


#流行舞曲 #另类舞曲 #合成器流行
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 宠物店男孩

外 文 名 Pet Shop Boys

国    籍 英国

职    业 歌手

代表作品 《West End Girls》

乐队成员 NeilTennant,Chris Lowe


Pet Shop Boys “宠物店男孩”成立于1981年, 是从80年代起直至现今最成功的英国演唱组之一,最成功的电子音乐组合。Pet Shop Boys 是一对天才的词曲合作者,尼尔·泰纳( Neil Tennant )和克里斯·洛(Chris Lowe),他们在出道15年中凭藉优美的旋律和流畅自然的曲风,赢得了众多乐迷的喜爱。

1985年,PSB 聘 Stephan Hague 为唱片监制,以一曲《West End Girls》闯入法国和 比利时的单曲排列榜,结束了两年的守望期,一跃成为流行乐坛的新宠儿。

1986年,PSB以《 West End Girls 》连获英、美排行榜的第一位;发行了首张专辑《Please》,突出自己将Disco和Pop揉合的独特风格,以重复迭宕的和声体现忧欢相随的情感。

1987年, PSB又推出了第二张专辑《Actually》,内容更加丰厚,二重和声运用更为成熟,而单曲《It's A Sin》《It Couldn't Happen Here》 也在流行榜上取得了骄人成绩。


1990年PSB的第四张专辑《Behaviour》是与Harold Fateneyer的合作成果,其中减少了民谣的味道,而以更现实更理性的方式表达强烈的个人理念。到93年《Very》的推出又一次超越了PSB 先前的成绩,充分显示了他们作为流行音乐前沿斗士和舞曲情感缔造者的实力。

1991年3月,在发行单曲《HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY》之后又发行改编版的U2的歌《WHERE THE STREET SHAVE NO NAME》。开始第二次巡回演出THE PERFORMANCE,先后在日本、美国、加拿大、法国、比利时、德国、丹麦、瑞典、芬兰、捷克斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、匈牙利、南斯拉夫、瑞士、意大利、西班牙、荷兰、英国、及爱尔兰进行。5月28日,新版单曲《JEALOUSY》发行。6月3日,第三张《PET SHOP BOYS VIDEO》专辑PROMOTION发行。6月17日,在爱尔兰的都柏林,PETSHOPBOYS结束了他们的此次演唱会。8月,PETSHOPBOYS被英国的流行音乐电台RADIOONE邀请做嘉宾主持,次年7月,他们又再度被邀请。9月,与苏格兰乐手CICERO合作的单曲《HEAVEN MUST HAVE SENT YOU BACK TO ME》发行。10月14日,为海湾战争制作的单曲DJCULTURE发行。11月,PETSHOPBOYS的集锦式的专辑《DISCOGRAPHY》发行,同期发行相应VIDEO专辑VIDEOGRAPHY。12月8日,单曲《WASITWORTHIT?》发行。

1992年2月10日,PETSHOPBOYS的长达一小时的电视片在电视台的艺术类节目SOUTHBANKSHOW播放。5月13日,PETSHOPBOYS在曼彻斯特的HACIENDA夜总会开了演唱会,就在那时,为纪念HACIENDA十周年,PETSHOPBOYS选唱了一首VILLAGE PEOPLE的GOWEST。6月8日,PETSHOPBOYS在纽约的一场旨在拯救艾滋病患者的音乐会上演唱。6月,NEIL参与创作的ELECTRONIC的单曲《DISAPPOINTED》发行。9月28日,1991年演唱会的VIDEO专辑PERFORMANCE发行。10月26日,尼尔乔丹(《夜访吸血鬼》的导演)的电影《THE CRYING GAME》的原声带发行,PETSHOPBOYS担当音乐制作。同时制作新版DAVEBERRY1964年的单曲《THE CRYING GAME》,由BOYGEORGE演唱。后来随着影片的推波助澜,这首歌先在1992年9月成为英国热门单曲,后又于1993年在美国成功。1993年6月1日,单曲《CAN YOU FORGIVE HER?》发行。7月,PETSHOPBOYS前往莫斯科参加俄罗斯音乐电视台开播典礼。9月6日,单曲GOWEST发行。9月27日,新专辑《VERY》发行,后又伴随发行其混音专辑RELENTLESS。11月15日,《I WOULDN'T NORMALLY DO THIS KIND OF THING》作为单曲发行。12月,VIDEO专辑PROJECTION发行。

