


#摇滚 #成人时代 #轻摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 詹姆斯·保罗·麦卡特尼

外 文 名 James Paul McCartney

国    籍 英国

民    族 英格兰人

星    座 双子座

血    型 B

身    高 178cm

出 生 地 利物浦

出生日期 1942年6月18日

职    业 音乐家、创作歌手、作曲家、唱片及电影监制、商人

毕业院校 利物浦艺术学院

代表作品 《Yesterday》、《Hey Jude》、《Let It Be》、《The Long And Winding Road》

主要成就 1999年入选摇滚名人堂


信    仰 基督教

活跃年代 1957年至今

音乐类型 摇滚乐、流行乐、古典乐、电子乐

演奏乐器 歌声、贝斯吉他、吉他、键盘、鼓


詹姆斯·保罗·麦卡特尼(James Paul McCartney),1942年6月18日出生于英格兰利物浦,英国音乐家、创作歌手及作曲家。





1953年,他与另外3位同学在校内90人应试的适龄普考(11-plus exam)中取得及格,从而得以进入利物浦男子高中书院就读。





1957年7月6日,在高中同学兼好友艾云·禾汉的介绍下,十五岁的保罗·麦卡特尼在胡尔顿郊区圣彼得教堂的一场社区活动中观看了约翰·列侬及其乐队“The Quarrymen”的演出(禾汉也是不定期成员之一),约翰·列侬在表演完结时邀请对方加入自己的乐队,而麦卡特尼在一日后回复说好,从此便形成了列侬与麦卡特尼之间长久的创作伙伴关系。

1960年8月中,The Quarrymen乐队更名The Beatles,在亚伦·威廉斯负责接洽下,麦卡特尼作为披头士成员开始了德国汉堡演出。1962年,保罗·麦卡特尼接替塞特克里夫低音吉他手位置,在利物浦的“The Cavern Club”进行表演。



1966年,发行专辑《左轮手枪》。专辑中富有充满哲理的歌词,实验性的音效以及对于音乐风格的拓宽,从弦乐编曲到迷幻音乐,标志着披头士乐队艺术上的飞跃。其中的单曲《平装书作家》是连续三支麦卡特尼A面单曲的第一支,单曲在专辑发行后发行。麦卡特尼还为歌曲“平装书作家”和“雨”制作了宣传短片,短片于1966年6月在《埃德·沙利文秀》和《Top of the Pops》上播出。同年,麦卡特尼首次脱离乐队完成音乐作品——他为电影配乐,完成了《The Family Way》。专辑没有登上排行榜,但是麦卡特尼凭借它获得了艾弗·诺韦洛奖。

1967年8月,披头士乐队成员爱普斯坦去世,麦卡特尼决心带头迈出新的一步,他建议乐队拍摄电影《奇幻之旅》。影片主要由麦卡特尼导演,这使得乐队首次在艺术创作方面遭到批评。但是,影片的原生专辑却获得成功。它在英国作为迷你专辑(EP)推出,在美国则加入了乐队当时推出的5支单曲作为密纹唱片(LP)推出。作为乐队唯一一张后来又被收录在乐队官方唱片集中的Capitol唱片公司专辑,《奇幻之旅》在推出的3周内就达到了800万美元的销量。1968年8月,发行单曲《Hey Jude》,这首歌曲是保罗·麦卡特尼为约翰·列侬与前妻Cynthia的儿子所创作的,单曲发行后连续9周位于美国公告牌榜首,在全球的销量超过了800万张。



1970年,披头士解散后,麦卡特尼发布了第一张个人专辑《McCartney》开始单飞,这张专辑登上美国榜首。1971年,录制第二张专辑《Ram》时,保罗、琳达与鼓手Denny Seiwell合作。这张专辑成为英国冠军专辑,在美国进入前五,《Ram》中的三人合作创作的单曲《Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey》成为美国冠军单曲。同年,前忧郁布鲁斯乐队吉他手丹尼·莱恩加入了麦卡特尼和Seiwell并组成羽翼乐队(Wings)。


1973年3月,麦卡特尼的首支美国冠军单曲《My Love》收录在专辑《Red Rose Speedway》中发行,专辑在美国登顶,在英国进入前五。同年,麦卡特尼与琳达跟披头士制作人马丁合作完成了歌曲《Live and Let Die》,这首歌曲也成为了詹姆斯·邦德系列电影的同名电影的主题曲。歌曲获得了奥斯卡奖提名,歌曲在美国榜上成为亚军,在英国为第9名。12月,发行专辑《Band on the Run》。这张专辑成为了乐队首张白金专辑,专辑不仅在英美两地登顶,而且也成为了首张三次登上Billboead杂志的专辑。这也是70年代销量最高的专辑之一,在英国销量榜上停留124周。在1975年格莱美奖颁奖典礼上,专辑获得最佳现代/流行与最佳制作奖。

