


#硬摇滚 #流行摇滚 #华丽摇滚
United States of America 美国



乐 队 名:Bon Jovi邦乔维

国   籍:美国

出 生 地:新泽西


职   业:摇滚乐队



主唱Jon Bon Jovi 在Sayreville 高校的时候遇上了David Bryan(他当时还用原名David Rashbaum),他们不久便加入了一个以R&B 为主的乐团Atlantic City Expressway。当David Rashbaum 转到纽约去攻读一所音乐学校时,Jon Bon Jovi 也跟去,他便在一个和他有亲戚关系所开的Power Station 录音室里做了一些打杂的工作二年,周薪仅五十美元,当时工作得相当辛苦,但Jon Bon Jovi 并不以打杂为苦,因为他每天在录音室里,可以见到许多知名的摇滚乐团进进出出,看到许多心中仰慕的乐手丰采,狂爱音乐的他并且暗自发誓,有朝一日,他一定要在摇滚乐界出人头地。一直到Billy Squier 同意他去录制Demo 的录音带,在完成创作之后,Jon Bon Jovi 便一家一家唱片公司亲自递送。很快的“Runway”这一首歌被纽约长岛电台DJ Chip Hobart 相中,主动和他联系,便在当地的电台播放而且把他的“Runway”收录到一张合辑中,虽然Jon Bon Jovi 的终极梦想是要出一张专辑,但他还是勉强同意成为合辑中的一员。合辑一推出“Runway”立刻受到各电台疯狂点播,长岛电台进一步想邀请他做现场演出,但问题来了,他没有自己的乐团!於是Jon Bon Jovi 号召了茱莉亚音乐学院毕业的友人David Rashbaum(后改名为David Bryan),Franke & The Knockouts 的鼓手Tico Torres 及Jercy 合唱团的贝斯手Alec John Such ,吉他手则央请邻人客串,后来有一次表演结束,在其中一场表演结束时的后台,Richie Sambora 主动找上Jon Bon Jovi ,并宣称自己是最佳吉他手人选;虽然刚开始有点心存怀疑,但Jon Bon Jovi 还是被Richie Sambora 的自信和才华所感动。

当Jon Bon Jovi 与Mercury 唱片公司签约时,乐团成员也自此维持10余年不变,同一时间Jon Bon Jovi 的好朋友键盘手David Rashbaum 也改名为David Bryan 组成了Bon Jovi 。1984年,乐队和Mercury 唱片公司签约后,Doc McGhee 成为他们的经纪人。虽然首张同名专辑直到1984年1月才推出,但之前曾为知名摇滚乐团ZZ Top 在麦迪逊花园广场的演唱会暖场,获得不少露脸机会。“Runaway”是首支强打,“She Don't Know Me”则是第二波单曲(是Mercury 唱片公司要求Jon Bon Jovi 强制并收录于此张专辑中,时至今日它仍是Bon Jovi 专辑中Jon Bon Jovi 唯一没有著作权的歌曲)。单曲“Runaway”闯进Top 40,MTV 台也强力配合播送,Bon Jovi 俨然成为美国乐界的新传奇。他们时髦的外型和音乐一样合乎大众胃口:紧身皮裤加绚丽的头巾、撕裂的恤衫、超大的饰品、吹膨的长发、画眼线都是他们的标志,但超水准的现场演出功力才是他们构声望的不二法门。1985年,乐队推出了第二张专辑《7800°Faherenheit》,在美国的销量超过了50万张,经过的一系列成功的演出,他们的积极向上、性感、健康的气质和乐风开始深入人心。

1984年1月,乐队推出了他们的首张专辑《Bon Jovi》,获得了不俗的反响。1987年,乐队的第三张专辑《Slippery When Wet》获得了巨大的成功。专辑中有2 首歌曲达到了单曲榜的榜首,专辑本身也在专辑榜上夺冠,并在前40名中停留了60周之久,销量超过了1300万张。次年, 他们又推出了专辑《New Jer-sey》,再次创造了极佳的成绩。在《Slipp-ery When Wet》推出之后,乐队还进行了长达16个月的世界巡回演出。在《New Jersey》推出时,Bon Jovi乐队已成为世界上最为走红的摇滚乐队之一。他们那健康、性感而充满活力的形象和风格无疑是他们成功的一大原因之所在。

