


#流行舞曲 #流行摇滚 #轻摇滚 #另类摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名:罗比·威廉姆斯

外 文 名:Robbie Williams

别    名:罗伯特·彼得·马西米兰·威廉姆斯

国    籍:英国

出 生 地:英格兰斯塔福德郡特伦特河畔


职    业:创作歌手、音乐家、唱片制作人


英国流行乐坛素有“坏小子”之称的Robbie Williams1974年2月13日出生于英国的斯托克市。从小就喜爱表演和唱歌的他很早就表现出了与众不同的明星潜质。青少年时期就成为当时全世界比较红的偶像团体Take That合唱团中最受欢迎的团员。

1995年离开Take That展开自己的单飞生涯,自己创作自己的音乐后,Robbie Williams在全世界的影响力不断提升,2006年的世界巡演共吸引了370万的歌迷。成为英国历史上最成功的男艺人。


蝉联德国ECHO音乐奖最佳国际男歌手(2002+2003) 超过160万张2003年演唱会门票销量《激情2003演唱会》 KNEBWORTH演唱会门票销售生平速度打破全英最快纪录,3个晚上375,000人次2006年Intensive Care World Tour创纪录一天之内销售160万门票。



2009年时隔三年Robbie回归推出新专辑Reality Killed the Vedio Star,BBC电视台为其举办小型演唱会退出专辑,全球多家影院同步直播该场演唱会,又创纪录。


40岁的他如今已经成为英国甚至欧洲最受欢迎的明星。他拥有16座全英音乐奖的奖杯和6座安可奖,3次Ivor Novello奖,并且多次获得MTV欧洲音乐大奖最佳男歌手的殊荣。保持着英国最快专辑销售的纪录。他有21首单曲进入全英Top10排行榜,9张全英冠军专辑和全球5500万张专辑销量的好成绩。在英国一百大空前最大销量专辑榜中Robbie的名字出现了六次,亦以超过三百万的专辑销量,被估计是拉丁美洲最畅销的非拉丁歌手。

1974年2月Robert Peter Maximilian Williams出生英格兰特伦特河畔斯托克出演了学校剧《Oliver》后演艺方面表现出显而易见的才华。16岁,罗比成为男子组合Take That的一员,乐队取得了难以置信成功推出了多首冠军歌曲,被誉为The Beatles后英国最成功的男子乐团。

1995年,Robbie离开Take That,在最短的时间内由一个男孩偶像转型为实力派的流行摇滚歌手。

1997年圣诞节单曲《Angels》发行后销量一路狂飙这首20分钟内创作完成优美歌曲后来曾被英国歌迷评为音乐史上第二最佳歌曲此后罗比又发行了四张原创专辑分别《I've Been Expecting You》、与凯莉·米洛(Kylie Minogue)二重唱《Sing When Your Winning》、销量上百万张《Escapology》和Knebworth公园现场演唱会《What We Did Last Summer》除了四张原创专辑罗比还成功发行过一张收录了摇摆乐经典老歌主打合辑《Swing When Your Winning》其中与妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)一起翻唱弗兰克·西纳特拉(Frank Sinatra)著名金曲《Something Stupid》登上了英国排行榜冠军宝座。

2002年以8000万英镑的钻石身价与EMI唱片签约,成为英国音乐史上身价最高的歌手。2003年8月,英国伦敦北郊摇滚圣地Knebworth Park,坏小子Robbie再次用音乐缔造了新的神话。原定的两场门票在宣告卖票起的7小时之内便被抢购一空,不得不临时加演一场满足歌迷的需求。这位超人气性感坏小子创下了3天37万5000人次的记录,登上“英国史上最多人次演唱会”的宝座。这一创举硬是把绿洲合唱团1996年在同一地点的2天到场25万人次的纪录比了下去。在现场感受Robbie经典之作《Let Me Entertain You》、《Kids》、《Better Man》、《Angles》及重新演绎Queen(皇后合唱团)经典曲目《We Will Rock You》。这场演唱会更是入选了英国著名音乐杂志《Q》“100场最炫演唱会”评比,并雄踞第26位。

