


#重金属 #前卫金属 #新古典金属 #能量金属 #交响金属
Italy 意大利


Rhapsody(狂想曲)是一支意大利的交响力量金属乐队,曾经用过的名字还有 Thundercross。

Rhapsody 国际金属乐坛恐怕无人不晓,核心人物,主要的词曲作者兼主音吉他手意大利人Luca Turillil,1972年出生,从小就喜欢古典音乐,16岁开始弹吉他,其风格深受古典作曲家维瓦尔弟、帕格里尼、巴赫的影响,有着鲜明的个性特色。1997年Luca Turillil推出了自己的首张SOLO专辑“King of the nordic twilight”,获得强烈的反响!作为Rhapsody的吉他手,Luca Turillil令人屏息的吉他演奏充满了赞美诗特征的精湛技艺和唯美的旋律。在他的领导下,Rhapsody乐队不断地创造出令人震撼的意大利史诗金属杰作。正是他,将古典音乐的内涵和力量金属的气派以自己独到的音乐编排手法巧妙的融合,使Rhapsody(狂想曲)乐队的音乐史诗般宏大,散发着浓郁的意大利文艺复兴气息!

Rhapsody初始的团名为Thundercross,成员包括了吉他手兼主唱Luca、键盘手Alex及鼓手Daniele Carbonera,而乐团的风格亦其来有自,核心人物Luca个人相当偏爱巴洛克音乐,并且热衷于弹奏melodic metal,他希望藉由音乐来散播正面的讯息,并呈现出古典音乐充满生气的能量。而第二位重要人物Alex,则可说是Luca的最佳拍文件,学古典音乐出身的他,受过严格的钢琴训练,再加上他家庭的影响,使得Alex带给人一种艺术家的高雅气息,除了钢琴之外,管风琴(organ)是他最爱的乐器,其次是大键琴(harpsochord)。

Thundercross在成军5个月后,即由Luca与Alex创作出了10首曲子,并开始在意大利做演出,当时是由Luca兼任主唱,原本一切进行的相当顺利,不过就在此时Luca却生了一场大病,经过了多个月后Luca才又恢复过来,而新任主唱Cristiano Adacher也随后加入乐团。不久后Thundercross录制了一张名为的demo带,由于团员过于忙录,所以并没有时间向意大利的摇滚杂志和唱片公司推销他们的音乐,尽管如此,乐团却很快地收到来自德国Limb Music Products & Publishing(LMP)的合约邀请,于是乐团加入了LMP,并将团名更为更贴近他们乐风的Rhapsody。

重新进入录音室的Rhapsody,又再录制了3首新曲,结合demo后就成为这卷tape,发行之后赢得来自各方的贺彩,然而众多的评论也迫使主唱Cristiano离开乐团,这个位子随后即由因Labyrinth而走红的高音主唱Fabio Lione所取代。97年由Heaven’sGate的吉他手Sascha Peath担任bass手及制作人(他同时也是Angra的制作人),与乐团进入了德国Wolf**urg最著名的录音室Gate-studio,完成了首张正式专辑。98年Alessandro Lotta加入成为bass手,在10月第2张专辑发行前,乐团也先推出了一张包含3首乐曲的单曲,单曲中2首分别来自前后两张专辑,而另一首则是未发行的曲子。而当SOEL专辑发行后,再度狂扫全欧洲,在极短的时间之内,Rhapsody已俨然成为一个超级大团,相信Rhapsody的旋风在接下来的几年必然还会继续发酵!

Rhapsody of Fire (formerly known as Rhapsody and, originally, as Thundercross) is an Italian symphonic power metal band led by Alex Staropoli. Since forming in 1993, the band has released nine studio albums, one live album, three EPs, and a live DVD. Rhapsody of Fire is known for its conceptual lyrics that constitute a fantasy story throughout all of their albums.

Rhapsody was created by Luca Turilli and Staropoli, and is now seen as a pioneer of the symphonic power metal subgenre (through they refer to themselves as &Hollywood metal&). In July 2006 the band changed their name to Rhapsody of Fire due to trademark issues.

