


#独立摇滚 #流行摇滚 #英伦摇滚 #另类摇滚 #后英伦
United Kingdom 英国



乐队名:Snow Patrol雪地巡游者

国  籍:英国


风  格:另类摇滚,后英伦摇滚


Snow Patrol是一支苏格兰另类摇滚乐队,1994年成立于邓迪

大学。乐队成员有Gary Lightbody(主唱, 吉他)Paul Wilson(贝司,伴唱)Jonny Quinn(鼓)Nathan Connolly(吉他,伴唱)Tom Simpson(键盘)。

最初他们是一支独立乐队,头两张专辑都由独立厂牌发行,却并未获得商业上的成功。2002年,乐队与主流唱片公司宝丽多唱片(Polydor Records)签约。次年,乐队发行了签约后的第一张唱片《Final Straw》取得了空前的成功,仅在英国就达到了五白金的销量,最终在全球售出三百多万张。2006年,发行专辑《Eyes Open》,其中热门单曲Chasing Cars使乐队风靡全球。这张专辑以全球销量六百多万张的好成绩问鼎英国专辑排行榜,并成为当年英国销量第一的唱片。2008年,乐队发行了他们第五张录音室专辑《A Hundred Million Suns》,次年,发行第一张合辑《Up to Now》。2011年,乐队第六张录音室专辑《Fallen Empires》也跟广大乐迷见面了。


Gary Lightbody和Mark McClelland两个北爱尔兰大男孩移居苏格兰,边读书边组乐队谱曲演出。1994年,他们和另外一位同学Michael Morrison组建了一个名为Shrug的三人乐队,在学校及周边的酒吧里演出,不幸的是Micheal因为精神崩溃很快离开了乐队。因Shrug这个名字与美国一支乐队相重,更名为Polar Bear,发了一张EP后,因同样的原因再度更名,最终确立队名为Snow Patrol。于此同时,鼓手Jonny Quinn也正式加入。

1997年,乐队加入苏格兰独立厂牌Jeepster(也是著名独立乐队Belle & Sebastian的厂牌),加入独立厂牌虽然在乐队宣传方面非常不利——无法得到大范围的宣传而是依赖于传统的口口相传,却意味着乐队可以有更大的独立创作空间来激发创作潜能,这正是队员们所想要的。他们曾表示,不希望Jeepster给他们过多的约束和宣传任务。

乐队的出道专辑《Songs for Polarbears》于1998年发行。专辑的取得了小范围的成功,却远没有带来任何商业影响。2001年,乐队发行了第二张专辑《When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up》,与第一张一样,叫好不叫座。

于是乐队将精力放在巡演上,依然步步艰辛。生活过得非常艰难,演到哪里就在那里的乐迷家打地铺过夜;假装是Belle & Sebastian的成员才得以混进夜店;他们负债累累,甚至在演出期间还天天遭到债主的拜访。在种种问题降临后,他们痛定思痛,恍然大悟他们最初追求的自由正在毁灭自己,Jeepster公司放松管理、疏于宣传、放低录音质量的政策并不适合他们。

《Final Straw》时期(2001–2005)

未等到Snow Patrol离开,Jeepster厂牌就主动放弃了他们,双方合作结束。Hot Press杂志形容Jeepster是“走了一步没脑子的烂棋”。乐队经纪人Danny McIntosh将乐队和Jeepster的关系比作一段不成功的婚姻:“最初他们给我们带来惊喜,于是我们坠入爱河,接着分歧降临,结果就是,双方同时提出离婚。”2001年时很多主流唱片公司都纷纷给Snow Patrol递去橄榄枝,而然,由于经济窘迫并未能得到签约。为了筹钱,Lightbody出售了他大部分的唱片珍藏,他说那段时间真是“糟透了”,却又充满了前进的希望。不幸的是,此时的英国乐界普遍较为关注美国乐队,作为本土的乐队的Snow Patrol鲜少有公司愿意签约。在这段时期,乐队只能孤身投身创作,乐队的主打曲目之一Run就是这时创作的。Quinn表示“这段时期对每个人(除了Nathan还没加入)来说都不容易,但从没有人想过要分道扬镳的”。在最低谷的时,乐队在威克姆某脱衣舞俱乐部的演出只有18个听众。

2002年,吉他手Nathan Connolly在朋友介绍下加入乐队。就在乐队对签约一事感到绝望,打算自己筹钱发唱片时,Gary Lightbody和Mark McClelland两人在邓迪大学的学长,时任宝丽多唱片音乐艺人总监,找到他们,听了小样,双方一拍即合。

