


#摇摆乐 #冷爵士 #后波普 #主流爵士
United States of America 美国


史考特汉米顿,一位永远的萨克斯风天王,浪漫风情的完美代言人 1945年出于美国罗德岛普洛维敦士(September 12, Providence, RI.),被誉为萨克斯风天王的史考特汉米顿,在父亲的影响下,对’30、’40年代的摇摆爵士风产生了特殊的情感;其音乐生涯始于16岁,领悟力极高的他从许多摇摆爵士年代的音乐大师中吸收了许多技巧精华,奠定深厚基础。’76年前往人人嚮往的爵士圣地纽约发展,吸引众人目光更引起无数的话题风潮。 自此汉米顿的知名度也跟着水涨船高,而其中音萨克斯风(Tenor Saxophone)的演奏功力当然也更臻成熟。从他演奏所流泄出的迷人音色,总是能带来无限的遐想空间,有种无可匹敌的特有魅力,鲜明的个人风格也随之建立。’70年代晚期,汉米顿与班尼古德曼(Benny Goodman)等大师合作,也和美国爵士天后萝丝玛丽有了长期的合作关係,在她于Concord Jazz所出的专辑中展现出一次比一次精彩的完美演出。于是乎在爵士乐坛,汉米顿被喻为是完美的中音萨克斯风代表声音(The Perfect Mainstream Tenor Sound)。 汉米顿在爵士第一品牌Concord下,录製了数十张专辑。独奏功力一流的他,自然也成为众多爵士艺人最佳的合作对象,Herb Ellis、Ray Brown、Gerry Mulliga、Gene Harris、Alan Broadbent和Concord众多巨星等都曾和汉米顿迸发出超乎想像的音乐火花…无疑地,他绝对是爵士乐坛上的萨克斯风天王!更是爵士乐迷心中无可取代的Tenor Sound!

by Scott Yanow

When Scott Hamilton appeared in the mid-70s fully formed with an appealing swing style on tenor (mixing together Zoot Sims and Ben Webster), he caused a minor sensation, for few other young players during the fusion era were exploring pre-bop jazz at his high level. He began playing when he was 16 and developed quickly, moving to New York in 1976. Hamilton played with Benny Goodman in the late 70s, but he has mostly performed as a leader, sometimes sharing the spotlight with Warren Vache, Ruby Braff, Rosemary Clooney, the Concord Jazz All-Stars, or George Weins Newport Jazz Festival All-Stars. Scott Hamilton, other than a few sessions for Famous Door and Progressive, has recorded a long string of dates for Concord that are notable for their consistency and solid swing.
