


#欧美流行 #男孩团体
Ireland 爱尔兰



中 文 名 男孩地带

外 文 名 Boyzone

国    籍 爱尔兰

职    业 歌手

代表作品 Love Me for a Reason、Key to My Life、So Good

音乐类型 抒情流行歌曲

唱片公司 环球唱片

类    型 组合

出道时间 1993年




BOYZONE如今的经纪人Louis Walsh原来是爱尔兰一个俱乐部的老板,他看见家乡的歌迷总是对英格兰的偶像团体趋之若鹜,觉得爱尔兰也应该有个能让女孩们尖叫的偶像团体,结果便在当地的报纸登广告寻找能歌善舞的男孩。当时还在念高中的Ronan和Stephen、兼职当汽车技师的Shane和Mickey,还有在大学主修建筑的Keith从三百多位报名者中突围而出,就在93年的冬天,BOYZONE宣告成立。


94年,第一支单曲《Love Me For A Reason》获得了爱尔兰榜的亚军。随后于95年,他们发行了第一张专辑《Said And Done》。96年,他们的第二张专辑《A Different Beat》发行,其中翻唱老牌英国乐队Bee Gees的歌曲《Words》于96年11月拿到了他们的首个排行榜冠军,Boyzone成为当红偶像组合。97年,他们又发行了第三张专辑《Where We Belong》,其中Ronan创作的歌曲《Picture Of You》被用作电影《Mr Bean》(《憨豆先生》)的主题歌,并获得英国电影学院奖(Ivor Novello Awards)的创作大奖。99年,Boyzone的新歌加精选专辑《By Request》发行,先于专辑发行的单曲《No Matter What》大获成功,击败《My Heart Will Go On》等歌曲获得英国全年总冠军。他们还在U2的新歌《The Sweetest Thing》的Music Video中客串了一把。所有四张专辑均成为排行榜冠军。有16首单曲进入排行榜前五名,其中7首为冠军。99年获欧洲音乐大奖全年最佳专辑奖,最佳英国及爱尔兰艺人奖,并得到最佳流行艺人提名。主唱Ronan Keating曾连续两次主持欧洲音乐大奖。

随着一首又一首的畅销金曲继续接连不断的诞生,Boyzone一连串的冠军单曲和专辑,成为后来所有男孩偶像团体进入流行乐坛的入门指南和圣经。Boyzone的辉煌成绩,也反映在他们获得许许多多大大小小的奖项上。从单曲《Picture of You》夺得“Ivor Novello Award”,到无数“Smash Hits Awards”颁发的奖项,包括“最佳团体”、“最佳发型”等。除此之外,他们还是最畅销Comic Relief唱片的纪录保持人,他们重新诠释的《When The Going Gets Tough》,在英国销售超过了70万张。


经过了两年的单飞演艺生涯,Boyzone又在亚洲推出特别精选大碟《Boyzone Ballads - The Ultimate Love Songs Collection 1993-2001》,他们的歌曲将永远被视作情歌典范,他们缔造的辉煌将永载世界流行乐的史册。

在2007年,他们宣布来年会高调的推出复出巡演,Boyzone的重聚序幕将于2008年5月28日拉开。时隔八年他们又重组带着新专辑《Back Again… No Matter What/The Greatest Hits》回来了。

2009年成员史蒂芬•盖特利(Stephen Gately)于当地时间10月11日在西班牙Majorca岛度假时猝死,年仅33岁。



2014年发行专辑《Dublin To Detroit》。



Boyzone are an Irish boy band. Their most famous line-up was composed of Keith Duffy, Stephen Gately, Mikey Graham, Ronan Keating, and Shane Lynch. Boyzone have had 21 singles in the top 40 UK charts and 22 singles in the Irish charts. The group have had 6 UK number one singles and 9 number one singles in Ireland with 12 of their 24 singles in the UK being in the UK Top 2. Boyzone are one of the most successful bands in Ireland and the United Kingdom. In total, Boyzone had 19 top 5 singles on the Irish Singles Chart, 18 top 10 hits on the UK Singles Chart, nine No. 1 Irish hit singles and six No. 1 UK hit singles and five No. 1 albums, with 25 million records sold by 2013 worldwide.

They were put together in 1993 by Louis Walsh, who is also known for managing Johnny Logan and Westlife. Before even recording any material, Boyzone made an appearance on RTÉ's ‘The Late Late Show’. The group split in 1999. Boyzone made a comeback in 2007, originally with the intention of just touring. The band have sold 2 million records since their return. Gately died on 10 October 2009 of natural causes while on his holiday in the Spanish island of Majorca with his civil partner, Andrew Cowles.

In 2012, the Official Charts Company revealed the biggest selling singles artists in British music chart history, with Boyzone currently placed at 29th and the second most successful boy band in Britain, behind Take That. To date, Boyzone have released four studio albums and seven compilation albums. Based on BPI certifications, they have sold over 13 million records in the UK alone.

In early 2014, a compilation album 'Love Me For A Reason: The Collection' was released and it has charted in Ireland and Belgium.

In 2014, further dates were added to their BZ20 Tour.

On 17 July 2014, it was announced that Boyzone would be releasing a sixth studio album called From Dublin To Detroit, a 12 song album with covers of motown hits. Keith Duffy said "We're basically just covering some of our favourite songs from the Motown era, and putting a full album together. So we've got 12 really exciting tracks coming out. It's going to give us a whole new catalogue of music to perform. And it will be very interesting how it fits in with our own back catalogue. It's kind of rejuvenating us. It's giving us just good times and good memories in the studio. So fingers crossed people will receive it well and it goes well for us." On 29 September 2014 a few songs from the album were announced on Twitter; track 1 What Becomes of the Brokenhearted,track 2 The Tracks of My Tears,track 4 This Old Heart of Mine., track 5 Just My Imagination and track 7 I'm Doin' Fine Now.

Upon release, the album Dublin to Detroit featured only 11 tracks. The album sold 90,000 copies in the UK.

In 2015, Boyzone toured Asia, England and Scotland with 12 dates. Boyzone will be taking a break and they will return possibly in 2016 for a few tour dates in the summer.

Boyzone will be touring in 2018 to celebrate their 25th anniversary.

