


#实验摇滚 #根源唱作人 #民谣摇滚 #学院摇滚 #另类唱作人
United States of America 美国



中 文 名 汤姆·威兹

外 文 名 Tom Waits

别    名 汤姆·韦斯或汤姆·韦茨

国    籍 美国

出 生 地 加利福尼亚州波莫纳

出生日期 1949年12月7日

职    业 演员 歌手

代表作品 电影《法外行走》、《咖啡和香烟》等


汤姆·威兹(Tom Waits)美国艺人,1949年12月7日生于(Pomona)。



20世纪70年代初,汤姆·威兹在加州圣迭戈一家叫Heritage的夜总会作门童。在这个夜总会演出的有鲍勃·迪伦、罗德·伯克利等等当时的大明星,从这个时期他开始潜心于探索自己的音乐风格。没多久,威兹辞掉了门童的工作来到洛杉矶,并在一家叫做Troubadour的酒吧获得了每周一晚上演出的机会,不久后Asylum Record的一纸和约递到了他的面前。那年他21岁。 1973年,汤姆·威兹的首张专辑《Closing Time》发行。整个七十年代,威兹极其多产:八年出版七张专辑。73年后的六张专辑为威兹建立起相当不错的声誉与地位。

1983年,威兹转投Island唱片公司旗下,同年发行了专辑《剑鱼长号》(Swordfishtrombones)。1985年发行《雨狗》(Raindogs),1987年发行《福兰克的狂野时光》(Frank's Wild Years),它们被评论家视为威兹转变风格的标志性三部曲。


1992年发行的《骨头机器》(Bone Machine)为威兹赢得了格莱美大奖。之后,威兹开始了一段新的,传奇式的创作时期。受导演罗伯特·威尔森(Robert Wilson)之托,他和妻子凯瑟林·布兰恩(Kathleen Brennan)为歌剧《黑骑士》(Black Rider)创作并制作音乐并获得巨大成功。闯入电影和戏剧阵地的汤姆·威兹一发不可收拾。

1986年,威兹首次在电影中亮相,那是独立导演吉姆·贾木许(Jim Jarmusch)执导,意大利演员罗伯托·贝尼尼(Roberto Benigni)出演的另类电影《法外行走》(Down by Law),威兹在片中饰演一个无所事事的混混。贾木许现代寓言风格的冷峻苦闷敲碎了一切前因后果,而威兹颓废木愣的表演更加深了对现实荒诞感的诠释。值得一提的是,这之后,威兹和贾木许以及贝尼尼成了好朋友,后两者的多部作品中都能看到威兹的身影。

同样是在贾木许导演的《咖啡和香烟》中,威兹和伊基·波普(IGGY POP)展开了一场“无聊”的对戏。“我演的角色总是同一个类型,”威兹对记者说,“很多演员不愿这样,他们不愿总是演坏蛋、警察或皮条客。但我不是个真正的演员,我不在乎。”


Blue Valentine(1978)

Heartattack and Vine(1980)


Rain Dogs(1985)

Franks Wild Years(1987)

Night on Earth(1992)

Bone Machine(1992)

Mule Variations(1999)

Blood Money(2002)


Real Gone(2004)

Bad As Me(2011)

2016年2月,他的歌曲《Misery is the River of the World》出现在美剧《X档案》中。

Life and career

Thomas Alan Waits (born December 7, 1949) is an American singer-songwriter, composer, and actor. Waits has a distinctive voice, described by critic Daniel Durchholz as sounding like "it was soaked in a vat of bourbon, left hanging in the smokehouse for a few months, and then taken outside and run over with a car."With this trademark growl, his incorporation of pre-rock music styles such as blues, jazz, and vaudeville, and experimental tendencies verging on industrial music, Waits has built up a distinctive musical persona. He has worked as a composer for movies and musicals and has acted in supporting roles in films, including ‘Paradise Alley’ and 'Stoker's Dracula’. He also starred in Jim Jarmusch's 1986 film ‘Down by Law’. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his soundtrack work on ‘One from the Heart’.

Waits' lyrics frequently present atmospheric portraits of grotesque, often seedy characters and places—although he has also shown a penchant for more conventional ballads. He has a cult following and has influenced subsequent songwriters despite having little radio or music video support. His songs are best-known through cover versions by more commercial artists: "Jersey Girl", performed by Bruce Springsteen, "Ol' '55", by the Eagles, and "Downtown Train", by Rod Stewart. Although Waits' albums have met with mixed commercial success in his native United States, they have occasionally achieved gold album sales status in other countries. He has been nominated for a number of major music awards and has won Grammy Awards for two albums, ‘Bone Machine’ and ‘Mule Variations’. In 2011, Waits was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.He is also included among the 2010 list of ‘Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Singers. and the 2015 list of Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time.

Waits lives in Sonoma County, California, with his wife and musical collaborator Kathleen Brennan, and three children.

On February 16, 2016, the song "Misery is the River of the World" featured in the ‘X-Files’ episode "Babylon".

