


#世界节拍 #非洲流行



Geoffrey Oryema 1953年出生于乌干达,早年家境优裕。24岁时其父遭暗杀,Oryema逃到肯尼亚,后到巴黎发展。

Oryema 的音乐展现了非洲音乐安静、适于冥想的一面。他的音乐根源在乌干达,同时也受到诸多因素的影响,包括其他非洲国家的传统音乐和西方流行乐。他丝绒般的华丽嗓音和现代乐器结合得完美无缺。

by Chris Nickson

Most artists have to pay their dues, but very few have to be smuggled out of their birth countries to avoid death on the way. But for Geoffrey Oryema, that was the only way to survive. Born in Uganda, he was the son of a civil servant who was a police chief and then a cabinet minister and from his father he learned the local folk music, as well as the nanga (the harp), in addition to studying Western music in school. However, these were dangerous times in the country, with the mad dictator Idi Amin in power, and in 1977, Oryemas father fell victim, being one of many who was murdered by the armed forces. Oryema knew he was likely to be killed soon, unless he got out. Thanks to friends, he was smuggled across the border to Kenya in the trunk of a car to safety. Or, rather, relative safety. He was in a place with no family or friends and began his wanderings, which saw him eventually making his way to Paris.

In the early 80s, Paris was Africa central, at least as far as music went. But it was the Africa of the dancefloor, given a quick studio spit-and-polish with synthesizers and drum machines — all very far from the more introspective musicality of Oryemas songs. However, he persisted, becoming influenced as much by rock & roll as anything else, eventually creating a shimmering kind of strongly rooted African pop which attracted the Real World label. He was paired with producer Brian Eno for Exile, which was very much the curates egg — good in parts, especially Oryemas parts, but too atmospheric elsewhere. With that under his belt, he began to play the WOMAD international circuit of world music festivals, returning to the studio for 1993s Beat the Border, where his lush melodies and open-voiced singing created a lush whole. Four years later came the third album, Night to Night, which was decidedly more Western in its influences, melding Africa, Europe, and the U.S. into a whole (in part thanks to producer Daniel Lanois), without dilution of any of the strands. Now based in the French province of Normandy, he continued to live quietly, releasing Spirit in 2000.