最初乐队担心与主流唱片公司合作是否会使自己沦为他们赚钱的工具。制作唱片《Final Straw》时,他们需要与制作人Jacknife Lee合作,尽管Lee曾担任过朋克乐队吉他手但他一直为流行艺人如Eminem等人制作唱片,从未接触过摇滚乐。唱片公司认为,Lee能够促进乐队跳出独立的影子,迅速转型成流行摇滚艺人。虽然,唱片录制的最初几个星期对乐队来说是种煎熬,但他们逐渐接受了这种改变,并且与Lee合作愉快。Snow Patrol接受了他关于简化歌曲和增加弦乐部分的建议。总监Chancellor在采访中表示“很多乐队往往不乐意在录音棚里接受别人的建议,Snow Patrol则不然,因为他们非常渴望成功。”

Gary Lightbody接受采访时表示:“专辑取名最后一根稻草部分也是因为这是我们人生转盘上的最后一丝希望。但这也给了当初不看好我们的人一记响亮的耳光,当初,他们并没有给我们机会。我们的第三张专辑的制作经历了重重阻挠。很多唱片公司都曾认为我们是彻彻底底的失败者。”

《Final Straw》于2003年8月4日发行,沿袭了前两张专辑的风格,他们没有为了去适应听众的口味而刻意改变自己的音乐。事实证明,他们并不需要改变,因为听众喜欢他们。歌曲Run一发布便一跃上了英国单曲排行榜第五名,专辑亦打榜成功,获得英国专辑排行榜第三的好成绩。专辑中另外三首歌Chocolate,Spitting Games,How to Be Dead也都成为了热门曲目。经历了长时间的低谷后,Snow Patrol终于初尝了成功滋味。随后,他们开始巡演,并成为U2演唱会的开场嘉宾。

2005年由于乐队内的分歧,McClelland离开,Paul Wilson代替他成为贝斯手,而一直伴随他们巡演的键盘手Tom Simpson也宣布正式加入乐队。

Eyes Open时期(2006-2007)

乐队的第四张专辑Eyes Open依然由Jacknife Lee操刀制作,于2006年5月先后在英美发行。

专辑曲目“Chasing Cars”被电视剧《实习医生格雷》选中,作为配乐用于第二季最后一集。这首歌因此而大放异彩,迅速被传唱,网络下载量也一路领先。于是,Snow Patrol重新拍摄了该歌的MV,将实习医生格雷中的场景也加了进去。“Chasing Cars”获2006年格莱美最佳单曲提名,2007年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲提名及2007年全英音乐奖最佳单曲提名。09年"Chasing Cars"票选进入频道4评选出的“十年金曲”,该节目于09年12月28日播放。两天后,PPL正式宣布"Chasing Cars"是英国十年来传唱最广的一首歌。

《A Hundred Million Suns》时期

Gary Lightbody曾表示06年六月会开始着手制作新专辑,但最终乐队决定在结束巡演后暂时隐退休整一年,到08年底再复出。08年5月23日,乐队在他们官网上宣布新专辑的制作将在一周内拉开序幕。同年的11月,新专辑《A Hundred Million Suns》问世。

乐队迅速开始了他们的新一轮巡演,先后在英国&爱尔兰、南非、欧洲等地演出,歌手Miriam Kaufmann一路伴随着他们,为他们做伴唱,并代替原唱Martha Wainwright演唱"Set the Fire to the Third Bar"一曲。期间他们还作为嘉宾出席Oasis、Coldplay、U2等乐队的演唱会。

09年,乐队回顾了他们15年来的歌曲,制作出了合集《Up to Now》,包括2张CD共30首歌,其中三首是新歌。专辑还包含了很多过去的歌曲和稀有资料等。他们希望将来可以模仿U2的《Rattle and Hum》,也发行一张记录巡演的唱片。

《Fallen Empires》时期 (09年至今)

Snow Patrol将带着他们的第六张专辑进入一个全新的阶段。他们正在尝试一些新的元素,乐队已经在私底下做出了一些小样,Connolly戏说这些小样真是“风格迥异”,但他强调这些小样都具备了悦耳的曲调和Lightbody优美的歌词。他预测听众对于这张专辑的反应一定是五花八门。

《Fallen Empires》是Snow Patrol的第六张录音室全长专辑,专辑名在2011年7月21日由主唱Lightbody揭晓。专辑于2011年11月14日正式推出。首支单曲《Called Out in the Dark》已于此前9月发行。

Snow Patrol正着手准备2012年在都柏林的Fallen Empires巡演,同时宣布了英国和全球巡演。

2016年他们将会发行下一张专辑《Fallen Empires》。


Originally formed in late 1993 by University of Dundee students Gary Lightbody, Michael Morrison and Mark McClelland as the Shrug,the band started by performing gigs at the university and surrounding pubs such as Lucifer's Mill. Their first EP was entitled the Yoghurt vs Yoghurt debate. In 1996, they changed their name to Polar Bear (or Polarbear) to avoid issues with any American bands that were also named Shrug. Shortly afterwards, drummer Michael Morrison left the band after suffering a breakdown and returned to Northern Ireland. In mid-1997, Polar Bear released a three-track EP, Starfighter Pilot, on the Electric Honey label.The band again renamed, this time to Snow Patrol in 1997,because of a naming conflict with another band of the same name fronted by Jane's Addiction's ex-bassist Eric Avery.At this point, Jonny Quinn, from Northern Ireland, joined as permanent drummer.

