1979年出生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Robyn,12岁时即展露音乐天份,为当地电视节目灌录主题曲。隔年,瑞典知名歌手Meja应邀到Robyn就读的学校表演时,被当时正在台上演唱自己创作的Robyn所深深吸引,大力将她引荐给唱片公司。’95年,16岁的Robyn在超级制作人Max Martin (Backstreet Boys、*NSYNC、Britney Spears)调教下推出首张个人大碟。’97年,Robyn接连以<Show Me Love>、<Do You Know (What it Takes)>两首甜美轻快的舞曲打入全美流行榜Top 7,在英国金榜上同样缔创佳绩,顺利打开国际知名度!’99年,Robyn的第二张专辑《My Truth》登上瑞典专辑榜亚军,首波单曲<Electric>席卷全欧各国排行。2002年,Robyn祭出畅销作品《Don’t Stop the Music》,荣获瑞典榜亚军的动听主打“Keep This Fire Burning”被英国R&B女唱将Beverley Knight相中翻唱。然而,为了保持艺术原创性,Robyn从不为了迎合市场口味而应唱片公司要求改变唱法或编曲,因此和唱片公司经常处於紧张关系之中;坚持理念的她在《Don’t Stop the Music》推出后,断然决定和唱片公司终止合约走自己的路。
A Swedish pop star who blends the gritty sound of American urban R&B with the sunny pop of her homeland, Robyn found a hit with Do You Know (What It Takes), which hit the Top Ten around the world including the U.S. Born Robyn Carlsson in Stockholm in 1979, she traveled around the continent with her parents traveling theatre group, also listening to classic American soul on the hi-fi. After writing her first song at the age of 11 when her parents divorced, Robyn got her break when national talent Meja heard her singing during a concert intermission. Meja got her a record contract with Swedens Richochet Records, which released her first hit single Do You Really Want Me. Though she was still only 16, Robyn began recording her debut album in 1995, and Robyn Is Here quickly topped the Swedish charts. When the album was released in the U.S. almost a year and a half later, the single Do You Know (What It Takes) hit the Top Ten.