


United Kingdom 英国


企鹅咖啡馆乐团是出身古典音乐的乐手与作曲者Simon Jeffes(英国, 1949年-1997年)为首所组成的一个乐团。只有Jeffers和共同组团的大提琴手Helen Liebmann是核心成员,其它合作的乐手则依据每一次不同的主题与乐风而更换。他们的音乐十分多元,不容易用一个特定的乐风将其归类;但大概说来,是类似充满活力的乡村音乐再搭配上简约音乐家Philip Glass的感觉。1997年Jeffes死于脑瘤。企鹅咖啡馆乐团二十四年的表演生涯宣告结束。

他们的第一张专辑 企鹅咖啡馆之声于1976年在E.G.唱片发行,收录了在1974-1976所创作的作品;接着在1981年发行了 企鹅咖啡馆乐团。之后,团体的发片间隔渐渐稳定了下来。1977年首次在大型的演唱会上表演,是作为发电厂乐团的暖场团。此后陆续前往世界各地表演,并参与各式各样的音乐季。

他们最广为人知的作品是 "Telephone & Rubber Band",以一串电话响铃为基础的乐曲,并收录在Nadia Tass'1986年的电影Malcolm原声带中。这串响铃是在Jeffes打电话时所录的,当时他同时听到了拨通以及忙线的声音。他便用电话答录机将其留了下来。

另一首有名的曲子 "Music for a Found Harmonium" ,Jeffes以一把被丢弃的簧风琴为创作主题。当时,1982年的夏天乐团第一次到日本演出,他在京都的一条巷子发现了这把破损的琴,在修复完成之后,便创作了这首曲子。"当时是在一个朋友的家里修理它的,那里真是城市里头最美也最边缘的地带", Jeffes "在之后的几个月仍时常去探视这件乐器,还深深地怀想那时捡到这件乐器的心情,我当时真是完全被那时的人事时地物给深深着迷住了。 " 这件作品收录在1994年的Café del Mar,它轻松的旋律、节拍相当适合人们跳踢踏舞,因此被许多爱尔兰的传统乐队像是Patrick Street、,De Dannan、Kevin Burke重新演绎。在2004年的电影拿破仑炸药与隔一年的撼动生命也采用这首歌作配乐。其实,在1988年就有出现在电影天下父母心的预告片里头了,即便声音有些模糊。

by Hank Davis

The Penguin Cafe Orchestra creates dreamlike music. It is beautiful, yet illogical, unpredictable, and often bizarre. Lush violins swirl between classical melodies and country hoedowns. Is that Beethoven or Walk, Dont Run theyre playing? Is that a touch-tone telephone playing the melody? Yes to all the above, and much more. And dont forget the repetition. Things go on just a little longer than you think they should. Remember Supersax, the jazz group that fully orchestrated Charlie Parkers sax solos and gave them a fuller and richer sound? Well, its almost as if The Pengies have taken the two-note picking of Luther Perkins (Johnny Cashs guitarist) and taught his repetitive, minimalist picking to a string quartet. The incredible thing is that these are beautiful, compelling records. You may feel as if you dreamed the whole thing, but it is not a nightmare. Probably because no one knows how to classify their music, Penguin Cafe Orchestra is often described as new-age. Until a better label comes along, dont let that put you off. Instead, find a copy of the album called Penguin Cafe Orchestra — great cover! — and see what the subconscious mind sounds like when its given some stringed instruments to play with.

