


#迷幻流行 #独立流行 #独立电子乐 #新迷幻 #合成器流行
United States of America 美国


MGMT是一个迷幻电子合成流行乐的乐队,于2002年在纽约布鲁克林成立。该乐队由多样器乐组成,Andrew VanWyngarden负责声乐、吉他、键盘,而Ben Goldwasser则负责声乐、键盘、合成器、鼓,他们都是卫斯理大学的校友。在卫斯里昂大学的电子、独立、舞曲、摇滚音乐专业。

他们过去曾因,包括如“the management”在内的不成熟和大放厥词的歌曲为人们所知道。 他们只用iPod和一些话麦的表演方式最为著名。他们曾经(据闻)在卫斯理大学教堂战斗上帝。这是ruckus(音乐下载网站)的极端。

作为MGMT成员之一的 Andrew VanWyngarden 近期与of Montreal成员Kevin Barnes录音,并计划2007年发行专辑 《Blikk Fang》。MGMT于2005年末与Of Montreal巡回演出,VanWyngarden在of Montreal06夏季巡回期间已登台演出。

MGMT在这一批新出产的Brooklyn年轻乐团当中,音乐最接近大众流行口味的一组。虽然有Electric Feel这支单曲企图捕捉八零年代复古电子合成器做出的别扭Funk感觉,配合上制作粗糙的MV,好像煞有其事想要发表什么石破天惊的宣言一般。但是整张专辑听下来,多数的作品还是包着复古外衣的流行旋律,不至于让第一次接触的听众有严重的排斥感。就像我总是强调的,流行的调调并不代表就是哗众取宠的垃圾,在Sony厂牌下发行首张专辑,也不见得就是出卖了灵魂。即便MGMT的歌曲,比起另外两组先前介绍的同乡,在这早已充斥着数不清在歌曲当中融入了disco元素乐团的摇滚乐圈,少了些原创特色,但是不可否认,Oracular Spectacular是一张让人听了会不自觉爱上的专辑,每次听着Kids还是会忍不住跟着那老掉牙的groove点着头打着节奏,听着Weekend Wars最后的合唱还是会不自觉地跟着热血起来。

复杂的编曲或是难懂的实验曲式或许不会出现在这张专辑当中,在这已经精彩万分的2008乐坛,要挤进众家年终榜似乎也会有不小困难,但是作为一张纯粹带来爽度的作品,Oracular Spectacular可说是不遑多让。

MGMT is an American psychedelic rock band founded by Benjamin Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden. After the release of their first album, the members of their live band, Matthew Asti, James Richardson and Will Berman, joined the core band in the studio. Formed at Wesleyan University and originally with Cantora Records, they signed with Columbia Records and Red Ink in 2006.

On October 5, 2007, Spin.com named MGMT "Artist of the Day." On November 14, 2007, Rolling Stone pegged MGMT as a top ten "Artist to Watch" in 2008. The band was named ninth in the BBC's Sound of 2008 Top Ten Poll. They were also named as Last.fm's most played new artist of 2008 in their Best of 2008 lists.

MGMT's first album, Oracular Spectacular, debuted at No. 12 on the UK album chart, No. 13 after 34 weeks in the New Zealand RIANZ charts, number six on the Australian ARIA Charts, and hit number one on the Billboard Top Heatseekers chart. It has also been named the 18th best album of the decade by Rolling Stone magazine. It was named the best album of 2008 by NME. MGMT also appeared prominently in Australia's Triple J Hottest 100 2008, coming in 2nd with "Electric Feel", 5th with "Kids" and 18th with "Time to Pretend". MGMT was nominated for the 2010 Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and their track "Kids" was nominated for Best Pop Performance By a Duo or Group with Vocals. These are the first Grammy nominations for the band. At the 2009 Grammy Awards, the Justice remix of "Electric Feel" won the Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical. Their second album, Congratulations, was released on April 13, 2010. In January 2011 they began work on their third album, which will be called MGMT. It is set to be released in September 17, 2013, and was released as an exclusive on the Rdio music service on September 9, 2013.


