


#说唱摇滚 #新金属 #另类摇滚 #另类金属
United States of America 美国



乐 队 名:Linkin Park林肯公园

别    名:联合公园

国    籍:美国

职    业:摇滚乐队





(Chester Bennington)


出生地:Phoenix, Arizona




LP并不是Chester的第一支乐队,此前曾任Grey Daze主唱。


(Mike Shinoda)


出生地:Agoura, California






(Joseph Hahn)


出生地:Glendale, California



(Rob Bourdon)


出生地:Calabasas, California



(Brad Delson)


出生地:Agoura, California


曾参加的乐队有The Pricks,Relative Degree(和Rob一起),还有Xero(Linkin Park前身)。




出生地:Plymouth, Massachusettes


曾为The Snax成员。



林肯公园(Linkin Park)是一组来自美国加利福尼亚州的摇滚乐队,由乐队主唱查斯特·贝宁顿,麦克·信田、贝斯手菲尼克斯·法雷尔、吉他手布莱德·德尔森、鼓手罗伯·巴登和DJ采样手约瑟夫·韩组成。

林肯公园在2000年以首张专辑《混合理论》(Hybrid Theory)在主流音乐市场上获得成功,专辑销售量超过2400万张。2002年11月发行第二张专辑《流星圣殿》(Meteora),在2003年的美国公告牌二百强专辑榜上排名第一。2002、2006年获得格莱美奖。2007年5月15日发行第三张专辑《末日警钟:毁灭·新生》(Minutes to Midnight)。2010年,林肯公园发行第四张专辑《烈日千阳》(A Thousand Suns)。2012年,林肯公园推出第五张专辑《生命·进化·原点》(Living Things),于6月26日全球发行。2014年6月13日,乐队发行第六张专辑《狩猎聚会》(The Hunting Party)。

演艺活动外,林肯公园还助力于慈善事业。2005年创立公益组织“Music For Relief”(MFR)。2008年为四川地震灾区提供援助。2011年获得联合国基金会颁发的“全球领袖”奖。


2000年,林肯公园发行他们的第一张录音室专辑《混合理论》(Hybrid Theory),共收录12首歌,在全球范围内销量突破2400万张。

2001年,林肯公园被邀请与众多艺人参加Ozzfest巡演。之后,乐队也组织了自己的定期巡演——工程革命(Project Revolution)。6月,参加“Rock Am Ring”2001摇滚音乐节。同年年底,华纳兄弟推出《混合理论》的双张全球庆功版,其中添加了乐队的演出现场录音,以及两首歌曲《My December》和《High Voltage》。这一年,乐队做了324场的现场表演。

2002年,林肯公园和众多歌手合作发布了一张重混音专辑《重生》(Reanimation)。2月27日,乐队在格莱美奖评选上共获得3项提名,并最终凭借单曲《Crawling》获得最佳硬式摇滚演出奖。8月30日,MTV音乐大奖在纽约揭晓,林肯公园凭借单曲《In The End》 获得3项提名,并最终获得最佳团体音乐录影带奖。

2003年1月13日,乐队当选全美音乐奖最受喜爱另类艺人。1月24日,第二届MTV亚洲大奖在新加坡举行,乐队登场亮相,并获得最受欢迎音乐录像带奖及最受欢迎摇滚团体奖。3月,乐队发行第二张录音室专辑《流星圣殿》(Meteora),发行首周便登上美国公告牌专辑榜榜首。单曲《Figure.09》还成为了美剧《反恐特警组》的插曲。8月28日,MTV音乐大奖在纽约举行,乐队分别凭借单曲《Somewhere I Belong》、《Breaking The Habit》获得了最佳摇滚音乐录影带奖与观众票选大奖。同年与众多乐队参加2003夏日疗养巡演,乐队在巡演后节选了一些在德州演出的片段,制成了现场专辑《德州现场》(Live in Texas)。

2004年,林肯公园开始了他们的专辑巡演,并参加“Rock Am Ring” 2004摇滚音乐节。11月30日,乐队和美国嘻哈说唱教父Jay-z合作发行了第二张混音专辑《冲击理论》(Collision Course)。


2006年,林肯公园在Youtube的乐队帐号上开设了一个叫做“LPTV”的栏目,专门播放乐队的录像、新闻以及MV和歌曲的幕后制作,后来这些视频被移植到了乐队的官网上。单曲《In Pieces》被选为电影《寂静岭》的插曲,而与Jay-Z合作的《冲击理论》中的单曲《numb encore》则被电影《迈阿密风云》选取作为背景音乐,并于同年的格莱美奖评选上获得年度最佳饶舌/歌唱奖。