2006年Close Encounter World Tour,创下了一天销售160万门票的纪录,总共370万歌迷亲临现场观看了Robbie无与伦比的现场表演。但是也正是这样高强度的大型表演让罗比承受了巨大的压力,他曾说过:由于压力太大,几乎每日都想过辞演,不过,当他步上舞台后又变得不想下台,希望多唱3个小时。在这次大型世界巡演结束后,Robbie为了休息调整自己的状态,整整休息了3年,到2009年末才又重回我们的视线,继续为我们带来听觉和视觉的享受。2010年是罗比进入乐坛20年,在今年这个值得纪念的时候,罗比将为我们带来一份值得纪念的礼物——,他的第二张个人精选+新歌集,精选集中将收录39首歌曲,其中,与TakeThat队长GaryBarlow合作的Shame将作为首波主打单曲于10月4日正式发行。这支单曲Shame不仅是又两人合作创作完成的,而且将由两人共同演绎,是罗比离开组合15年后的第一次。罗比此次发行精选集,在纪念自己进入乐坛20年的同时,庆祝自己20年来取得的不可思议的成绩:5700万张的专辑销量,1100万张单曲销量,9张UK榜冠军专辑。同时,也接受了由全英音乐奖授予的杰出贡献奖。




罗比·威廉斯于2009年10月12日发行万众期待的最新单曲《Bodies》,并于11月9日发行最新专辑《Reality Killed The Video Star》。根据Robbie Williams自己的描述,这张专辑会是“一个杀手”,并且表示,歌迷们将会在新专辑中听到“过去的Robbie、将来的Robbie,以及一个重来没有人见过的Robbie。在专辑发行后,正如罗比所说,这张专辑立即被英国歌迷疯抢,而整个狂潮立马传向了全世界,甚至有歌迷为此发布会飞去了英国。据悉,该专辑的首波主打单曲《Bodies》将会在10月11日正式发行。

据了解,英国流行天王罗比·威廉斯将于今年年底通过EMI旗下Virgin Records发行他的最新单曲及最新专辑。罗比的专辑迄今为止在全球销量超过5千5百万张,最新单曲《Bodies》将于2009年10月12日发行。而新专辑《Reality Killed The Video Star》也会紧接着于11月9日全球发行上市。这次的制作人罗比邀请到Trevor Horn来担当,所有录制工作均在伦敦完成。



当说到这张专辑和再次与Gary Barlow合作,罗比说道:“听到这张专辑让人难以置信,我意识到我已经和唱歌、巡回演唱为伴20年了。这张专辑的伟大之处在于,他不仅仅是我的过去所取得的成绩的一种纪念、庆祝,还是一座通往未来的桥梁。”


罗比威廉姆斯中文网讯 北京时间9月3日消息,Mind倒计时结束,罗比威廉姆斯官网改版亮相,同时正式发布新专辑相关信息。3年蜕变,霸气回归!历时2年精心制作,罗比威廉姆斯2012年回归全新个人大碟Take the Crown将于11月5日震撼发行!

在经历了结婚、回归Take That、做父亲之后,一个全新的Better Man希望所有人看到最初的自己。早在去年结束和Take That的Progress Live巡演之后,罗比就在博客中表示,自己正在筹备全新的个人专辑,希望以此找回自己raison d'être(存在的理由)——统治乐坛的能力。环球音乐集团,这张被寄予了厚望的专辑也将是罗比加盟环球之后的首张个人专辑。

专业音乐杂志Music Week有幸提前听到了新专辑当中的歌曲,他们评价道:“Take The Crown将是罗比·威廉姆斯重要的、醒目的、自信的一张流行专辑,他的歌迷对这张专辑渴望已久,但又不敢过于期待。如果可以为这张专辑起一个副标题,我们会叫它'In Case You'd Forgetten'。无意去戏谑唱片的制作,但小岛唱片应该通过投飞镖的方式来决定首单,因为专辑中的每首歌曲都不容错过,他们都是也必将成为经典!”

在描述这张专辑时,罗比说道:“重新回归Take That,我用这种形式给自己放了个有名无实的假期,这段时间也重新在很多方面激发了我,我想用一张震撼乐坛的个人专辑宣告回归。我所在意的是写出我所想的,同时也是大家所说的金曲。”是否已经等不及了?10月29日,这首由罗比与Gary Barlow共同创作的新专辑首波主打Candy将先于专辑发行,对于这首歌曲,罗比想说:“这是一首如夏日一般充满活力的歌曲,与Rock DJ有几分相似,是描写一个自我感觉不错的女孩的故事,然而她的处事之道却又可能有那么一些恶毒。有些歌曲可能要花一年甚至更多的时间去创作,而有的歌曲就是你随口就哼出来的,也不用过多地去思考。我不知道那时Candy为何会从我口中脱口而出,在我脑海中回响,但它的确就是这么创作出来的。”

