


#流行摇滚 #独立摇滚 #英伦摇滚 #后英伦
United Kingdom 英国


97年从格拉斯哥到伦敦发展的四人乐队Travis, 首张专辑"Good Feeling"开始展露融合摇滚、民谣、流行的抒情风格, 产生五首Top 40 细碟、大碟也得到Top10 成绩肯定。99 年第二张大碟 "The Man Who", 获得广大共鸣, 促使专辑跳上Top 4 并成为该年全英最畅销的大碟, 而一首首陆续发表的细碟都获得成绩包括:「Writing To Reach You」(#14)、「Driftwood」(#13)、「Why Does It Always rain On Me」(#10)、「Turn」(#4)等,其中「Why Does It Always rain On Me」被Q 杂志评为99 年最佳细碟, 因此在2000年的Brit Awards一口气拿下最佳组合、最佳大碟等大奖。

获得Oasis灵魂人物Noel Gallagher钦点为他最喜爱的乐队, Travis 与Oasis 联手巡回美国, 马不停啼的宣传行程使Travis 成名于欧美两地, 18个月后, Travis 完成全新作品"The Invisible Band", 依然由老拍檔 Nigel Gordrich 制作, 首张细碟「Sing」倾诉情人间的种种心情; 太阳底下, 人们生而平等的「Side」; 纪录着心情轨迹的「Dear Diary」; 灵光乍现的「Flowers In The Window」; 阐扬凡事往好的地方想的「Follow The Light」;「Safe」讲的是从惨绿少年到成年蜕变; 如梦缥渺的情歌「The Humpty Dumpty Love Song」... 听着Travis, 会令你重新领略人生的真正意义。

成立于1996年来自英国格拉斯哥Glasgow的Travis,是当2000年发表第二张录音室专辑“The Man Who”时,远远超乎预期的热烈回响,才让他们仿佛从一个小城的地方乐团,摇身一变不仅成为英国的摇滚巨星,同时赢得全球各地乐迷的肯定。这支每个人一听到他们的音乐都会为之眼睛一亮的杰出乐团,藉着他们的歌声广播了他们寓幽默人生观于实力作品中的新音乐主义。

对于喜爱英式摇滚的人而言,Travis当然是一支重要极具代表性乐团,四张专辑全部有Top10的销售量(其中两张是排行冠军)。15首Top 40单曲、3座全英音乐奖肯定,唱遍各大型演唱会Glastonbury、Reading、V Festival…等等。

Travis受欢迎的确是一个不争的事实,可他们也一直背负着一个“罪名”。大凡英国的乐队刚出道时总是要被喋喋不休的传媒赋予“某某接班人”的光荣称号,而对于Travis来说,他们理所当然地被看成是早期的Radiohead,甚至是Ride,因为他们同样醉心于营造“吉他摇滚”的风格,并且共同分享了一个叫Nigel Godrich的制作人,这样的结合是催生出一首首流行榜上的曲目。如此甜美动人的旋律浸满爽朗的吉他果酱,很少乐迷能抵抗得住这种没有任何危险的诱惑。

继上张被捧上天得《The Man Who》以后,Travis在2001盛夏推出《the Invisible Band》----他们的第三张完整结晶。单从从商业角度来揣度,这张唱片的确是合格有余了。从去年10月开始制作的这张新唱片依然极富Glasgow清新民谣的丰韵,几乎每首歌都忠实地秉承了过往的套路,而主唱Fran Healey那有点臃懒的成熟声线就象大不列颠帝国即将沉睡的夕阳一样惹人遐想。

新唱片的另一个鲜明的走向是歌词的定位。由于主唱Fran Healey目前正沉浸在爱河里,所以他不打算继续以“类哲学家”的角度去映射人生的酸甜苦辣,捧上台面的都是没有深度却轻松诒人的爱情颂歌。在主打单曲“Sing”里,这一意图尤其明显。“The love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing,sing,sing"(你所带来的爱,只有不停地唱啊唱啊才富有意义),这几乎是在为卡拉OK卖软性广告,其旋律的流行程度几乎可以跟张学友比肩。在另一首备受瞩目的主打曲“Flowers in the Window”中,他更是丝毫不掩饰自己对女友的挚爱,歌中的这一句可以拿来粘贴进你写情书时的注脚:Out in the crowd/ You are one in a million/ And I love you so.(在汹涌的人群中,你是唯一一个吸引我的,我爱你那么深!)。

软摇滚是这张新唱片最鲜明的旗帜,对他们上张唱片《The Man Who》钟爱有加的Fans这次依然可以继续沉浸在柔美的吉他声浪中。“Side”和“Pipe Dreams”这两首是典型的Travis风格的代表作,吉他手Andy Dunlop巧妙地将清淡的电子音效抹入凉爽的Acoustic弹奏中,带出一派苏格兰的新民谣韵味。如果这张专集在整体把握上能“重”一些,感觉可能会更多元化。象“Follow the Light”和“Flowers in the Window”这两首稍重的作品轻而易举就从专集中“跳”了出来,因为无论是鼓手Neil Primorose还是贝斯手Dougie Payne都显得激情四射。其他作品虽然听起来是很甜美,但是独沽一味的甜美或许很容易就流于奄闷。


Along with Cast, Ocean Colour Scene, Kula Shaker, and Embrace, Travis was one of the most prominent British trad rock bands in the mid- to late '90s. Following Oasis' lead of crafting down-to-earth, heartfelt songs in the vein of classic British bands from the '60s, Travis was more successful and enduring than some of their peers due to their lively, impassioned songwriting and performances. The group formed in Glasgow around 1990 as something of a lark for its members, singer/songwriter Francis Healy, guitarist Andy Dunlop, drummer Neil Primrose, and bassist Dougie Payne. After finishing their studies at art school a few years later, the foursome became more serious about Travis' potential and moved to London in 1996. Their self-released debut EP, All I Wanna Do Is Rock, came out in the fall of that year; with its earnest vocals and soaring guitars, it captured the spirit of British rock at the time, which was retreating from some of Britpop's artiness to a back-to-basics sound. Their second single, 1997's "U16 Girls," was released by Independiente Records, the new label headed by former Go! Discs director Andy MacDonald; a few months later, their critically acclaimed full-length debut, Good Feeling, arrived. Recorded in a matter of days with top producer Steve Lillywhite, the album included hit singles like "Happy" and "Tied to the '90s" and immediately entered the Top Ten of the U.K. charts. The following year, Travis began sessions with star producer Nigel Godrich for the follow-up to Good Feeling, recording in six studios in as many months. Though it was a slower, darker affair, when The Man Who appeared in 1999 it eclipsed Travis' previous successes, going platinum six times in the U.K. and spawning more hit singles such as "Why Does It Always Rain on Me?" and "Writing to Reach You." Nominated Select Magazine's Album of the Year (and finishing in the Top Ten of many other publication's year-end lists), The Man Who appeared on U.S. shores in early 2000, just in time for a tour with their musical big brothers, Oasis. Debuting at the number one spot on the U.K. album chart, The Invisible Band was issued in June 2001 just prior to stateside summer gigs with Dido. Two years later, the band issued 12 Memories, which was followed in late 2004 with the singles collection Singles. Travis finally returned with an album of all-new material in the spring of 2007 entitled The Boy with No Name, whose arrival was announced by the release of the single "Closer."