1975,发行专辑《Venus and Mars》,同年,开始了为期14周的羽翼遍布世界巡演,包括在英国、澳大利亚、欧洲和美国的演唱会,并在美国发行了现场专辑《Wings over America》,专辑包含三张CD,登顶。

1976年,发行专辑《Wings at the Speed of Sound》。这张专辑与1975年发行专辑《Venus and Mars》都成为了冠军专辑。

1977年11月,发行单曲《Mull of Kintyre》。这张单曲成为了英国历史上最畅销的单曲之一,也是麦卡特尼单飞生涯中销量最高的单曲,销量是之前的纪录保持者《She Loves You》的两倍,销量为250万,直到1984年才被慈善单曲《他们知道这是圣诞节吗》(Do They Know It's Christmas)打破记录。

1979年,麦卡特尼与Pete Townshend等歌手组建了超级乐队“the Rockestra”,合作创作了歌曲《Rockestra Theme》,曲作者标为羽翼乐队,专辑取得了白金销量。




1982年,麦卡特尼和史提夫·汪达合作创作冠军单曲《乌木与象牙》,歌曲被收录在麦卡特尼的专辑《拔河》中。同年,他也和迈克尔·杰克逊合作创作歌曲《女孩是我的》,被收录在杰克逊的专辑《Thriller》中。次年,他和杰克逊合作了歌曲《Say Say Say》,这也是麦卡特尼截至2012年最后一支美国冠军单曲。麦卡特尼截至2012年最后一支英国冠军单曲也是该年诞生的,即1983年专辑《和平的风笛》中的同名主打歌。

1984年,麦卡特尼参演了电影《代我问候布劳德街》。1985年,麦卡特尼创作并演唱了电影《Spies Like Us》的同名原声带歌曲。1986年,麦卡特尼和埃里克·斯图尔特合作录制了专辑《Press to Play》。1988年,麦卡特尼发行专辑《Снова в СССР》,专辑只在苏联发行,其中包括18首翻唱歌曲;录制2天后成型。1989年,麦卡特尼和默西赛德郡的音乐老友加里·马斯登以及霍利·约翰逊演唱《Ferry Cross the Mersey》,目的是为希尔斯堡惨剧筹集善款。同年,麦卡特尼发行《泥土中的花朵》,该专辑是和艾维斯·卡斯提洛合作的,吉尔摩和尼基·霍普金斯在专辑创作过程中也有参与。此后,麦卡特尼来和琳达一起组建了乐队。1989年9月,乐队开始了保罗·麦卡特尼世界巡演,这是他超过10年来首次巡演。次年,他发行了三碟专辑《Tripping the Live Fantastic》,该专辑中就包含了巡演中的部分内容。



1991年,麦卡特尼在MTV不插电节目上进行了原音乐表演并发行了专辑《不插电(Bootleg)》。1993年,与致命玩笑乐队的Youth合作组成"消防员"乐队,并发布了电子乐专辑《草莓海洋远航森林》。同年,麦卡特尼还发行专辑《Off the Ground》,并展开了《新的世界》巡演且发行了现场专辑《Paul Is Live》。

1994年,麦卡特尼开始了与哈里森、斯塔尔、马丁开始了为期四年的苹果唱片《Beatles Anthology》计划。

1997年,麦卡特尼发行摇滚专辑《Flaming Pie》。同年,他发行了古典专辑《立石》,专辑在英美两地古典音乐排行榜上均为冠军。1998年,他发行了专辑《灯心草》,这是消防员乐队的第二张专辑。1999年,麦卡特尼发行专辑《Run Devil Run》。专辑一周就完成了录制,大卫·吉尔摩和Ian Paice参与了录制,专辑中的歌曲多为翻唱,3首歌曲为麦卡特尼原创。

1999年,麦卡特尼继续尝试交响音乐,发行专辑《Working Classical》。2000年,他和Youth与超级毛绒动物乐队合作录制专辑《利物浦声响拼贴》,在专辑中,他们使用了麦卡特尼在20世纪60年代中期极为热衷的拼贴技术与具体音乐技术。同年,在纪念琳达的专辑《献给琳达的花环》中,麦卡特尼创作了《Nova》一曲献给亡妻。


