


#欧陆舞曲 #流行舞曲 #电音流行
Germany 德国



乐团核心人物DJ Novus,在1995年(19岁)受到Rave Party于全球引起风潮的影响,而促使Novus立志当位出色DJ。凭借自己的天赋并经过一番努力之后,在当地各大小俱乐部以及舞会当中,迅速成为知名度颇高之DJ、锐舞乐坛的风云人物,无数乐迷和朋友都跟随着他的音乐奔走在德国各地的舞会上。2001年的夏天,他与好朋友Axel Konrad成立了舞动精灵王族Groove Coverage乐队,他们的首支单曲 “Are You Ready”一经推出便立即登上德国DJ Chart前10位。在当时,包括Novus自己都没有想到这支乐队在未来几年内便成为了德国舞曲界的佼佼者与风向标。

2002年,一首翻唱自Mike Oldfields的经典作《Moonlight Shadow》,从此换上鲜亮电子彩衣,从德国单曲榜第8名攀升至第3名,赢得14周盘旋德国榜Top20纪录,并在德国取得了金唱片销量,累积销售25万张,并获取Echo音乐奖提名。

紧接着推出的单曲 《God Is A Girl》凭借着勾魂女声加上猛烈撞击碎拍魔力的再现而奠定了G.C在德国舞曲界如日中天的地位,不仅问鼎冠军之作,还开始在国际上走红。

2002年底推出首张专辑『CoverGirl』,其中帮腔助阵的幕后演唱大功臣Verena以及Mell,都为歌曲增添更迷人声线。在专辑《Covergirl》中,单曲《God Is A Girl》(上帝是女孩)以最快的速度登上了德国DJ榜单的第一名,并且问鼎2003年欧陆舞曲榜,成为该年度最强劲的“黑马”;并且创造了在中国地区海外歌曲网络下载量最高、拥有超过数千万次下载的纪录,在中国网络下载量曾达到1000万多次。另一热门歌曲《She》仅在中国网络的下载量就达到600万多次。动感十足的《Far Away From Home》则被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。在中国网络下载量也达到600万多次,同时还被评为全球最好听500首歌之一。Groove Coverage还曾被誉为德国舞曲界的新风向标。

2003年《The End》的推出使乐队又上了一个新的台阶,在德国单曲排行榜前十五的榜单上停留了10周之久,乐队已经被越来越多的国家的歌迷所知。之后乐队再推出的《Poison》在全球许许多多的国家的排行榜上名列前茅,在德国电台排名榜上最好成绩是第2名,在奥地利第3名,英国单曲排名榜第32名。

于是2004年Mell在歇完产假后又回到了前台,Groove Coverage陆续推出了若干单曲,几乎每首都非常成功。其中就包括这首著名的,此曲一经推出便以迅雷之势红遍全球,并且进入了德国电台排名榜的前二十名、奥地利电台排名榜前十五名。但在该歌曲发表之前,为了给3月即将登场的第二张新专辑『7 Years And 50 Days』造势,《She》《Runaway》都被提前收录在该专辑里,直到该专辑发行的几个月后才开始发出单曲EP。该专辑的完美成绩成功的让乐队走在国际道路上——在2005年,该专辑在亚洲达到白金销量,在中国市场上热卖两百万张,以及在印度尼西亚获得巨大成功。

之后的两年内,Groove Coverage推出了《Holy Virgin》,和有着动感节奏的《On The Radio》,该单曲成为了舞动精灵舞曲风格充分成熟之后的又一饱满力作,在中国各地也非常受欢迎,时常能听到这首歌。5月发行了摇滚风格的新单曲——《21st Century Digital Girl》,并且在第二年发行了第三张专辑『21st Century』。之后由于中国网络音乐市场开始发展,《God is A Girl》卷土重来,开始走遍中国每一条大街小巷,创造中国海外音乐最高下载量的记录,拥有超过数百万次下载量。趁热打铁,G.C在11月末在多个国家同步发行了精选专辑『Greatest Hits』(炫舞王国),该精选新增了一首新单《Because I Love You》和两首新歌曲《Living On A Prayer》和《Nothing Lasts Forever》。

经过七首Top20单曲后,Groove Coverage已成为欧洲最具代表舞曲团体之一。

G.C的成功还要归因于主音Mell与DJ Novus每个周末都在全球各地成千上万的舞曲乐迷面前进行现场表演。几乎没有其他舞曲艺人会如此长期且频繁的与全球歌迷近距离接触。此外,许多歌迷喜欢Groove Coverage的原因是他们虽然都是德国籍艺人,但是却坚持使用英文创作和演绎,并且不断努力致力于做出更加国际化的音乐以奉献给全球歌迷。

2007年-2010年Groove Coverage进入休整期,这段时间G.C没有发表任何单曲,被邀请到世界各地演唱。在很多人以为G.C隐退或解散了的时候,2010年10月01日,G.C发行了第一次尝试House风格的新单曲——《Innocent》。该单曲最高成绩是在德国DJ单曲排行榜排名第三,德国榜第38名,(以前他们走的路线是舞曲风格,2010年之后开始转型。)

