


#先锋爵士 #融合爵士 #后波普
Norway 挪威


Terje Rypdal为世界顶级的著名作曲家和演奏家,是现代爵士风景中首屈一指的大师级人物,被誉为“吉他之神”、“活着的大师”,是世界前卫爵士乐迷心目中的圣殿——ECM厂牌的领军人之一. 挪威爵士吉他手,爵士音乐家Terje Rypdal是当代欧洲爵士的重要代表人物,是北欧爵士的明星之一;更被誉为吉他之神。他的演奏,把New Age音乐、摇滚和爵士乐的各种元素糅合在一起,创造出自己独特的风格。1947年Rypdal出生于挪威奥斯陆的一个音乐世家。5岁起学习古典钢琴。后又拜入奥斯陆大学George Russell门下学习作曲。而他的吉他演奏是自学成才的。其中Jimi Hendrix对他影响最深。Rypdal个人喜好广且杂,不单单迷恋诸如马勒、格里格、贝多芬、斯托克豪森等古典/当代音乐家;包括Jimi Hendrix、John McLaughlin、Sex Pistols、Prince在内的一批流行乐手对其创作的影响亦显而易见。自72年代开始,Terje Rypdal开始展开了他与欧洲爵士乐重要厂牌ECM的合作,至今在该厂牌出版了超过20张专辑。Rypdal热衷于尝试各类元素的融合,在爵士、先锋、新世纪音乐等领域均有建树。更同Bobo Stenson、Palle Mikkelborg、Miroslav Vitous、Jack DeJohnette和David Darling等大师级人物屡有合作。   Terje Rypdal 不但是 ECM Manfred Eicher 旗下最老牌的台柱,新美学大师,而且独自单手以一把 Fender Stratocaster 电吉他绘出了北欧的雪景山水。他的风格就像同胞 Jan Garbarek 一样,百分之一百原汁原创,没人想得到,也没人能学得来。Rypdal 的音乐境界深远,音色迷人(独特的切掉 attack 部份的电吉他长音),旋律感特强,迷离美幻的音乐旋律中常有显灵 (ephiphany) 之笔。且风格上能从 Jimi Hendrix 、前卫爵士,直直通到欧洲学院派交响曲。

by Scott Yanow

Terje Rypdal has long had an unusual style, mixing together elements more commonly found in new age and rock than in jazz; yet he is also an adventurous improviser. Associated with the ECM label since the early 70s, Rypdals playing is definitely an acquired taste, using space and dense sounds in an unusual manner. Classically trained as a pianist, Rypdal was largely self-taught on guitar and originally most influenced by Jimi Hendrix. He attended Oslo University, where he was taught the Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization by its author, George Russell. Rypdal played with Russell for a time and started an association with Jan Garbarek in the late 60s. He formed the group Odyssey in 1972, and has led various small groups since the mid-70s. An important guitarist and composer in Norway, Terje Rypdal gained a cult following in the United States. He recorded steadily for ECM since 1972 (using such sidemen at times as Garbarek, pianist Bobo Stenson, trumpeter Palle Mikkelborg, bassist Miroslav Vitous, drummer Jack DeJohnette, and cellist David Darling). His two earlier sessions (for the Karusell label in 1968, and a notable 1969 Baden-Baden, Germany, concert put out by MPS) are more difficult to find.