2001年,麦卡特尼为了祈祷九一一袭击事件举办了纽约市慈善演唱会。同年11月,麦卡特尼发行了录音室专辑《Driving Rain》,其中歌曲《自由》就是为9·11所创作。次年,麦卡特尼与Rusty Anderson与Brian Ray组建乐队巡演,乐队键盘手是保罗·维金斯,鼓手是Abe Laboriel, Jr.。他们于2002年4月开始了Driving World Tour世界巡演,在美国、墨西哥和日本演出。巡演后他发行了双面专辑《重返美国》,而于2003年在全球发行的内容大同小异的专辑名为《重返世界》。巡演收入1.26亿美元,平均每场演唱会收入200万美元,公告牌将



2005年,他在第三十九届超级碗中场演出中担任主角。7月,他在现场八方慈善演唱会中表演,和U2以一曲《佩珀中士的寂寞之心俱乐部乐队》开场,并以《Drive My Car》(与乔治·迈克尔合唱)、《Helter Skelter》和《蜿蜒长路》结束表演。9月,他发行了摇滚专辑《后院中的创作与混乱(Chaos and Creation in the Backyard)》,专辑中的大部分乐器都是他本人来演奏的。2006年,麦卡特尼发行古典专辑《看清我心》。摇滚音乐专辑《记忆将满》于2007年发行。2008年,他发行了《电子争吵》,这是消防员乐队的第三张专辑。同样是在2008年,他在利物浦进行表演以庆祝利物浦成为当年的欧洲文化之都。2009年,在停演4年后,麦卡特尼再次举办现场演唱会。在纽约皇后区,为取代谢亚球场而建的花旗球场建成后,麦卡特尼在当地举办了3场演唱会。这三场演唱会后来被录制成专辑《晚上好,纽约城》。同年,在披头士当年首次在美国电视节目埃德·沙利文秀亮相的45年之后,麦卡特尼重回当年的纽约剧院参加大卫·莱特曼深夜秀。



2012年5月,在墨西哥城举办两场演出,吸引观众超过10万人,吸金600万美元。6月,麦卡特尼为伊丽莎白二世的举办于白金汉宫外的登基60周年演唱会压轴出场,表演的歌曲包括《顺其自然》和《你死我活》(Live and Let Die)。7月27日,在2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会开幕典礼上,麦卡特尼压轴登场并以《The End》和《Hey Jude》结束了开幕式。12月12日,麦卡特尼和涅槃乐队的成员Krist Novoselic、Dave Grohl和Pat Smear合作,在12-12-12桑迪飓风赈灾演唱会上演出,演出全球播出,观众超过200万人。2013年8月28日,麦卡特尼发布了专辑《New》的主打同名歌,而专辑则在2013年10月发行。专辑发行后,麦卡特尼为宣传新专辑在BBC2台及纽约时代广场演出。

2014年1月27日,披头士乐队获得格莱美终身成就奖,麦卡特尼作为披头士乐队的成员之一出席在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举办的第56届格莱美音乐奖颁奖礼,联手林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)演绎了《Queenie Eye》,并凭借《Cut Me Some Slack》和《Live Kisses》获得最佳摇滚单曲以及最佳短篇音乐录影带两项大奖。

2015年1月,与说唱歌手坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)一起加盟蕾哈娜新歌《Four Five Seconds》,这首新歌在发行数周后便登上了美国Hot 100单曲榜第4名。


Life and career

Sir James Paul McCartney, MBE (born 18 June 1942) is an English singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and composer. With John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, he gained worldwide fame with the rock band the Beatles, one of the most popular and influential groups in the history of pop music. His songwriting partnership with Lennon is one of the most celebrated of the 20th century. After the band's break-up, he pursued a solo career and formed Wings with his first wife, Linda, and Denny Laine.

McCartney has been recognised as one of the most successful composers and performers of all time. More than 2,200 artists have covered his Beatles song "Yesterday", more than any other copyrighted song in history. Wings' 1977 release "Mull of Kintyre" is one of the all-time best-selling singles in the UK. A two-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (as a member of the Beatles in 1988, and as a solo artist in 1999),and a 21-time Grammy Award winner, McCartney has written, or co-written, 32 songs that have reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and as of 2009 he has 25.5 million RIAA-certified units in the United States. McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Starr received MBEs in 1965, and in 1997, McCartney was knighted for services to music.

