


#根源唱作人 #摇滚 #成人时代 #轻摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 艾尔顿•约翰

外 文 名 Elton John

别    名 Reginald Kenneth Dwight

国    籍 英国

星    座 白羊座

出 生 地 英国伦敦

出生日期 1947年3月25日

职    业 创作歌手

经纪公司 环球唱片

代表作品 《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》《Candle In The Wind》

主要成就 大英帝国司令勋章拥有者





身    高 170cm



自幼学习钢琴课程,被誉为“英国乐坛常青树”。1994年为电影《狮子王》创作的歌曲《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》红遍全球,1997年,纪念戴安娜王妃创作的歌曲《Candle In The Wind 1997》全球卖出3700万张,是史上最卖座的单曲之一。1999年,获得格莱美传奇奖。


艾尔顿•约翰Elton John1947年3月出生于伦敦,父母直到他6岁时才正式结婚。父亲是英国皇家空军乐队里的号手,母亲也酷爱音乐,喜欢收集各种唱片。在这样的家庭熏陶下,John展现出音乐天赋是自然而然的事。


Elton John14岁时,父母离婚,继父对John很好。15岁时,在母亲和继父的帮助下,John开始在酒吧弹钢琴,后来还组了一支乐队,混迹于一些小型演出场所。

1967年与作词人托平Bernie Taupin的相识,是John音乐道路上的一个重要节点。托平在作词方面极具天赋,每一小时就能创作出一首词,而John的作曲能力更是惊人,半个小时就能把托平的词谱好曲——如果超过时间,这首词就作废。1969年,两人合作的单曲《Your Song》迅速占据英美流行乐排行榜前10名,John的名气迅速打响。当时正如日中天的披头士乐队主唱约翰列侬听了这首歌后,特意去机场接John,看到他的时候竟然跪下来,大喊:“哦天哪!是他!”

上世纪70年代是Elton John奠定乐坛地位的10年,他连续出的7张专辑都登上了美国排行榜的冠军,其中6张入选滚石杂志2003年评出的“有史以来最伟大的500张专辑”。1973年的《Candle in the Wind》和1976年的《Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word》至今仍是传唱度极高的经典曲目。


1976年,Elton John宣布自己是个双性恋者。1984年和里娜特•布劳尔结婚,这段婚姻维持了2年,然后就因他的同性恋行为而破裂。70年代末80年代初,Elton John一度陷入吸毒和酗酒的泥潭无法自拔,而且还患上了易饿病,但靠着惊人的毅力,他最终战胜了这些坏生活习气和疾病,获得了新生。

1985年,Elton John参加了在温布利大球场举办的大型慈善演唱会Live Aid,演唱了他的代表作《Bennie and the Jets》和《Rocket Man》等歌曲。


1992年,Elton推出专辑《The One》,这张专辑在美国专辑榜中获得第八名。接下来,Elton和黄金搭档Taupin与Warner/Chappell公司签订了一份为期12年总价值3900万美元的发行合约,创造了当时流行乐坛的最高纪录。

1992年4月,Elton参加了向已故皇后乐队主唱弗雷迪梅库里(Freddie Mercury)致敬的演唱会,他与皇后乐队几位健在的成员合作了名曲《The Show Must Go On》。同年九月份,Elton在美国MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼上演唱了他的热门单曲《The One》,并压轴与当时正红的枪炮玫瑰乐队(Guns N'Roses)合作了名曲《November Rain》。

1994年,迪斯尼找到John,邀请他为即将推出的一部新的动画电影作曲。这就是电影史上票房第二位的动画片《狮子王》,John为其谱写的两首歌《Circle of Life》和《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》也成了传世金曲,John因此捧得当年奥斯卡和金球奖的最佳原创电影歌曲奖。

1995年,Elton的新唱片《Made in England》获得了英国榜季军,同年,他被授予了全英音乐奖的“杰出贡献奖”。

1997年9月6日,戴安娜王妃的葬礼上,John演唱了重新填词的《Candle in the Wind 1997》,这首歌成为了史上传播最快、销量最高的单曲,最终全球销量3300万张。


2000年,Elton再次与Tim Rice合作,为梦工厂的动画片《The Road to El Dorado》创作歌曲。

2003年8月,Elton的歌曲《Are You Ready for Love》在英国流行音乐单曲榜中登顶,这是他第五首在英国榜中夺冠的单曲。

2005年12月21日,艾尔顿•约翰爵士与电影制片人大卫•弗尼西(David Furnish)结成民事伴侣,这被视为LGBT社会运动的一个标志。


2007年3月,为了庆祝自己的60大寿,Elton John创纪录的第60次在麦迪逊花园广场演出,这场演出被收录在DVD《Elton 60 - Live at Madison Square Garden》当中。美国前总统克林顿也上台致词,为演唱会开场。


2010年1月,Elton John和Lady Gaga合作表演,拉开第52届格莱美颁奖典礼的序幕。

2011年,Elton客串加盟Kate Bush的新专辑《50 Words for Snow》,在歌曲《Snowed in at Wheeler Street》中献声。

2012年,Elton John首次到访哥斯达黎加,在哥斯达黎加新建成的国家体育馆中演出。3月,Elton已经完成了新专辑《The Diving Board》的创作,这张由T-Bone Burnett制作的新唱片将于2013年正式发行。

2012年6月4日,Elton参加了英女王登基60周年钻石庆典演唱会,演唱了《Your Song》,《Crocodile Rock》和《I'm Still Standing》等代表作。6月30日,Elton与皇后乐队一起在乌克兰基辅为Elena Pinchuk反艾滋病基金会演出。

