


#民谣流行 #根源唱作人 #民谣摇滚 #当代民谣 #流行摇滚
United States of America 美国



中 文 名 西蒙和加芬克尔

外 文 名 Simon & Garfunkel

国    籍 美国

职    业 歌手

经纪公司 哥伦比亚唱片公司

代表作品The Sound of Silence,Scarborough Fair/Canticle


Simon & Garfunkel(西蒙和加芬克尔)是一支美国男声双重唱组合,跻身于60年代最受欢迎的歌手之列。组合成员是保罗·西蒙(Pual Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。1965年,Simon & Garfunkel凭借着一曲《The Sound of Silence》迅速走红。而2年后,为经典电影《毕业生》配唱插曲进一步成就了他们的辉煌。1970年,他们因音乐上的意见不合而分道扬镳,但此后也曾多次同台表演。他们的音乐以充满诗意的歌词与优美的和声著称于世,代表作如《寂静之声》(The Sound of Silence)、《斯卡布罗集市》(Scarborough Fair/Canticle)等历经几十年依旧美妙如昔,为人乐道。 2003年,Simon & Garfunkel获得了格莱美终身成就奖。

Simon & Garfunkel的历史要追溯到50年代,两位音乐巨匠保罗·西蒙(Pual Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)就是从那时开始了黄金搭档的音乐生涯,他们的歌曲淳朴而感人,创作出无数脍炙人口的经典之作,虽然历经岁月洗礼,听来仍感人肺腑。

保罗·西蒙(生于1941年10月13日)同阿特·加芬克尔(生于1941年11月5日)在纽约一块儿长大。15岁时,他俩就组建了“汤姆和杰里”(Tom & Jerry)乐队,推出了一首热门歌曲《嘿,女学生》(Hey Schoolgirl)。完成学业之后,西蒙重新开始录制唱片。他曾用过许多名字,包括杰里·兰迪斯(Jerry Landies)、蒂科(Tico)和“胜利”(The Triumphs)乐队。“胜利”乐队的一首“摩托车(Motorcycle)”在1962年曾打入排行榜。

1964年,哥伦比亚唱片公司与他们签约制作了第一张唱片《Wednesday Morning, 3 AM》,其中就有那首著名的《The Sound of Silence》,这是他们第一次以“Simon & Garfunkel”的名义面世。歌伦比亚公司将该曲改编成摇滚风格,在佛罗里达的电台中滚动播放。1966年1月,这首单曲荣登排行榜冠军宝座,Paul Simon被誉为新的反叛一代的曲作者和诗人。接着好运就一直追随着这两位极具才华的年轻人,相继出版的单曲《Homeward Bound》,《I Ama Rock》一并进入1966年度的最畅销名单。

在这之后Simon & Garfunkel的音乐逐步探讨着孤独和异化的主题,他们用音乐的独特形式表达了年轻一代在成长中的烦恼与渴望。1967年,他们出版了第四张专辑《Bookend》充满了诗的意味,次年他们又为达斯汀·霍夫曼主演的电影《毕业生》录制了歌曲《Mrs. Robinson》,这首曲子高居排行榜前列达数周之久。在专辑排行榜上《The Graduate》、《Bookend》和《Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme》分别位居第一、第二、第三;1968年《Mrs. Robinson》荣获该年度葛莱美最佳声乐小组流行曲表演奖。

Simon & Garfunkel的颠峰之作是1970年的专辑《Bridge Over Trouble Water》,这个专辑包括11首无可非议的单曲,成为当时乐坛上的最畅销专辑之一,销量达1000万张以上。

但是巨大的成功也使得他们难以再前进。加芬克尔把兴趣转向了电影,出演了《第二十二条军规》和其他一些电影。不久后,西蒙与加芬克尔分手。西蒙在此后的个人音乐生涯中不断发展前行。1975年,他们又合作录制了歌曲《我的小城镇》(My Little Town),这首歌被他们分别收到了同年推出的个人专辑上。1978年,他们同詹姆斯·泰勒(JAMES TAYLOR)合作录制了《奇妙的世界》(Wonderful World)。1981年,“Simon & Garfunkel”出现在纽约中央公园音乐会上,现场录音专辑《中央公园音乐会》(The Concertin Central Park)成为金唱片。