1994年2月14日,在英国音乐奖颁奖典礼上演唱GOWEST。4月4日,LIBERATION作为单曲发行。5月31日,单曲《ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS》发行,并将发行利润捐给BRITISH CHARITY COMICRE LIEF这个慈善机构。6月,为BLUR混音的单曲GIRL SAND BOYS发行。8月29日,《YESTERDAY,WHEN I WAS MAD》作为单曲发行。9月12日,第二张混音专辑DISCO2发行


8月7日,发行专辑ALTERNATIVE(双CD)包括以前不被重视的B面歌曲30首,同期发行DISCOVERY演唱会实况VIDEO专辑。12月19日,PETSHOPBOYS在RADIOONE电台录制了两个小时的MERRY PET SHOP BOYS的圣诞节目,并在圣诞之夜播出。


1997年3月17日,AREDLETTERDAY作为单曲发行;6月5日,PETSHOPBOYS开始在伦敦SAVOY THEATRE演出。6月23日,单曲SOMEWHERE发行,为英国榜第九。6月27日,在丹麦ROCKILDE节上演唱其16首歌,有80000人观看,非常成功。7月7日,BILINGUAL特别版发行,双CD,包括一张原BILINGUAL专辑和一张包括单曲SOMEWHERE的混音专辑。8月,PETSHOPBOYS在斯德哥尔摩的水节的最后一天的晚上登台献艺。9月,PETSHOPBOYS与ELTONJOHN共同出现在ELTONJOHN的节目AN AUDIENCE WITH ELTON JOHN,并一起演唱了一首IBELIVE。




1999年7月19日,宠物店男孩发行了新单曲I don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore。此曲在发行之初取得不俗的成绩,达到英国榜15,但在上周(8月第一周)却下滑21位至第36。据悉,他们的下一支单曲New York City Boy(纽约男孩)将于9月27日发行,其MTV将在接下来的几个星期在伦敦拍摄。另外,有歌迷声称,据可靠消息传言,这首纽约男孩将给世界一个惊喜,一首绝对不同以往的宠物店男孩的歌。


1999年8月11日,宠物店男孩在英国电台Radio One Eclipse Road Show上演唱了投下阴影(Casting A Shadow)。



1999年8月20日,宠物店男孩的音乐录影带I don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore赢得了德国科隆Viva Comet Awards的最佳国际录影带奖(Best International Video)。

1999年8月30日Eric Watson为宠物店男孩设计出了新的形象(Eric Watson曾为宠物店男孩拍过多个音乐电视和照片,比如BEINGBORING)

1999年9月3日新单曲纽约男孩开始在电台播放,其正式版将于9月27日在英国和欧洲发行。曾经导演宠物店男孩的音乐录影带Go West和Can You Forgive Her?的Howard Greenhalgh将再次为宠物店拍片,作为这支新单曲音乐电视的导演。

1999年9月13日MTVUK(英国音乐电视台)将从即日起独家播映'New York City Boy'的video

10月9日,PSB将以嘉宾身份造访德国RTL电台的"百万富翁秀"节目,他们还会当场演唱'New York City Boy'(纽约男孩)。1999年10月11日新专辑NightLife开始在英国发行;11月15日,该专辑在美国发行。1999年12月,宠物店男孩开始了他们新一轮演唱会。


Inner Sanctum(2016)EP



Pet Shop Boys are an English electronic pop duo, formed in London in 1981 and consisting of Neil Tennant (main vocals, keyboards, occasional guitar) and Chris Lowe (keyboards, occasional vocals).

Pet Shop Boys have sold more than 50 million records worldwide, and are listed as the most successful duo in UK music history by ‘The Guinness Book of Records’.Three-time Brit Award winners and six-time Grammy nominees, since 1985 they have achieved forty-two Top 30 singles and 22 Top 10 hits in the UK Singles Chart, including four UK number ones: "West End Girls" (also number one on the US ‘Billboard’ Hot 100), "It's a Sin", an acclaimed cover of "Always on My Mind" and "Heart". Other hit songs include a cover of "Go West", "Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)" (satire of Thatcherism) and "What Have I Done to Deserve This?" in a duet with Dusty Springfield. At the 2009 Brit Awards, Pet Shop Boys received an award for Outstanding Contribution to Music.

