


United States of America 美国


她是历史上的第一位流行爵士乐女歌手,代表作有等。和Ethel Waters, Bessie Smith and the Boswell Sisters齐名。她的演唱风格是不受拘束的,和1920S年代受新爵士乐影响的流行音乐很相符。虽然她自己对她的声音评价不高,但是由于她把打击乐的灵魂和她天真的声音巧妙的融合在一起。她一直拥有很多的歌迷, Hanshaw被大众称为"个性女孩"。而且她的标志性口头禅就是"That's all," 这点被Nina Paley 导演的着实恶搞了一把。每次动画版的SITA唱完歌(Hanshaw的原声)都不忘在最后加上一句"就这样吧" 大家在很多唱片的结尾都会听到她稚气的这一句"That's all"。在1926年的9月到1934年的2月份。她出了很多唱片,1926年Annette和原来的pathe公司签约到期(唱片贴了Pathe和Perfect标签)1928年6月,她签了哥伦比亚唱片公司。大多数唱片都被贴了Harmony,Diva, Clarion,Velvet Tone的商标开始在他们的打折商店出售,少数几张才贴了哥伦比亚的商标在正常价格出售。但是大部分都是用她的名字发表的。

by Scott Yanow

One of the first great female jazz singers, in the late 20s Annette Hanshaw ranked near the top with Ethel Waters, the Boswell Sisters, and the upcoming Mildred Bailey. Unlike her contemporary Ruth Etting, Hanshaw could improvise and swing while also being a strong interpreter of lyrics. She was not quite 16 when she started her recording career, and her recordings (1926-1934) included such major jazz players as Red Nichols, Miff Mole, Jimmy Lytell, Adrian Rollini, Joe Venuti, Eddie Lang, Vic Berton, Benny Goodman, Manny Klein, Phil Napoleon, Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, and Jack Teagarden. Billed as the Personality Girl, Annette Hanshaw (whose trademark was saying, Thats all at the end of her record) soon got tired of show business and retired in 1934, at the age of 24. She lived outside of music for the rest of her life, but fortunately most of her records were reissued on British LPs in the 1970s and 80s.