In 2011, following the release of From Chaos to Eternity which concludes the Dark Secret Saga and after 18 years as co-leader of the band, Turilli left Rhapsody of Fire (on good terms) to form a new Rhapsody band, Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, along with two other members who left with him, Patrice Guers and Dominique Leurquin. Their discography is described by themselves as a parallel continuation of Rhapsody of Fire's discography, with their first album being their own &Rhapsody's 11th album& and considering they didn't left the band, rather friendly splitted it in two.


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With their outstanding debut LEGENDARY TALES (1997) they've achieved what only the fewest rock bands can claim: guitarist Luca Turilli, vocalist Fabio Lione and keyboarder Alex Staropoli – the regular cast of Rhapsody Of Fire – created their own niche, a very own genre: ”Hollywood Metal” or ”Film Score Metal”, because their epic Power Metal in combination with elements of classicism and film music but also folkloric touches just couldn't be put into one of the existing categories.

In general the guitar play of Luca Turilli takes the virtuosic and harmonic late baroque style plus the subsequent neo-classicism as an example, whereas the keyboard parts of Alex Staropolis often undertake the function of basso continuo. Together with the fantasy lyrics an unique pizazz emerges that has no peer and that is being perfected by the Italiens as time goes by.

At the turn of the millenium the typical Heavy Metal agression occupied center stage on albums such as DAWN OF VICTORY (2000), RAIN OF A THOUSAND FLAMES (2001) or POWER OF THE DRAGONFLAME (2002), while from 2004 on – especially on releases à la SYMPHONY OF ENCHANTED LANDS II: THE DARK SECRET (2004) and TRIUMPH OR AGONY (2006) – epic elements came to the fore, which found its provisional peak in the orchestral THE FROZEN TEARS OF ANGELS (2010).

Despite having used the momentum of this previous production from 2010 to start working on FROM CHAOS TO ETERNITY without a break, a return to traditional and more rocking virtues sets in now, though the self-created musical stamping ground is not being abandoned for a single second: ”We cut back the bombast to a certain extent, let the guitars blast stronger again, put emphasis rather on basic rock”, Turilli states concerning this year's variant of their ”Film Score Metal” and the alignment of the new opus, which into the bargain finalizes the fantasy saga of the emerald sword that has been continued from the debut on for more than 15 years.

Once again Christopher Lee, doyen of dramatic arts, could be won over as the narrator, who introduces the lyrical concept in the theatric intro 'Ad Infinitum' and furthermore guides the listener through 'Heroes Of The Waterfalls´ Kingdom' which is 20 minutes long and the concluding centerpiece of the album at once, that pulls out all the stops of the symphonic-epic Hollywood Metal.

'Tempesta Di Fuoco' with its Italian lyrics and classical baroque speed rock attitude may be exactly what devotees of the sextette expect from their heroes, and also the hymnic title track with its typical sweeping Rhapsody-choirs embodies Film Score Metal at its best. However, already 'Ghosts Of Forgotten Worlds' turns out to be the first surprise because of its massive and progressive guitar play as well as Fabios Geoff-Tate-alike vocals – just as 'Aeons Of Raging Darkness' that undoubtably is one of the most agressive songs of Rhapsody's repertoire, due to its thrashing riffs and the astounding touch of Black Metal in Lione's voice.

On the other hand one can find traditional pieces such as the mini-opera 'Anima Perduta' (which is sung in romantic Italian language as well), the straight-lined mid-tempo rock track 'I Belong To The Stars' that is repeatedly bursting out in stunning orchestral choirs at the same time, or the rhythmic 'Tornado' that has a bridging function between the dramatic-epic and agressively rocking stylistic elements within the Italian's sound.

While the triumvirate Turilli/Lione/Staropoli was basically responsible for the recordings, the mixing was – in the tried and tested way and true to the motto ”never change a winning team” - passed on to Sascha Paeth and Michael ”Miro” Rodenberg to the Gate Studios in Wolfsburg. Even though FROM CHAOS TO ETERNITY might not be as orchestral as its predecessors: Rhapsody Of Fire are able to give their self-created genre ”Film Score Metal” subtle nuances and to create a record that – like all of its precursors – will be able to stand the proof of time with ”Summa cum Laude”.


