


#世界融合 #巴萨诺瓦
Brazil 巴西



Badi Assad(贝蒂-阿萨德)

一位有独特才能的巴西吉他演奏家,同时是天才的即兴创作歌手。 她用毫无瑕疵的技巧在巴西爵士乐和古典吉他音乐演奏上嬴得很多奖项。

Tom Jobim 曾说过巴西人似乎从生下来就怀抱吉他。Badi Assad是巴西人天生对音乐敏感的深动写照。Badi Assad 1966年出生于巴西圣保罗,当她还是一个小女孩的时候,她的梦想是当一名舞蹈家。后来她逐渐认识到她的家庭不仅要把她培养成一名舞蹈家,还应是歌唱家,一名出色的吉他演奏家----简言之,要把她培养成一名全才艺术家。14 的时候 , Badi 开始学习吉他,她的父亲Jorge Assad 弹曼陀林,而她的二位兄长是全世界著名的吉他二重奏Sergio Assad和Odair Assad兄弟 。

Badi在里约热内卢大学学习古典吉他。 Badi把她的古典音乐知识融入流行音乐和爵士乐。她的 Takamine 吉他,几名舞者和她的歌声,让你畅游于“节奏”世界。 她不做“学院派”音乐,她说“我要新的音乐”。 Badi's 的新声音使她越来越受欢迎。

她首演是在1984年,当时她在里约热内卢青年器乐演奏大赛中获奖。二年之后,她更出名了,参加了里约热内卢的吉他管弦乐队(吉他演奏家 Turbio Santos任归指挥)。到1987年,她当时只有20岁,Badi已经同吉他演奏家Franoise-Emmanuelle Denis一起在欧洲,以色列和巴西演出。他们组成“Romantique二重奏”。

她的第一张专辑“Dance of Sounds”1989年在巴西发行,收录她兄长Sergio Assad和布罗威尔、迪恩斯的作品。她自己写了她兄长作的两首歌的歌词。

她的第二张专辑“rhythms”(节奏)开创了崭新的吉他演奏风格,她融弹、敲、唱、舞为一体,且作曲和编曲,有人称她为“古典吉他界的陈美”,而且她除了运用打击乐品、口技并结合各式吉他技巧的弹奏外,也没有忽略在纯器乐演奏上的探索精进。专辑中有即兴意味的“O Choro de Juliana”,结合口技、Rap的“ Rhythms”则令人有一种忍俊不住的雀跃,而纯吉他演奏的“Song For Badi”是由其好友Kevin Callahan为她所谱的一首小品,曲中充满西班牙的典雅含蓄,似乎提供我们欣赏贝姬才情的另一种视野。还有她的创作曲“Ica”则运用人声吟唱,泛音音场由远至近营造出一种空间深邃的神秘感,尤其在2:55有爆棚的音效展示。Badi Assad将毋庸置疑地成为90年代巴西新音乐的代言人!

by Craig Harris

Badi Assad is one of Brazils most talented performers. A heartfelt vocalist who sings in English and Portuguese and is known for her Bobby McFerrin-like improvisations, Assad is also one of the countrys truly accomplished guitar players. In 1995, Assad was voted Best Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitarist by editors of Guitar Player, while readers of the magazine named her album Rhythms the Best Classical Album of the Year. Although her earlier albums focused on unique interpretations of songs by songwriters such as Egberto Gizmonte, Milton Nascimento, Ralph Towner, and George Harrison, Assad displayed her songwriting talents on her 1998 album Chameleon, co-writing nine of the albums 12 tracks.

The younger sister of famed guitarists Sergio and Odair of the duo Assad, Badi, who grew up in Rio de Janeiro, studied piano at age eight. By age 14, however, she had switched to the guitar and was accompanying her father, who played chorinhos or Brazilian music on the bandolim. Sharpening her skills at the University Conservatory in Rio de Janeiro, Assad placed first in a Young Instrumentalist Contest in 1984. Assads professional debut came as a member of the Guitar Orchestra of Rio de Janiero, conducted by Turbio Santos, in 1986. The same year, she sang and acted in a musical, Mulheres de Hollanda, written by Tatiana Cobbett and based on works by Chico Buarque.

Assad returned to music in 1987, performing throughout Israel, Europe, and Brazil along with guitarist Francoise-Emmanuel Denis as Duo Romantique. In 1988, she wrote and starred in a solo performance piece, Antagonism, in which she played guitar, sang, acted, and danced.

Dança dos Tons, Assads debut album, was released in Brazil only in 1989 and limited to 2,000 copies (it was re-released with bonus tracks as Dança das Ondas in 2004). Her first worldwide release, Solo, was recorded in April 1993 at St. Stephens of Hungary Church in New York. Assad followed her debut with three critically acclaimed releases including Rhythms in 1995, the instrumental Echoes of Brazil in 1997, and Chameleon in 1998.

Unfortunately, a series of personal and medical problems plagued Assad during the late 90s and early 2000s. Primarily, Assad was diagnosed with a motor skills disability that made it extremely difficult for her to play guitar. It was also during this time that she separated from her husband, guitarist Jeff Young, and, after having spent many years working in the United States, moved back to Brazil.

Ultimately, Assad made a full recovery from her disability and once again began to work. Focusing on collaborations with other guitarists, she appeared on two albums including Nowhere with Young in 2002 and Three Guitars with jazz artists Larry Coryell and John Abercrombie in 2003.

Assad returned to solo work with the release of Verde in 2005 and followed that up with the Alice in Wonderland-inspired Wonderland in 2007.
