


#另类说唱 #地下说唱 #另类舞曲
United States of America 美国


Handsome Boy Modeling School是超级嘻哈制作人Prince Paul和花名“The Automator”的旧金山日裔饶舌歌手Dan Nakamura的二人组合。前者的丰功伟绩自不必多说,后者则是着名project团体Deltron 3030和Gorillaz的主力成员。关于组合名称“Handsome Boy Modeling School”的由来,则是一部肥皂剧中的话题,当然H.B.M.S.也在作品中做了相应采样。而专辑《So...How's Your Girl?》的制作仅仅用了二人两周的时间,他们走马灯似的请来了各路明星来友情客串,还好,Prince Paul和Dan Nakamura的功力非凡,再家上强大的嘉宾名单,于是专辑的音乐也就有了保障。

罗列一下,来到“帅哥模特学校”上课的明星有Beastie Boys的老大Mike D,白人地下说唱教父El-P,加拿大华裔唱盘手DJ Kid Koala,“鬼手”DJ Shadow,电子数码硬核英雄Alec Empire,日本女子摇滚乐队Cibo Matto,以及“甲壳虫”乐队主脑John Lennon的遗子Sean Lennon等等等等。如此庞大的贵客名单,不由得使人心中窃喜。专辑的音乐丰富多彩,不仅有小提琴和钢琴配合的曲子伴奏说者Flow,更有风采各异的歌手穿插其中。再看那专辑封面上痞气一身的黑黄哥俩儿,雪茄美酒金项链,这不正是那些嘻哈明星的梦中生活么。

Handsome Boy Modeling School was a teaming of quirky super-producers Prince Paul (best-known for his work with De la Soul and Stetsasonic) and Dan The Automator Nakamura (fresh off his underground success with Kool Keiths Dr. Octagon album). Taking their name from an episode of the cult Chris Elliott sitcom Get a Life (which was sampled several times on their album), Paul and Dan adopted the über-stylish alter egos of Chest Rockwell and Nathaniel Merriweather, respectively. Their debut album, So...Hows Your Girl?, was a loose concept record packed with guest stars: rappers Del tha Funkee Homosapien, J-Live, and El-P; members of Cibo Matto, Brand Nubian, and the Beastie Boys; star turntablists like DJ Shadow, DJ Quest, and Kid Koala; electronica artists like Molokos Roisin Murphy and Atari Teenage Riots Alec Empire; and even Saturday Night Lives Father Guido Sarducci. So...Hows Your Girl? was released on Tommy Boy in the fall of 1999 to mostly favorable reviews, and the opening track, Rock n Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This), was licensed for a TV ad campaign. Nakamura subsequently moved on to a host of other highly conceptual projects, including Deltron 3030, Gorillaz, and Lovage. The duo returned to record-store shelves in 2004 with White People, their first album for Elektra.
