


#当代唱作人 #流行摇滚 #欧美流行
Norway 挪威



外 文 名 琳恩·玛莲

外 文 名 Lene Marlin

国       籍 挪威

出生日期 1980年8月17日

职       业 歌手

经纪公司 Virgin唱片公司

代表作品 Playing My Game


琳恩·玛莲·佩德尔森(Lene Marlin Pederson,1980年8月17日—),挪威创作型女歌手。她出生在挪威北部城镇特罗姆瑟(Tromsø)。首支单曲"Unforgivable Sinner"于1998年10月12日在挪威发行,横扫北欧,随之,连续8周这张单曲名列排行榜首位。它也是挪威音乐历史上销售速度最快的单曲唱片。她的第二支单曲"Sitting Down Here"在1999年升到英国单曲榜的第一名位置,并被收入她的第一张专辑《Playing My Game》中。其中另一支单曲"Where I'm Headed"是法国电影《Mauvaises fréquentations》里的插曲,并升到了法国和义大利榜单的首位。1999年她在MTV欧洲上获得奖项。此后她还参与录製了挪威电影《Schpaaa》的原声带。


1980年8月17日, 对于Pedersen 一家来说是个特别的日子,这一天Lene出生了。她的父母给她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene 父母在她很小的时候就感觉她与众不同,Lene说,在她两岁的有一天,在音乐店里第一次看到了吉他,她极感兴趣,以致父母要抱她离开时竟然大哭起来。Lene在音乐和练习吉他方面投入了很多热情,她发现她能在音乐里找到很多乐趣,同时写歌和唱歌也让她感到十分快乐。


1997年夏季的某一天, Lene家乡的NRK(挪威主要的一个广播电视台)的 Troms从别人那里知道了Lene这样一个能自己写歌唱歌的女孩,就邀请 Lene去录了一首歌,电视台一些人听过Lene的音乐后就向挪威Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推荐。三个星期后,Virgin唱片和 Lene签约了, 从此Lene的生命翻开了更精彩的一页。

1998年,Lene的第一张单曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威发行。随之,连续8周这张单曲名列排行榜首位。它也是挪威音乐历史上销售速度最快的单曲唱片。Lene的第二支单曲“Sitting Down Here”也创下很好的成绩, 并被收入她的第一张专辑“Playing My Game” 中,这张99年三月22日发行的专辑,仅仅三天就销售50,000张,这在仅有四百四十万人口的国家里确实是一个相当不错的成绩。(这意味着如果在美国,一个歌手的专辑在三天内需卖出 3,400,000张才和这个比例相当。)99年,这张专辑的销售一直居高不下。现在总共卖出了 600,000张,平均每月销售100,000张。对Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片来说,他们的签约都很有价值。


Lene的首张专辑於1999年3月22日发行。发售仅三天就销售了50,000张,在这个仅有四百四十万人口的国家裡,的确是一个相当不错的成绩。(这意味着如果是在美国,一张专辑在叁天内需买出 3,400,000张才和这个比例相当。)至1999年,这张专辑的销售一直居高不下。

Lene的第二张专辑《Another Day》於2003年9月22日发行。第三张专辑《Lost In A Moment》于2005年6月发行。其中单曲 How Would It Be 是于该年5月首发。

特别的是,Lene在2005年10月专门来到中国大陆和台湾为她的第三张专辑做宣传。台湾版的《Lost In A Moment》中还增加了一首翻唱自中国歌手王菲的特别单曲 Still Here。这次来华访问十分成功,活动包括一场MTV台湾的演唱会,几次电视节目的露面和一次街头现场歌会。她唱片公司的人说,《Lost In A Moment》是该公司今年卖得最好的西方歌手的唱片。Lene在1999年获得过四次相当於挪威格莱美的奖项,分别是最佳独唱流行歌手,最佳单曲(Sitting Down Here),最佳新人和年度歌手。她还获得过1999年爱尔兰都柏林的MTV欧洲最佳北欧艺人奖。


Lene Marlin曾于2005年10月来到中国,并于10月25日下午3点在北京西单金库KTV召开新专辑发布会.其间,内地著名创作歌手许巍更是专程前来道贺,惺惺相惜之余,双方互赠各自的最新专辑。


《Playing My Game》(1999年) 意大利第5,瑞典第45 至今全球销量180万张

《Another Day》  DVD版(2003年) 意大利第3,瑞典第32 至今全球销量60万张

《Lost In A Moment》(2006年)意大利第16,瑞典第33 至今全球销量20万张

《Twist The Truth》(2009年)


Lene Marlin (born Lene Marlin Pedersen, 17 August 1980, Tromsø, Norway) is a Norwegian singer and musician.

Marlin made her Norwegian debut on 12 October 1998, with the single "Unforgivable Sinner", a number one hit for eight weeks. It was the fastest selling single in Norwegian music history, and appeared in the soundtrack of the Norwegian movie Schpaaa. Her first album, Playing My Game, followed. She won an MTV Europe award in 1999. Her single "Where I'm Headed," from the French film, Mauvaises fréquentations, topped the charts in France and Italy. Her song "Sitting Down Here" became a top 5 hit in the UK Singles Chart, and reached number 5 in The Netherlands in 2000.

Lene Marlin's second album, Another Day, was released on 22 September 2003. Two singles were released: "You Weren't There" and "Another Day". "You Weren't There" debuted at No. 1 on Norway Singles Top 20 and remained on the chart for 11 weeks. It also stayed for 24 weeks in Italy Singles Top 50 chart, peaking at No. 1."You Weren't There" was less successful in the UK, reaching #59.The single Another Day was released in Italy and Norway only, and peaked at No. 17 on the Italian Singles chart."Sorry" was released only in Italy.

In June 2005, Lene released her third album, Lost in a Moment. The first single from that album, "How Would It Be," was released in Europe in May 2005, and made the Top 20 in both Norway and Italy Singles chart. This single also appeared briefly for a week at a low spot in Germany Singles Top 100.The second single was "What If", released only in Italy.

Despite being less well known in other parts of the world, Marlin made a trip to Taiwan and China during October 2005 to promote a Taiwanese version of Lost in a Moment. This included one bonus track, "Still Here", a cover of a song by a famous Chinese singer, Faye Wong. The visit proved to be successful; events held included a concert appearance hosted by MTV Taiwan, various television appearances, and a live street gig. Her record company claims that Lost in a Moment was their best selling western record of the year.

In July 2008, the Norwegian press announced that Marlin was in the studio recording her fourth album with Norwegian artists and songwriters Even "Magnet" Johansen and Børge Fjordheim at Askøy, Grand Sports and Malabar Studios. "Twist The Truth," her fourth album, was released on 30 March 2009. Unlike her previous three albums, the basic sound focuses strongly on an "unplugged" feel in the song performances, close to what a "live in studio" concert would be.

The album has 10 tracks. The first single, "Here We Are," was number one on the Norwegian National Radio Chart for two weeks, and was the most airplayed Norwegian song of 2009.

In 2011, she worked with Gary Louris, Autumn Rowe, Mads Langer, and Tobias Stenkjaer.

In 2013, Marlin participated in the reality show Hver gang vi møtes on TV2. She also wrote Omfavnelsen for the Ole Paus' album "Avslutningen".

In September 2014, Marlin wrote an essay for Norway's largest newspaper Aftenposten in which she candidly described her lifelong struggles with depression and a suicide attempt due to the pressures of work and fame.

