


#前卫摇滚 #流行摇滚 #艺术摇滚 #前卫流行 #钢琴摇滚
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70年代著名的新浪潮乐队Supertramp的现场录音集。乐队成立于1969年,是由乐队主唱兼keyboard手Rick Davies的一个亿万富翁的朋友出钱支持成立的,由于不用考虑商业效益,所以前期他们基本都沉醉于过份的SOLO中,动辄8、9分钟的作品比比皆是,完全不顾主流市场的作法及天马行空的浪漫风格尽管拥有了部分铁杆FANS,但更多的是受到主流音乐评论家的刻薄批评,在74年的《Crime of the Century》的发行后更是达到登峰造极的地步,尽管这张专辑在今天看来是多么的唯美。后来亿万富翁撤出了支持使得乐队不得不为自己的生存问题考虑起来不得不趋向于主流,并在1979年发行了他们最成功的一张专辑《Breakfast in America 》,这张全球卖出1800万的唱片不仅使Supertramp名声大震,里面的'take the Long Way Home', 'the Logical Song' 和 'goodbye Stranger'都曾挺进过Single 10内,但也用光了他们所有的灵感,在这张专辑后他们也曾经尝试不同风格比如R&B、Blues等,但都未达到79年的高度,在进行了几场巡演后,乐队于84年解散。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine & Andrew Leahey

Once upon a time in 1969, a young Dutch millionaire by the name of Stanley August Miesegaes gave his acquaintance, vocalist and keyboardist Rick Davies, a genuine opportunity to form his own band; he could form the band of his dreams and Miesegaes would pay for it. After placing an ad in Melody Maker, Davies assembled Supertramp alongside co-founders Roger Hodgson (vocals, piano, guitar, cello), Richard Palmer (vocals, guitar, balalaika), and former stage actor Robert Millar (percussion, harmonica). Supertramp released two long-winded progressive rock albums before Miesegaes withdrew his support, and by early 1972, Davies and Hodgson were the only founding members remaining. The pair began an extensive search for replacements and soon pieced together the lineup that would be responsible for Supertramps definitive sound, comprising new members Doug Thomson (bass), Bob Siebenberg (percussion), and John Helliwell (woodwinds, saxophone, keyboards).

With no money or fan base to speak of, the expanded Supertramp was forced to redesign their sound. Coming up with a more pop-oriented form of progressive rock, the band had a hit with their third album, Crime of the Century. Throughout the decade, Supertramp had a number of best-selling albums, culminating in their 1979 masterpiece Breakfast in America. Breakfast in America marked their first album that tipped the scale completely in the favor of pop songs; on the strength of the hit singles Goodbye Stranger, Logical Song, and Take the Long Way Home, it sold over 18 million copies worldwide. After that album, Supertramp continued to develop a more R&B-flavored style; the change in direction was successful on 1982s Famous Last Words, but the band soon ran out of hits. Hodgson left in 1983 to mount a solo career, and Supertramp continued to sporadically record and tour into the 21st century.

