


#独立摇滚 #新迷幻
United Kingdom 英国


by Jason AnkenyMod-inspired power pop combo Jane Pow emerged from Southampton, England in 1988, teaming singer/guitarist Richard Starke, his guitarist brother Andrew, guitarist Vincent Kallett, bassist Rupert Hann, keyboardist Peter Dale and drummer Greg MacDermott. Chiefly inspired by the likes of the Jam, the group nevertheless honed their own unique sound, embellishing their buoyant guitar-pop melodies with electronic flourishes and undercutting the bubbly cynicism of Richard's clever lyrics with moments of acoustic sincerity and sensitivity. After debuting on the tiny Ambition label with the single "Good Morning," in 1989 Jane Pow signed to the Target imprint to issue the full-length effort Love It, Be It. "Warm Room" appeared on the fledgling American indie Slumberland in 1991; in 1993, the label packaged Love It, Be It with its follow-up State on a single LP. By that time, however, Jane Pow had dissolved in the wake of the 1992 single "Sanitize." Richard Starke later resurfaced under the electronic alias Firing Bullets.
