凯尔贝特,约瑟夫(Keilberth,Joseph;1908年4月19日生于卡尔斯鲁厄,1968年7月20日卒于慕尼黑。)德国指挥家。在家乡卡尔斯鲁厄国家歌剧院受到早期音乐训练;1925年任该剧院辅导教师,10年后成为音乐总监。1940年任布拉格德国爱乐乐团首席指挥;1945年任德累斯顿国家歌剧院音乐指导;1950年任汉堡爱乐乐团首席指挥;1951年任慕尼黑拜罗伊特国家歌剧院指挥;同年率班贝克交响乐团旅行瑞士、荷兰、法国、西班牙、葡萄牙演出;1954年率该团赴古巴、墨西哥演出。他是柏林爱乐乐团和科隆广播交响乐团的常任客席指挥。1952年在拜罗伊特的首次演出和在爱丁堡音乐节上露面,指挥汉堡国家歌剧院演出《自由射手》与《玫瑰骑士》,使他的事业达到了第一个高峰。1954年4月4日他首次在美国纽约卡内基音乐厅指挥演出,此后直至1956年的连续数年中,他指挥拜罗伊特歌剧院演出了《尼伯龙根的指环》及其他一些歌剧,并经常出现在萨尔茨堡与琉森音乐节上。1959年他在慕尼黑继弗里茨萨伊(Fricsay)后任拜罗伊特国家歌剧院音乐总监;他在重建国立剧院的艺术指导上起了重要的作用。1968年7月20日他在演出《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中因虚脱而逝世。凯尔贝特在正统、稳健、高效率的处理音乐方面是德国音乐传统的代表人物。他作为理查德·施特劳斯(Richard Strauss)、普菲茨纳、雷格尔、欣德米特的演释者受到高度尊敬。他对作品风格与内容的令人满意的理解,在普菲茨纳的歌剧《帕莱斯特里那》与《德国魂》(Von Deutscher Seele)、施特劳斯的《阿拉贝拉》与《间奏曲》、布鲁克纳的交响乐及欣德米特的《画家马蒂斯》中有着显著的体现。他善于指导歌唱家,曾完美地演出了莫扎特、瓦格纳的一些歌剧。在他录制的众多唱片中,有首次完整的韦伯的歌剧《自由射手》和欣德米特的《卡地亚克》。(陈贻鑫、龚琪编著《外国著名指挥家词典》人民音乐出版社)
Joseph Keilberth (April 19, 1908 – July 20, 1968) was a German conductor who specialized in opera.
He started his career in the State Theatre of his native city, Karlsruhe. In 1940 he became director of the German Philharmonic Orchestra of Prague. Near the end of World War II, he was appointed principal conductor of the venerable Saxon State Opera Orchestra in Dresden. In 1949 he became chief conductor of the Bamberg Symphony, formed mainly of German musicians expelled from postwar Czechoslovakia under the Beneš decrees. He died in Munich in 1968 after collapsing while conducting Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde in exactly the same place as Felix Mottl was similarly fatally stricken in 1911. His final recording, a Meistersinger, came a month before his death—at the Bavarian State Opera on June 21.
Keilberth was a regular at Bayreuth in the early 1950s, with complete Ring cycles from 1952, '53, and '55, as well as a well-regarded recording of Die Walküre from 1954 (the whereabouts of rest of the cycle are unclear) in which Martha Mödl, perhaps the greatest Wagnerian actress and tragedian, performs her only recorded Sieglinde. He made the first stereo recording of Wagner's Ring Cycle in 1955, as well as a so-called &second cycle& with Mödl, rather than Astrid Varnay, as Brünnhilde. Mödl's accounts of Brünnhilde, from the 1953 Ring as well as the 1955 &second cycle,& are her only recordings of the role other than Wilhelm Furtwängler's 1953 Rome Ring. Among his other recordings, his interpretations of Wagner's Lohengrin at the 1953 Bayreuth Festival released on Decca-London, Weber's Der Freischütz made in 1958 for EMI, and a 'live' set of Richard Strauss's Arabella (featuring Lisa Della Casa and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau) made in 1963 for DG are still considered among the best versions. He conducted the TV-broadcast German-translation performance of The Barber of Seville, featuring Fritz Wunderlich, Hermann Prey, and Hans Hotter. His Haydn 85th and Brahms Fourth Symphony recordings on Telefunken are no less distinguished.