On 28 September 2011, Pet Shop Boys announced that they had written 16 songs for their next studio album and expected to start recording the new songs in November 2011 for release in Autumn 2012. In the meantime, ‘Format’, an album of the duo's B-sides from 1996 to 2009 was released on 6 February 2012 as a sequel to their earlier B-side collection ‘Alternative’. ‘Format’ entered the UK charts at No.26 on 12 February 2012.

On 21 November 2011, the Beyond Theatre Award, was presented to Pet Shop Boys and the director of ‘The Most Incredible Thing’, Javier de Frutos.The award was introduced and presented by the artist, film director and occasional PSB collaborator Sam Taylor-Wood.

In January 2012, Pet Shop Boys announced on their official website that they had started recording their new album in Los Angeles with producer Andrew Dawson. On 9 June 2012, a film by renowned Los Angeles artist/film-maker Brian Bress for the album track "Invisible" began to be circulated on the web and was posted to the official site and the band's YouTube page on 11 June, at which time ‘Elysium’ was revealed to be name of the new album.

On 25 June 2012, "Winner" was revealed as the title of the first single from the new album ‘Elysium’. It premiered on the Ken Bruce Show on BBC Radio 2 on 2 July 2012. ‘Elysium’ was released in the UK on 10 September 2012 and in other countries the weeks before and after.

On 27 June 2012, Pet Shop Boys performed three songs before the Olympic tennis games in Henman Hill, Wimbledon: "Always On My Mind", "What Have I Done to Deserve This?", and "Winner".

On 28 June 2012, Pet Shop Boys announced release date and the complete track listing for ‘Elysium’, produced in Los Angeles during 2012 by Andrew Dawson and Pet Shop Boys, released in September on Parlophone/EMI.

On 3–8 August 2012, an EP, ‘Winner’, was released in the US and Europe by iTunes Store, Amazon.com and other online retailers.

Pet Shop Boys performed "West End Girls" in the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games on 12 August 2012.

The second single released from ‘Elysium’ was "Leaving", on 15 October. The album's third single, "Memory of the Future" was released in December 2012 including the b-side "Listening" which Pet Shop Boys wrote for Morten Harket from a-ha, and a mixed version of the song (with backing vocals from Tennant) appeared on his solo album "Out of my hands" in April 2012.

In December 2012, Pet Shop Boys played a free concert in the recently opened MediaCityUK BBC facilities accompanied by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and the Manchester Chamber Choir. They played mostly songs that hadn't been performed before including 'Miracles' and 'The Survivors'. A piece entitled 'He Dreamed of Machines'—taken from the band's project associated with Alan Turing—was also performed for the first time.

The twelfth album, entitled Electric, was released on 12 July 2013. The album was the biggest-selling record among the UK's independent record shops during the week of its release, and went straight to the number 1 position on the Official Record Store Chart. The album was produced by Stuart Price and the release coincides with the 'Electric World Tour' that will include Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Asia (the duo will perform in the Philippines, Indonesia, and China for the first time), Lebanon, Israel, Turkey, Europe and North America.

On 23 July 2014, the Pet Shop Boys new work ‘A Man from the Future’ received its world premiere at the 2014 BBC Proms. Performed by the BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra and the Pet Shop Boys, the work was inspired by the life of WW2 code breaker Alan Turing and was orchestrated by Sven Helbig.The concert also included Overture to Performance, an orchestral arrangement of Pet Shop Boys songs used to open their 1991 Performance tour, and four Pet Shop Boys songs arranged by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Chrissie Hynde - "Vocal", "Love is a Catastrophe", "Later Tonight" and "Rent".

On 6 September 2014, it was announced on the duo's website that they plan to begin work on their thirteenth studio album in November.

Pet Shop Boys are scheduled to perform on stage with South Korean girl group f(x) at the end of the year MAMA Awards on December 2, 2015.

On 21 January 2016, the Pet Shop Boys announced that their thirteenth album, Super, would be released on 1 April.The announcement was accompanied by the release of an album teaser track, "Inner Sanctum". The lead single from the new album, entitled "The Pop Kids" was released on 18 March 2016."The Pop Kids" was the duo's eleventh number one on the US Dance Club Songs chart. In July 2016, they performed the 'Inner Sanctum' tour, for four nights at the Royal Opera House in London.

