hubay Prize and the Reményi Prize from the institution in 1927. As his solo career was developing, he joined the Hungarian Trio, with Ilonka Krauss and Laszlo Vencze.
In 1934 he became one of the founder-members of the Hungarian String Quartet. He was initially the first violin, but gave that position to Zoltán Szekeley and took second chair. He participated with the Hungarian String Quartet in the first performance of Béla Bartók's String Quartet No. 5 (1936).
Végh left the Hungarian Quartet in 1940 to found his own quartet, the Végh String Quartet. During the same season he became a professor at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. He and the quartet left Hungary in 1946. The quartet continued to give concerts until the mid-1970s; Végh also made solo appearances as a violinist. He took French citizenship in 1953.
In 1952 he met cellist Pablo Casals, who invited Végh to join him in giving summer classes in Zermatt, Switzerland (1952-1962), and to appear annually in Casals' Prades Festival (1953-1969). He found teaching rewarding, and thereafter taught in Basel Conservatory (1953-1963), the Conservatory of Freiburg im Breigau (1954-1962), the Düsseldorf Conservatory (1962-1969) and the Mozarteum in Salzburg (1971-1997, becoming a professor there in 1978).
In the meanwhile he began conducting. He founded the Cervo (Italy) Chamber Music Festival in 1962 and often conducted there. He founded the Sándor Végh Chamber Orchestra and conducted it for a term lasting from 1968 to 1971, and conducted the Marlboro Festival Orchestra (1974-1977). In 1979 he became conductor of the Camerata Academica at the Mozarteum. With them he made a recording of Mozart's divertimentos and serenades that won the Grand Prix du Disque of 1989.
He was awarded an honorary appointment as Commander of the British Empire in 1988 and the Gold Medal of Salzburg in 1987. After a long illness, he died at a hospital in Freilassing, just across the border from Salzburg.