2007年,发行专辑《末日警钟:毁灭·新生》(Minutes to Midnight),上市首周即以62万张的销量登顶公告牌专辑榜。在这张专辑中,乐队减轻了标志性的金属在曲目中的比重。同时,专辑中的单曲《What I've Done》被选作电影《变形金刚》的主题曲,而单曲《Leave out All the Rest》则被选为电影《暮光之城:暮色》的片尾曲。同年9月,MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖典礼在美国拉斯维加斯举行,乐队获得包括最佳音乐录影带剪辑在内的5项提名。

2008年,林肯公园发行了第二张现场专辑《革命之路:米尔顿凯恩斯现场》(Road to Revolution),选取的是在英国米尔顿凯恩斯的演出,并且在演出中,Jay-z也登台献唱。汶川地震后,林肯公园原计划来中国和五月天同台举办赈灾巡演,但因查斯特背伤复发,计划被迫取消。

2009年,林肯公园再度携手《变形金刚》系列,为电影《变形金刚:堕落者的复仇》创作并演唱主题曲《New Divide》 。

2010年,乐队和美国Artificial Life合作开发了一个面向iPod/iPhone/iPad平台的横版过关游戏“Linkin Park 8-bit Rebellion”,并制作了一些歌曲的相应的8-bit版本,同时通过游戏发布主题曲《Blackbirds》。乐队还联合MySpace网站推出了一个名为“林肯公园邀请你”的推广活动,优胜者可获得参与制作第四张专辑的机会。9月,乐队发行了第四张录音室专辑《烈日千阳》(A Thousand Suns)。其中,单曲《催化剂》(The Catalyst)不仅被美国艺电公司选中作为游戏《荣誉勋章2010》的主题曲,还被华纳日本选中作为游戏《机动战士高达 EXTREME VS》的主题曲;单曲《彩虹光芒》(Iridescent)则被电影《变形金刚:月黑之时》选中作为主题曲。

2011年7月,乐队单曲《Black out》、《Crawling》、《Numb》被选为游戏英雄联盟的系列主题曲。

2012年6月,在查斯特背伤康复之后,乐队发售了第五张录音室专辑《生命·进化·原点》(Living Things),发行首周即获得美国公告牌专辑榜冠军,创下了史上唯一乐队连续5张专辑空降全美排行冠军的纪录。其中,单曲《Burn It Down》被特纳电视网(TNT)选为2012年NBA季后赛主题曲。《Powerless》被选为《吸血鬼猎人林肯》的主题曲。同年,乐队于09年发表的单曲《New Divide》在YouTube上的点击率突破10亿次,使得乐队成为全球第一个在YouTube点击率超过10亿的摇滚团体。

2013年,乐队继续着全球巡回演唱会,美国艺电公司也将《生命·进化·原点》这张专辑中的《Castle Of Glass》作为其游戏作品《荣誉勋章:战士》的游戏主题曲,并且乐队还配合游戏的发售拍摄了主题MV。11月,发行第三张混音专辑《电能补给》(Recharged),专辑一发布便登上10国iTunes专辑榜第一名,其中的单曲《A Light Never Comes》与Steve Aoki合作,一经推出便空降单曲试听iTunes榜首。

2014年,单曲《Roads untraveled》被选为电影《极品飞车》的片尾曲。6月13日,乐队发售专辑《狩猎聚会》(The Hunting Party)。

2015年7月,乐队开启中国巡回演唱会。此次巡回演唱会总投资规模接近8000万元,为欧美艺人来华演唱会投资金额最多纪录。11月,乐队在脸书上透露他们已经开始了新专辑的筹备工作并发行了EP单曲“LP Underground 15”。


1996-2000 Early years

Linkin Park was founded by three high school friends: Mike Shinoda, Rob Bourdon, and Brad Delson.The three attended Agoura High School in Agoura Hills, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. After graduating from high school, the three began to take their musical interests more seriously, recruiting Joe Hahn, Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, and Mark Wakefield to perform in their band, Xero. Though limited in resources, the band began recording and producing songs within Shinoda's makeshift bedroom studio in 1996, resulting in a four-track demo tape, entitled Xero.

The lack of success and stalemate in progress prompted Wakefield, at that time the band's vocalist, to leave the band in search of other projects.Farrell also left to tour with Tasty Snax, a Christian punk and Ska band.