新专辑Take The Crown将分为标准版以及豪华版两个版本发行。

Swings Both Ways

罗比威廉姆斯中文网讯 北京时间9月12日消息,女士们先生们,请注意。罗比威廉姆斯2013年华丽摇摆全新爵士大碟Swings Both Ways将于11月18日闪耀发行!已经开始接受预订。

跟随着罗比20年来最成功专辑Swing When You're Winning的摇摆节奏,全新的爵士专辑收录了一系列经典歌曲的翻唱,更得到了莉莉·艾伦(Lily Allen)、麦克·布雷(Michael Bublé)、凯利·克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson)、奥利·莫斯(Olly Murs)以及鲁弗斯·维恩莱特(Rufus WainWright)众多大牌好友倾力助阵,让这张新世纪爵士专辑更加星光闪耀。本次专辑将发行普通版、豪华版两个版本,其中豪华版将比普通版多收录3首歌曲,并有DVD收录专辑幕后花絮及歌曲MV。



11月4日首单Go Gentle温馨发行

新专辑Swings Both Ways的首波主打单曲确定为Go Gentle,这是罗比献给自己即将满周岁的女儿泰迪的父爱单曲,更是与老伙伴盖伊·钱布斯(Guy Chambers)暌违十年再携手的作品。“Go Gentle是献给我的女儿Teddy的歌曲,是我在她出生之前给她的绝对会履行的承诺,因为在她到来之前我怀疑自己是否能够兑现。歌中所唱的是我需要在生活中做好的,当我还活在这个世界上的时候,他们对我来说都是最重要的准则——是否能够做一个好爸爸。”



Take That

In 1990, the sixteen-year-old Williams was the youngest member to join Take That. According to the documentary Take That: For the Record, his mother read an advertisement seeking members for a new boy band and suggested that he try out for the group.

In November 1994, Williams's drug abuse had escalated to the point of his having a near drug overdose the night before the group was scheduled to perform at the MTV Europe Music Awards.He agreed to quit and left the group in July 1995; it would be the last time for twelve years that they were all together. Despite the departure of Williams, Take That completed their Nobody Else Tour as a four-piece band. They later disbanded on 13 February 1996, Williams's 22nd birthday.

Shortly afterwards, Williams was photographed by the press partying with the members of Oasis at Glastonbury Festival. Following his departure, he became the subject of talk shows and newspapers as he acknowledged his plans to become a solo singer, and he was spotted partying with George Michael in France. However, a clause in his Take That contract prohibited him from releasing any material until after the group was officially dissolved, and he was later sued by Martin-Smith and forced to pay $200,000 in commission. After various legal battles over his right to a solo career, Williams was victorious in getting released from his contract with BMG. On 27 June 1996, Williams formally announced that he had signed with Chrysalis Records.

1996–98: Life thru a Lens and I've Been Expecting You

His debut album, Life thru a Lens, was released in September 1997. The album launched with his first live solo gig at the Élysée Montmartre theatre in Paris, France. The album debuted at number eleven of the UK Album Charts.

When the album I've Been Expecting You was released in late October 1998, it debuted at number one in the UK Albums Chart. The album received more attention outside the United Kingdom, leaving its mark in the European and Latin American markets with hits such as "No Regrets", a collaboration with The Pet Shop Boys' singer Neil Tennant and The Divine Comedy's Neil Hannon.

The album I've Been Expecting You sold almost 3 million copies in the UK and was certified 10x Platinum by the BPI.In Europe, the album sold over 4 million copies.

1999–2001: Sing When You're Winning and Swing When You're Winning

In 1999, Williams was signed to Capitol Records in the United States, a part of EMI. He embarked on a US promotional tour and released his first US and Canadian single, "Millennium". The album The Ego Has Landed was released in July 1999 in the United States and Canada.

The video was edited by Top of the Pops for its graphic content and many other channels followed suit.The song became an instant hit, reaching number one in the UK (becoming his third number one single as a solo artist) and New Zealand. The song went on to win "Best Song of 2000" at the MTV Europe Music Awards, "Best Single of the Year" at the BRIT Awards and an MTV Video Music Award for Best Special Effects.

When the album, Sing When You're Winning was released in August 2000, it topped the charts in many different countries. In the UK the album was certified 2x Platinum on its first week of release.

2002–05: Escapology and Intensive Care

In 2002, Williams signed a record-breaking £80 million contract with EMI.The contract included a number of provisos, including the label ceding greater creative control to the artist and a commitment to breaking Williams into the US market. So far it is the biggest music deal in British history. The deal was brokered by Ingenious Media, a leading UK corporate finance advisory business.