2010年,在Groove Coverage被德国媒体评为过去十年德国最成功的个体艺术家时,2011年围绕音乐媒体混音前10强的DJ Novus为中心的舞动精灵王族登上世界综合实力榜第77名的位置并不是一件惊讶的事情。实力榜云集了所有风格流派的艺术家,G.C还被称为能和世界其他顶级艺术家平起平坐的乐队。

2011年4月12号,G.C再次强悍推出新单《Angeline》。这首新单也获得了非常好的成绩,在德国单曲榜上更是霸占德国单曲榜17周之久,为新专辑《Riot on the Dancefloor》造势。 而在 德国音乐下载量排行榜、DJ国际100强排行榜、舞曲50排行榜 各个排名榜上都名列榜首持久,而在iTunes音乐排行榜上也曾经登上第一,再次为G.C展开了新道路。

2012年之后继续发表新单:Think About the Way、Riot on the Dancefloor。虽然没有取得明显的成绩,但还是受到众多粉丝的喜爱。并且推出了同名新专辑——『Riot on the Dancefloor』。

时隔两年后的2014年,歌名为《Tell Me》的新单曲发布了。DJ Novus声称这是Groove Coverage有史以来最“疯狂”的MV。【MV里出现了多位嘉宾:当过GC主唱并且在后台参加创作的Verena,一起合作创作

的Rameez,DJ Novus的女徒弟DJane HouseKat,还有美国艳星女模特Micaela Schaefer和男DJ Shaun Baker等】

2014年尾G.C出其不意发行了 ,而MV是在单曲释放的前两天就已经公布在YouTuBe。半年后2015年5月29日重新混音了多个版本并以单曲形式发行,但并没有拍摄MV。该歌曲最初出现在首张专辑『Covergirl』里,由Mell演唱。

Groove Coverage是德国最成功的舞曲艺术家之一。乐队曾有12首单曲进入德国前50强,其中3首单曲更进入前10。4张独立专辑发行量超过500万张(仅在中国发行量就超过200万张)。G.C立志成为德国最成功的舞曲音乐家。

在2015年5月9日,乐队发行他们第18首单曲“Million Tears”。

Band History

Covergirl (2001-2002)

Groove Coverage released a few dance singles, most notably "Are U Ready" and "Hit Me" before going on to release the breakthrough single "Moonlight Shadow" (a cover of the Mike Oldfield song) peaking at #3 in the German media control charts in June 2002.At the end of 2002, the band released their debut album Covergirl, with the follow up single "God is a Girl".

7 Years and 50 Days and international breakthrough (2003-04)

After the success of the singles "Moonlight Shadow" and "God Is A Girl", Groove Coverage went on to release a new single titled "The End", which was released in April 2003, peaking at #14 in the German Media Control Charts.In late 2003 came the next top 10 hit single, a cover of Alice Cooper's hit "Poison", followed by the second studio album 7 Years and 50 Days in March 2004, which spawned out five top 20 singles in Germany: "The End", "Poison", "7 Years and 50 Days", "She" and "Runaway".

21st Century and Greatest Hits (2005-2007)

In 2005, 7 Years and 50 Days reached platinum sales in Asia, as well as being hugely successful in Indonesia. In the UK and Ireland, the band's "Poison" became a top 40 hit, peaking at #32 in the Official UK Singles Chart which helped the band reach to new territories such as Spain and China, where "God Is a Girl" became the most successful song of 2007, having been downloaded more than 1.5 million times.

In July 2006, the band released their third studio album 21st Century, which included their recent singles "Holy Virgin", "On the Radio" and "21st Century Digital Girl".

With only moderate success with their third album, Groove Coverage did not release any more music until late 2007, where they released the single "Because I Love You" to promote their first Greatest Hits compilation. Again the band only experienced moderate success with the new single and album, and were dropped by their label Universal Music Germany.

Riot on the Dancefloor (2010-12)

In 2010, Groove Coverage celebrated their new music contract with Sony Music / Columbia. For this, they released the highly anticipated new single "Innocent", another Mike Oldfield cover. The single became the highest new entry in the German Media Control Charts, peaking at #38.

In Spring 2011, the single "Angeline" was released, peaking at #22 in the German Media Control Charts; the single proved to be a massive success for the band, staying in the German top 50 Charts for over 16 weeks, as well as peaking at #1 in both the DJ Top 100 International charts,and the MusicLoad digital charts.

In March 2012, the highly anticipated fourth studio album Riot On The Dancefloor was released.

"Tell Me", "Wait", and "Million Tears" (2013-Present)

On December 1, 2013, the band launched their new website, where they announced that they had finished work on the new single and that it would be out soon. "Tell Me" was released on 31 Jan 2014.The music video premiered a few days before its release and features many guest appearances including Rameez, DJane HouseKat, Verena Rehm, Micaela Schaefer and Shaun Baker.

On December 19, 2014, Groove Coverage surprised fans with the release of their single "Wait".A music video for the release was published on December 17, 2014.

On May 29, 2015, the band released their eighteenth single, "Million Tears". The track was originally featured on their 2002 album Covergirl, but it was never released as a single for it. The single version has been re-recorded with a new production.