After spending a considerable time searching for Wakefield's replacement, Xero recruited Arizona vocalist, Chester Bennington, who was recommended by Jeff Blue, the vice president of Zomba Music in March 1999.Bennington, formerly of a post-grunge band by the name of Grey Daze, became a standout among applicants because of the dynamic in his singing style.The band then agreed on changing its name from Xero to Hybrid Theory; the newborn vocal chemistry between Shinoda and Bennington helped revive the band, inciting them to work on new material.

In 1999,the band's renaissance culminated with a change in name; from Hybrid Theory, the band once again changed its name, this time to Linkin Park, a play on and homage to Santa Monica's Lincoln Park.

However, despite these changes, the band still struggled to sign a record deal. After facing numerous rejections from several major record labels, Linkin Park turned to Jeff Blue for additional help. After failing to catch Warner Bros. Records on three previous reviews, Jeff Blue, now the vice president of Warner Bros. Records, helped the band sign a deal with the company in 1999. The band released its breakthrough album, Hybrid Theory, the following year.

2000-2002 Hybrid Theory and Reanimation

Linkin Park released Hybrid Theory on October 24, 2000.The album, which represented half a decade's worth of the band's work, was edited by Don Gilmore.Hybrid Theory was a massive commercial success; it sold more than 4.8 million copies during its debut year, earning it the status of best-selling album of 2001, while singles such as "Crawling" and "One Step Closer" established themselves as staples among alternative rock radio play lists during the year.

During this time, Linkin Park received many invitations to perform on many high-profile tours and concerts including Ozzfest, Family Values Tour, and KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas.The band worked with Jessica Sklar to found their official fan club and street team, "Linkin Park Underground", in November 2001.Linkin Park also formed its own tour, Projekt Revolution, which featured other notable artists such as Cypress Hill, Adema, and Snoop Dogg.

The experiences and performances of the precocious band were documented in its first DVD, Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, which debuted in November 2001. Now reunited with former bassist Phoenix, the band began work on a remix album, dubbed Reanimation, which would include works from Hybrid Theory and non-album tracks.Reanimation debuted on July 30, 2002, featuring the likes of Black Thought, Jonathan Davis, Aaron Lewis, and many others.Reanimation claimed the second spot on the Billboard 200, and sold nearly 270,000 copies during its debut week.Hybrid Theory is also in the RIAA's Top 100 Albums.

2002-2004 Meteora

Following the success of Hybrid Theory and Reanimation, Linkin Park spent a significant amount of time touring around the United States. The band members began to work on new material amidst its saturated schedule, spending a sliver of their free time in their tour bus' studio.The band officially announced the production of a new studio album in December 2002, revealing its new work was inspired by the rocky region of Meteora in Greece, where numerous monasteries have been built on top of the rocks.Meteora features a mixture of the band's nu metal and rap metal style with newer innovative effects, including the induction of a shakuhachi (a Japanese flute made of bamboo) and other instruments. Linkin Park's second album debuted on March 25, 2003 and instantly earned worldwide recognition,going to No. 1 in the US and UK, and No. 2 in Australia.

Meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors. The band won the MTV awards for Best Rock Video for "Somewhere I Belong" and the Viewer's Choice Award for "Breaking the Habit".Linkin Park also received significant recognition during the 2004 Radio Music Awards, winning the Artist of the Year and Song of the Year ("Numb") awards.

2004-2006 Side projects

Following Meteora's success, the band worked on many side projects. Bennington appeared on DJ Lethal's "State of the Art" and other work with Dead by Sunrise, while Shinoda did work with Depeche Mode.In 2004, the band began to work with Jay-Z to produce another remix album, titled Collision Course. The album, which featured intermixed lyrics and background tracks from both artists' previous albums, debuted in November 2004. Shinoda also formed Fort Minor as a side project. With the aid of Jay-Z, Fort Minor released its debut album, The Rising Tied, to critical acclaim.

Linkin Park also participated in numerous charitable events,most notably raised money to benefit victims of Hurricane Charley in 2004 and later Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Alongside Jay-Z, the band performed on Live 8's stage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to a global audience.The band would later be reunited with Jay-Z at the Grammy Award Ceremony 2006, during which they performed "Numb/Encore", en route to winning a Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.They were joined on stage by Paul McCartney who added verses from the song "Yesterday". They would later go on to play at the 2006 Summer Sonic music festival, which was hosted by Metallica in Japan.

2006-2008 Minutes to Midnight

Linkin Park returned to the recording studios in 2006 to work on new material. To produce the album, the band chose producer Rick Rubin. Despite initially stating the album would debut sometime in 2006, the album was delayed until 2007.