Snow Patrol joined independent label Jeepster in 1997, home of Belle & Sebastian.Snow Patrol's debut album was Songs for Polarbears, released in 1998 after the band had started living in Glasgow. In 1999, the band won the "Phil Lynott Award for Best New Band" by Irish music magazine Hot Press. In 2001, still living in Glasgow, the band followed up with When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up.Like its predecessor, the album was praised by critics, but did not sell.

Jeepster dropped Snow Patrol in 2001,a decision that was criticised by Hot Press magazine as brainless.By July 2001, many major labels had started showing interest in Snow Patrol,but the band were cash-strapped and had no record deal.

In 2002, the band started to be managed and published by Jazz Summers of Big Life.Guitarist Nathan Connolly, previously a member of the band File Under Easy Listening had been working in an HMV store room in Belfast at the time.Connolly and the band had a mutual friend, who introduced them to him. Connolly moved to Glasgow to join the band in the spring of 2002.

Final Straw was released on 4 August 2003, under Black Lion, a subsidiary of Polydor Records.Its music was along the same lines as the band's first two albums, and no attempt was made to change the sound to something more radio-friendly.

The release of Final Straw in the United States in 2004 saw the album sell more than 250,000 copies and become the 26th most popular album in the UK of that year. In mid-2005, during their tour to support Final Straw, the band toured with U2 as an opening act on U2's Vertigo Tour in Europe.

On 16 March 2005, McClelland left the band, with Lightbody stating 'a whole new set of new and unexpected pressures... have unfortunately taken their toll on working relationships within the band, and it was felt the band could not move forward with Mark as a member.'

The band completed recording Eyes Open in December 2005, with Jacknife Lee returning for production, and this album was released on 28 April 2006 in Ireland, and the UK on 1 May 2006, with the first UK single "You're All I Have" having been released on 24 April 2006. The album was released in North America on 9 May.

On 26 November 2006, Eyes Open had become the UK's best-selling album of the year, overtaking previous leader Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not by Arctic Monkeys.

A post, dated 23 May 2008 on the band's official website stated that recording for the next album had been under way for a week; they began on 19 May 2008. The new album, entitled A Hundred Million Suns, was released on 24 October 2008 in Ireland and 27 October in the UK and US. The first single entitled "Take Back the City" was released in Ireland on 10 October 2008. Filming for the music video to "Take Back the City" took place on 11 August 2008 in Central London. The music video was directed by Alex Courtes.

The band kicked off their Taking Back the Cities Tour on 26 October 2008. Up to Now, on 9 November 2009. It includes thirty tracks spanning two CDs, of which three are original new songs. "Just Say Yes", a song written by Lightbody and earlier recorded by Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger and X Factor star Diana Vickers, was released as the lead single on 2 November. The album additionally contains past singles, covers and rarities, including songs from the band's side-project The Reindeer Section.

In December 2009, the PPL announced "Chasing Cars" was the most widely played song of the decade in the UK.The same month, in a UK poll conducted by Channel 4, it was voted the nation's favourite "song of the noughties".In January 2010, the band were nominated in three categories in the annual Meteor Awards. The band also played at the event, scheduled on 19 February 2010 at The RDS.

On 12 January 2011, Lightbody launched a blog to give details about the progress of the next release from the band.

Shortly after the premiere of the new lead single, the quintet's official website confirmed the news that the name of the new album would be Fallen Empires.Fallen Empires was released on 14 November 2011 in the UK and was launched at O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire.Singer-songwriter Johnny McDaid joined the band during the recording of the album.

The second single from Fallen Empires was "This Isn't Everything You Are", released on 13 November 2011.

The band released a compilation entitled Greatest Hits on 14 May 2013.

Snow Patrol headlined the Tennent's Vital festival in August 2013 and performed a special warm-up show in London before the festival. Lightbody said in an interview that "they were going to do the show so that they haven't gone rusty".

The follow-up to Fallen Empires is due for release in 2016. Previous reports suggested new material would be released in 2015. Lightbody told NME that he had to overcome a bout of writer's block and that the songs written for the new album were scrapped before being replaced by new "mind-boggling" material.