Having witnessed the 11 September 2001 attacks from the JFK airport tarmac, McCartney was inspired to take a leading role in organising the Concert for New York City. His studio album release in November that year, Driving Rain, included the song "Freedom", written in response to the attacks. His studio album release in November that year, ‘Driving Rain’, included the song "Freedom", written in response to the attacks.

In July 2002, McCartney married Heather Mills. In November, on the first anniversary of George Harrison's death, McCartney performed at the Concert for George. He participated in the National Football League's Super Bowl, performing "Freedom" during the pre-game show for Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 and headlining the halftime show at Super Bowl XXXIX in 2005.The English College of Arms honoured McCartney in 2002 by granting him a coat of arms. His crest, featuring a Liver bird holding an acoustic guitar in its claw, reflects his background in Liverpool and his musical career. The shield includes four curved emblems which resemble beetles' backs. The arms' motto is ‘Ecce Cor Meum’, Latin for "Behold My Heart".

In July 2005, he performed at the Live 8 event in Hyde Park, London, opening the show with "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (with U2) and closing it with "Drive My Car" (with George Michael), "Helter Skelter", and "The Long and Winding Road".In 2006, McCartney released the classical work ‘Ecce Cor Meum’.The rock album ‘Memory Almost Full’ followed in 2007.In 2008, he released his third Fireman album, ‘Electric Arguments’.

In 2009, after a four-year break, he returned to touring and has since performed over 80 shows. On 9 September 2009, EMI reissued the Beatles catalogue following a four-year digital remastering effort, releasing a music video game called ‘The Beatles: Rock Band the same day’.

McCartney's enduring fame has made him a popular choice to open new venues. In 2009, he played three sold-out concerts at the newly built Citi Field—a venue constructed to replace Shea Stadium in Queens, New York. These performances yielded the double live album Good Evening New York City later that year.In 2010, McCartney opened the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In July 2011, McCartney played two sold-out concerts at the new Yankee Stadium. ‘A New York Times’ review of the first concert reported that McCartney was "not saying goodbye but touring stadiums and playing marathon concerts." In September 2011, having been commissioned by the New York City Ballet, McCartney released his first score for dance, a collaboration with Peter Martins called ‘Ocean's Kingdom’. Also in 2011, McCartney married Nancy Shevell. He released ‘Kisses on the Bottom’, a collection of standards, in February 2012; that same month the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences honoured him as the MusiCares Person of the Year, two days prior to his performance at the 54th Grammy Awards.

In June 2012, McCartney closed Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Concert held outside Buckingham Palace, performing a set that included "Let It Be" and "Live and Let Die".

On 12 December, McCartney performed with three former members of Nirvana (Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl, and Pat Smear) during the closing act of 12-12-12: The Concert for Sandy Relief, seen by approximately two billion people worldwide.On 28 August 2013, McCartney released the title track of his upcoming studio album ‘New’, which came out in October 2013.

A primetime entertainment special celebrating the legacy of seven-time Grammy-winning group the Beatles and their groundbreaking first performance on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show,’ featuring Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, was taped 27 January 2014 at the Ed Sullivan Theater with a 9 February 2014 CBS airing. The show, titled ‘The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to The Beatles’, featured 22 classic Beatles songs as performed by various artists, including McCartney and Starr.

On 19 May 2014, it was reported that McCartney had been bedridden by an unspecified virus on doctor's orders, and had to cancel a sold-out concert tour of Japan scheduled to begin later in the week. The tour would have included a stop at the famed Budokan Hall. McCartney also had to push his June US dates to October, as part of his doctor's order to take it easy to make a full recovery.

In 2014, McCartney wrote and performed "Hope for the Future," the ending song for the video game ‘Destiny’.In November 2014, a 42-song tribute album titled ‘The Art of McCartney’ was released, which features a wide range of artists covering McCartney's solo and Beatles work.

In January 2015, McCartney collaborated with Kanye West and Barbadian singer Rihanna on the single "FourFiveSeconds".

On 15 February 2015, McCartney appeared and performed with Paul Simon for the ‘Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special’. McCartney and Simon performed the first verse of "I've Just Seen a Face" on acoustic guitars, and McCartney later performed "Maybe I'm Amazed."

On 31 March 2016, McCartney announced the upcoming release, on 10 June, of his career-spanning collection ‘Pure McCartney’.

In 2017, McCartney will appear in the movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales’.