When Williams' fifth studio album, Escapology, was released in late 2002, it hit number one in at least 10 countries around the world. In the United States, however, it failed to make such an impact. Escapology sold almost 2 million copies by the end of 2003 in the United Kingdom. In October 2003, Williams released his first live album, Live at Knebworth.

In October 2004, Williams released, Greatest Hits, a retrospective of his career, and also, to reveal the new tracks he had been working on with the then-new collaborator, Stephen Duffy."Radio", the compilation's first single, debuted at number one in the UK Singles Chart(becoming Williams' sixth number-one hit). When the compilation was later released it debuted at number one in the UK and was the best selling album of the year in the UK and Europe.

2006–09: Rudebox and Reality Killed the Video Star

Williams released his much anticipated dance/electro album, Rudebox, on 23 October 2006. It featured collaborations with the Pet Shop Boys, William Orbit, Soul Mekanik, Joey Negro, Mark Ronson, Chris Grierson, and The Orr Boys. The album finished at number eighteen in the list of 2006's best selling albums worldwide. Neil Tennant claimed the album had sold 4.5 million copies by early 2007.

On 11 October 2009 Williams published a 12-track compilation album, titled Songbook, as a free CD for the newspaper The Mail on Sunday. The CD is a one-off album of some of his biggest hits – including several rare live performances.That same evening, Williams made his "comeback" on The X Factor results show, performing his new single "Bodies" for the first time live.

Reality Killed the Video Star was previewed in the UK on the Spotify music streaming service on 6 November 2009, and official released on 9 November.In a high profile chart battle, Williams' album was pitted against X Factor 2008 runners-up JLS who released their debut album the same day. JLS beat Williams to the number one spot by 1500 sales. The album was also released in the United States (Williams' first album to be released there since 2002's Escapology).

In late November 2009, Williams travelled to Australia to perform at the ARIA Music Awards of 2009.

2009–12: Second stint

On 27 March 2009, Williams stated he felt ready to re-join Take That. He said: "I'm in regular contact with them, even Gaz, and it's looking more likely by the week. The lads all seem up for it and some people think it's a done deal. I think it would be fun."

While it was rumoured that Williams would reunite with Take That on 12 November 2009 for a Children in Need charity concert at The Royal Albert Hall, they merely greeted each other warmly on stage between performances. However, both did join with the other acts in the final song of the evening, with Williams putting his arm around Gary Barlow and singing "Hey Jude".

It was announced on 15 July that Williams had rejoined Take That. In November 2010 the Take That album Progress was released, becoming the fastest selling album since 2000 and the second fastest selling album in UK history. Williams explained that the long-standing feud between himself and Gary has been resolved, and how close they now were.

In August 2012, Take That performed at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Williams was due to perform with the band but dropped out due to his wife giving birth at around the same time and thus the group performed as a four-piece.

2010–13: In and Out of Consciousness, Take the Crown and Swings Both Ways

In October 2010, Williams released his second greatest hits album, In and Out of Consciousness: The Greatest Hits 1990–2010, to celebrate 20 years as a performing artist. A single, "Shame", was also released, which was written and sung by Williams and Barlow.

On 21 October 2011 Williams announced that he had signed with Island Records (Universal Music), following his departure from his previous record label EMI in 2010. He said in a statement, "I'm really thrilled to be joining the Universal family at what I think is the most exciting time in my career."

In September 2013, Williams announced a follow up to his 2001 swing album, titled Swings Both Ways for release in November. The album features covers and original songs, whilst also including duet recordings with Michael Bublé, Olly Murs, Rufus Wainright, Lily Allen and Kelly Clarkson.In November 2013 Williams made a cameo appearance in the video to Murs's song "Hand on Heart".

2014 Under the Radar Volume 1

Williams released a compilation album entitled Under the Radar Volume 1 on 1 December 2014 through his website, featuring b-sides, demos and other previously unreleased songs. An example of the latter is "Run It Wild" a song that he "once got very, very excited for" and prepared for last year's Take the Crown stadium tour."These are] loads and loads of songs that I've written that I'm incredibly passionate about, I want you to hear them, otherwise they're just going to remain in my computer!" Williams claims that Guy Chambers “isn’t happy” about these songs being released online: “He thinks I’m a lunatic for not putting them on an album that we’ve promoted with TV performances and at radio stations and a big tour,” Williams said. “But I’m an impetuous bugger, and I want them out now, now, now!”

2016 - present: New album + Signing with Sony Music

Williams announced that he was working on a new album after signing with Sony Music. It is rumoured to be worth £150 million, the most expensive signing for Sony Music in history.

Williams has teamed up with Guy Chambers for his 11th Studio Album.

