


#车库朋克 #垃圾摇滚
United States of America 美国




风 格:Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Garage Punk(车库朋克) Grunge(垃圾摇滚)

介 绍:

组建时间: 1988年

国 籍:美国

专 辑:

Since We've Become Translucent、Here Comes Sickness-Best Of BBC、March To Fuzz、Tomorrow Hit Today、My Brother The Cow、My Brother The Cow、Five Dollar Bob's Mock、Piece Of Cake等。

与Nirvana/Pearl Jam齐名车库摇滚(Grunge)先驱乐队,西雅图摇滚圣地独立厂牌Sub Pop镇厂之宝,Pearl Jam首场台北演唱会暖场乐团.与90年代中期转入主流厂牌再回归独立乐坛.始终如一成军18年来不卑不亢行走于车库摇滚道路.总是摇滚有理言之有物allmusicguide四星高评价.“蜜浆”(Mudhoney)也是早年活跃于西雅图的非主流乐队之一。1988年,当“涅盘”乐队还在地下驰骋的时候,“蜜浆”的首张单曲唱片《触摸我我病了》(Touch Me I'm Sick)就已在“地下流行”旗下推出,并引起了一定的反响。以后,“蜜浆”又分别于1988年和1991年推出EP《Superfuzz Bigmuff》和专辑《每个好男孩都该得到奶糖》(Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge)。应该说,“蜜浆”是这批乐队中最早彻底脱离重金属加盟朋克阵营的一支,其音乐中时时爆发朋克式激情,主唱如同吉姆·莫里森(Jim Morrison,大门乐队主唱)鬼魅附身一般,以肮脏的嘶吼装点着前朋克时代的粗陋录音氛围。

Mudhoney is an American alternative rock band. Formed in Seattle, Washington, in 1988 following the demise of Green River, Mudhoney's members are singer and rhythm guitarist Mark Arm, lead guitarist Steve Turner, bassist Guy Maddison and drummer Dan Peters. Original bassist Matt Lukin left the band in 1999.

Mudhoney's early releases on the Sub Pop label, particularly their debut single "Touch Me I'm Sick" and the Superfuzz Bigmuff EP, were massively influential on the Seattle music scene. More than almost any other release of the era they inspired the dirty, high-distortion sound that would become grunge. Later on, Mudhoney also mixed heavy blues rock and punk rock into their sound at various stages. Although the band has found little commercial success during its long career, which has yielded 10 studio albums, it has inspired countless grunge and alternative rock musicians.