2012年07月23日,最新一周的英国流行音乐排行榜刚刚揭晓,Elton John与澳洲电音组合Pnau合作的新唱片《Good Morning To The Night》空降专辑榜榜首,对于Elton John来说,这是他22年来第一次在英国流行音乐专辑榜中夺冠。

2012年11月23日Elton将在上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心举办演唱会,11月25日将在北京万事达中心举办演唱会,2012年12月6日将在广州海心沙举办演唱会。主题均是Elton John & His Band。12月在香港举办演唱会。这是艾尔顿首次赴京办演唱会,也是八年来首次赴沪办演唱会。

2013年,艾尔顿•约翰爵士(Sir Elton John)今年将首次在具有64年历史的艾美奖(Emmy Awards)颁奖典礼上表演。66岁的艾尔顿•约翰爵士将向着名钢琴家李伯拉斯(Liberace)致敬。在今年早些时候被诊断患有阑尾炎,之后便不得以取消了今年七月的一系列夏季演出,包括原定于在伦敦海德公园的主题演出。他在8月接受了切除阑尾炎手术。 9月13日,Elton John发行第31张录音室专辑《The Diving Board》。

2014年,乐坛传奇Smokey Robinson将同艾尔顿•约翰(Elton John)合作,联袂打造新专辑《Smokey & Friends》。

2015年1月,67岁Elton John开启了为期23天的拉斯维加斯音乐之旅,预计演出将赚得750万英镑(约合人民币7048万元),令人惊叹。早在3周之前,Elton的纽约新年音乐会——百万钢琴演唱会(Million Dollar Piano )在凯撒宫殿举行,18000张门票被粉丝们一抢而空,赚得150万英镑(约合人民币1409万元)。

2016年1月,艾尔顿•约翰爵士(Sir Elton John)在Beats1电台接受 Zane Lowe采访时确认他正在帮Lady Gaga制作新专辑。2月5日,Elton John发行第33张录音室专辑新专《Wonderful Crazy Night》。5月,加盟动作大片《王牌特工2:黄金圈》。

40多年的职业生涯,诸多耀眼的数字奠定了Elton John的乐坛教父地位:共卖出2.5亿张专辑;获得过6项格莱美奖、4项全英音乐奖、1项奥斯卡奖、1项金球奖和1项托尼奖。

Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight; 25 March 1947),is an English pianist, singer-songwriter and composer. He has worked with lyricist Bernie Taupin as his songwriting partner since 1967; they have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. In his five-decade career Elton John has sold more than 300 million records, making him one of the best-selling music artists in the world. He has more than fifty Top 40 hits, including seven consecutive No. 1 US albums, 58 Billboard Top 40 singles, 27 Top 10, four No. 2 and nine No. 1. For 31 consecutive years (1970–2000) he had at least one song in the Billboard Hot 100. His single "Candle in the Wind 1997" sold over 33 million copies worldwide and is the best-selling single in the history of the UK and US singles charts.He has also composed music, produced records, and has occasionally acted in films. John owned Watford Football Club from 1976 to 1987, and 1997 to 2002. He is an honorary Life President of the club, and in 2014 had a stand named after him at the club's home stadium.

Elton John was born Reginald Dwight in 1947, and raised in the Pinner area of London. He learned to play piano at an early age, and by 1962 had formed Bluesology. John met his songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin, in 1967, after they had both answered an advert for songwriters. For two years they wrote songs for other artists, including Roger Cook and Lulu, and John also worked as a session musician for artists such as the Hollies and the Scaffold. In 1969 his debut album, Empty Sky, was released. In 1970 a single, "Your Song", from his second album, Elton John, reached the top ten in the UK and the US, his first hit single.

He has received five Grammy Awards, five Brit Awards – winning two awards for Outstanding Contribution to Music and the first Brits Icon in 2013 for his "lasting impact on British culture", an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Tony Award, a Disney Legend award, and the Kennedy Center Honors in 2004. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him Number 49 on its list of 100 influential musicians of the rock and roll era.In 2013, Billboard ranked him the most successful male solo artist on "The Billboard Hot 100 Top All-Time Artists" (third overall behind the Beatles and Madonna).He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994, is an inductee into the Songwriter's Hall of Fame, and is a fellow of the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors. Having been named a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1996, John was made a Knight Bachelor by Elizabeth II for "services to music and charitable services" in 1998.John has performed at a number of royal events, such as the funeral of Princess Diana at Westminster Abbey in 1997, the Party at the Palace in 2002 and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert outside Buckingham Palace in 2012.

He has been heavily involved in the fight against AIDS since the late 1980s.In 1992, he established the Elton John AIDS Foundation and a year later began hosting the annual Academy Award Party, which has since become one of the highest-profile Oscar parties in the Hollywood film industry. Since its inception, the foundation has raised over US$200 million.John, who announced he was bisexual in 1976 and has been openly gay since 1988, entered into a civil partnership with David Furnish on 21 December 2005, and after gay marriage became legal in England, wed Furnish on 21 December 2014. He continues to be a champion for LGBT social movements worldwide and same-sex marriage.

In October 2015, it was announced Elton John would release his 32nd studio album, Wonderful Crazy Night, on 5 February 2016. As with his last album, it was produced by T-Bone Burnett.The album's first single, "Looking Up", was released that same month. This album marked John's first full album recorded with his touring band since 2006's The Captain & the Kid.John will play piano on "Sick Love", a song from the Red Hot Chili Peppers album, The Getaway, released in June 2016.He will also star in Kingsman: The Golden Circle, scheduled for a 2017 release.