2010年,加芬克尔的声带出现了麻痹症状,故北美“Old Friends”巡演被迫取消。


Simon & Garfunkel were an American folk rock duo consisting of singer-songwriters Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. They were one of the most popular recording artists of the 1960s and became counterculture icons of the decade's social revolution, alongside artists such as the Beatles, the Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan. Their biggest hits—including &The Sound of Silence& (1964), &Mrs. Robinson& (1968), &Bridge over Troubled Water& (1969), and &The Boxer& (1969)—reached number one on singles charts worldwide. Their often rocky relationship led to artistic disagreements, which resulted in their breakup in 1970. Their final studio record, Bridge over Troubled Water (released in January of that year), was their most successful, becoming one of the world's best-selling albums. Since their split in 1970 they have reunited several times, most famously in 1981 for the &The Concert in Central Park&, which attracted more than 500,000 people, the seventh-largest concert attendance in history.

The duo met as children in Queens, New York in 1953, where they learned to harmonize together and began writing original material. By 1957, under the name Tom & Jerry, the teenagers had their first minor success with &Hey Schoolgirl&, a song imitating their idols The Everly Brothers. Afterwards, the duo went their separate ways, with Simon making unsuccessful solo records. In 1963, aware of a growing public interest in folk music, they regrouped and were signed to Columbia Records as Simon & Garfunkel. Their début, Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M., sold poorly, and they once again disbanded; Simon returned to a solo career, this time in England. In June 1965, their song &The Sound of Silence& was overdubbed, adding electric guitar and a drumkit to the original 1964 recording. This later version became a major U.S. AM radio hit in 1965, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Simon & Garfunkel reunited, releasing their second studio album Sounds of Silence and touring colleges nationwide. On their third release, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (1966), the duo assumed more creative control. Their music was featured in the 1967 film The Graduate, giving them further exposure. Bookends (1968), their next album, topped the Billboard 200 chart and included the number-one single &Mrs. Robinson& from the film. After their 1970 breakup following the release of Bridge over Troubled Water, they both continued recording, Simon releasing a number of highly acclaimed albums, including 1986's Graceland. Garfunkel also briefly pursued an acting career, with leading roles in two Mike Nichols films, Catch-22 and Carnal Knowledge, and in Nicolas Roeg's 1980 Bad Timing, as well as releasing some solo hits such as &All I Know&.

Simon & Garfunkel were described by critic Richie Unterberger as &the most successful folk-rock duo of the 1960s& and one of the most popular artists from the decade in general. They won 10 Grammy Awards and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. Their Bridge over Troubled Water album was nominated at the 1977 Brit Awards for Best International Album and is ranked at number 51 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

In 2009, the duo reunited again for three songs during Simon's two-night engagement at New York's Beacon Theatre. This led to a reunion tour of Asia and Australia in June 2009.Their headlining set at the 2010 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival was very difficult for Garfunkel, who was experiencing serious vocal problems. &I was terrible, and crazy nervous. I leaned on Paul Simon and the affection of the crowd,& he told Rolling Stone several years later.Garfunkel was diagnosed with vocal cord paresis, and the remaining tour dates were postponed indefinitely. His manager, John Scher, informed Simon's camp that Garfunkel would be ready within a year, which did not happen, leading to poor relations between the two. He regained his vocal strength over the course of the next four years, performing shows in a Harlem theater and to underground audiences.

Despite this, the duo have not staged a full-scale tour or performed shows since 2010. Garfunkel confirmed to Rolling Stone in 2014 that he believes they will tour in the future, although Simon had been too &busy& in recent years. &I know that audiences all over the world like Simon and Garfunkel. I'm with them. But I don't think Paul Simon's with them,& he remarked. In a 2016 interview with NPR's David Greene, when asked about the possibility of reuniting, Simon stated; &Well, I don't think most people do constantly want Simon to relive the olden days. The fact is, is, like, we did do two big reunions, and we're done. There's nothing really much to say. You know, the music essentially stopped in 1970. And, you know, I mean, quite honestly, we don't get along. So it's not like it's fun. If it was fun, I'd say, OK, sometimes we'll go out and sing old songs in harmony. That's cool. But when it's not fun, you know, and you're going to be in a tense situation, well, then I have a lot of musical areas that I like to play in. So that'll never happen again. That's that.&