Warner Bros. Records officially announced that the band's third studio album, titled Minutes to Midnight, would be released on May 15, 2007 in the United States.The album's title, a reference to the Doomsday Clock, foreshadowed the band's new lyrical themes.Minutes to Midnight sold over 625,000 copies in its first week, making it one of the most successful debut week albums in recent years. The album also took the top spot on the Billboard Charts.The album's first single, "What I've Done", was released on April 2, and premiered on MTV and Fuse within the same week.The single was acclaimed by listeners, becoming the top-ranked song on the Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks and Mainstream Rock Tracks charts.The song is also used in soundtrack for the 2007 action film, Transformers.The band also saw success with the rest of the album's singles, "Bleed It Out", "Shadow of the Day", "Given Up", and "Leave Out All the Rest", which were released throughout 2007 and early 2008. The band also collaborated with Busta Rhymes on his single "We Made It", which was released on April 29.

Linkin Park embarked on a large world tour titled "Minutes to Midnight World Tour". The band promoted the album's release by forming their fourth Projekt Revolution tour in the United States which included many musical acts like My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, HIM, Placebo, and many others. They also played numerous shows in Europe, Asia, and Australia which included a performance at Live Earth Japan on July 7, 2007.

Linkin Park embarked on another Projekt Revolution tour in 2008. This was the first time a Projekt Revolution tour was held in Europe with three shows in Germany and one in the United Kingdom. A Projekt Revolution tour was also held in the United States which featured Chris Cornell, The Bravery, Ashes Divide, Street Drum Corps and many others. Linkin Park finished the tour with a final show in Texas. Mike Shinoda announced a live CD/DVD titled Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes, which is a live video recording from the Projekt Revolution gig at the Milton Keynes Bowl on June 29, 2008, which was officially released on November 24, 2008.

2008-2011 A Thousand Suns

In May 2009, Linkin Park announced they were working on a fourth studio album, which was planned to be released in 2010. Shinoda told IGN that the new album would be 'genre-busting,' while building off of elements in Minutes to Midnight.Bennington also addressed the media to confirm that Rick Rubin would return to produce the new album. The band later revealed the album would be called A Thousand Suns.While working on the new album, Linkin Park worked with successful film composer Hans Zimmer to produce the score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.The band released a single for the movie, titled "New Divide". Joe Hahn created a music video for the song, which featured clips from the film.

On August 31, 2010, it was announced that the band would perform the single live for the first time at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010.

The band was nominated for six Billboard Awards in 2011 for Top Duo or Group, Best Rock Album for A Thousand Suns, Top Rock Artist, Top Alternative Artist, Top Alternative Song for "Waiting for the End" and Top Alternative Album for A Thousand Suns, but did not win any award.

2011-2013 Living Things and Recharged

In July 2011, Bennington told Rolling Stone that Linkin Park aims to produce a new album every eighteen months, and that he would be shocked if a new album did not come out in 2012.

On April 15, 2012, Shinoda announced that Living Things would be the title of Linkin Park's fifth album.

On August 10, 2013, the band collaborated with American musician Steve Aoki to record the song "A Light That Never Comes" for Linkin Park's online puzzle-action game LP Recharge (short for Linkin Park Recharge), which was launched on Facebook and the official LP Recharge website on September 12, 2013.

2013-2015 The Hunting Party

In an interview with Fuse, Shinoda confirmed that Linkin Park had begun recording their sixth studio album in May 2013.The band released the first single from their upcoming album, titled, "Guilty All the Same" on March 6, 2014 through Shazam.The single was later released on the following day by Warner Bros. Records and debut at No. 28 on the US Billboard Rock Airplay charts before peaking at No. 1 on the Mainstream Rock charts in the following weeks.

Linkin Park performed at Download Festival on June 14, 2014, where they played their debut album, Hybrid Theory, in its entirety.

In January 2015, the band embarked on a tour to promote the release of The Hunting Party, consisting of 17 concerts across the United States and Canada. The tour was canceled after only three concerts when Bennington injured his ankle.Linkin Park collaborated with Steve Aoki on the song "Darker Than Blood" for Aoki's album Neon Future II, which was released in May 2015.Blizzard Entertainment announced on October 20 that Linkin Park will be performing at the closing ceremony of Blizzcon 2015, Blizzard's video game convention.

On November 25, 2015, Linkin Park updated their Facebook cover photo with a link to their website stating that they have started work on a new album.