1990年,Jon Bon Jovi推出了他的首张个人专辑《Blaze of Glory/Young Gun Ⅱ》销量达到了700万。而不久之后,Richie Sambora的专辑《Strariger In This Town》也卖出了80万张。Jon Bon Jovi和Richie Sambora 间出现的不协调使乐队一度传出了解散的消息。但乐队的5 位成员又于1991年制作了乐队的第5张专辑《Keep The Faith》,再次获得了不错的反响,达到了800万的销量。歌迷们再次感受到了“Bon Jovi”的震撼力。在踏入90年代之后,乐队没有随着时代的巨轮而改变,坚强地维持着自身的风格。1995年,乐队推出了一张精选专辑《Cross Road》,贝司手Alec John Such也于此后离队。这张专辑本是作为乐队行将结束时的回顾而发行,却意外地达到了1300万张的销量。这对“Bon Jovi”乐队而言是一个极大的鼓舞。而乐队在英国的销量也超过了美国,这标志着英国乐迷们已经正式接受了“Bon Jovi”,为乐队提供了良好的前景。1995年,“Bon Jovi”又推出了他们的一张新专辑《These Days》。与以往的作品相比,这张专辑的手法显得更为成熟。Bon Jovi几乎已完全摆脱了以往那风靡万千少年男女的集会摇滚风格,由充满活力变成成熟稳重。《These Days》再一次使Bon Jovi获得了巨大的成功,而歌迷们也由此而重新认识了一个已经成熟的Bon Jovi。

1983年,Bon Jovi乐队成立,从此举起了流行金属和硬摇滚的大旗,引领了风靡一时的长发旋律金属浪潮。1984年,乐队和Mercury唱片公司签约并推出首张同名专辑。Bon Jovi的音乐风格属于主流硬摇滚和重金属,但是乐队成员出众的外型以及琅琅上口的歌曲让Bon Jovi的流行硬式摇滚风格在80年代末期拉拢了大批女性摇滚乐迷,更是启发了硬式摇滚与流行音乐两者间的大融合。

80年代的Bon Jovi乐队共发行了4张专辑。尤其是第三张名为Slippery When Wet的专辑更是创下了全球销量1300多万张的纪录,其中的单曲Living On A Prayer和You Give Love A Bad Name双双登顶Billboard单曲榜。这些专辑以及他们在一系列巡演中超水准的现场演出更让他们积极向上、性感、健康的气质和乐风深入人心。

90年代,Bon Jovi乐队只推出了两张以团体名义发行的专辑,这一时期的Bon Jovi似乎把重心放在了团内成员个人的发展上,乐队主唱Jon Bon Jovi,另一灵魂人物Richie Sambora和键盘手David Bryan纷纷推出了个人专辑。而鼓手Tico Torres更将事业拓展至另一领域,成为备受尊敬的画家与雕刻家。

2000年后,Bon Jovi的专辑Crush,Bounce,Have a Nice Day,Lost Highway保持了乐队一贯坚持的健康、流行的曲风并且在商业上取得了不同程度的成功。

2009年对于Bon Jovi这支美国传奇乐队来说,注定是具有特殊意义的一年。乐队将在今年11月份发表全新录音室大碟《THE CIRCLE》,而抢先曝光的乐队首支单曲《We Weren’t Born To Follow》也不负众望,为乐队带来了令人嘱目的成绩。自这首歌在美国时间8月18日在电台首播以来,广受好评,成为乐队成军25年历史中,在HOT AC电台排行榜上攀升最快的一首歌。虽然Bon Jovi 已经到了不惑之年,但是他们的唱功还是不减当年,虽然因为年龄的原因改走了乡村路线,但是他们的演奏还是熠熠生辉。

《We Weren't Born To Follow》这首歌是由乐队主唱Jon Bon Jovi和Richie Sambora共同创作,Jon更是亲身参与到这首歌的制作中。歌曲的另外一位制作人是John Shanks,这位制作人同时也是Bon Jovi乐队上两张专辑《Have A Nice Day》(2005)和《Lost Highway》(2007)的制作人。这两张专辑令乐队在全世界范围内大获全胜,摘得了多个国家排行榜和销量冠军,并为乐队带来了包括格莱美/Grammy在内的多个大奖。

谈到这张即将面世的新专辑,主唱Jon Bon Jovi笑着说道:“专辑的名字其实包含了很多意义,有人可能认为,这张专辑中我们又回归了最初的Bon Jovi;但其他人可能认为,Circle的意思表示永远都不会结束。我个人的理解是,这个音乐圈子和循环很难入门更是让你难以割舍。”在过去十年中,Bon Jovi乐队出版的每张专辑中,总有些歌曲能够反映但是的社会现状,这次也不例外,《We Weren't Born To Follow》这首歌比他们以往的任何歌曲都积极向上,在当下美国社会经济萧条的大环境下有着特殊意义。

此外,令主唱特别欣慰的是,去年曾经因为个人原因离开乐队一段时间的吉他手Richie Sambora此次重新归队。“有Richie在我身边的感觉真好,我不能用语言表达Richie对我个人,对整个乐队有多重要。”谈到这位乐手时,Jon显得异常激动。

Bon Jovi在过去超过二十年,始终被誉为世界上最成功的摇滚乐队之一。迄今为止,这支屡获葛莱美大奖肯定的乐队在全球范围内取得了超过1亿2千万张的唱片销量,并为50多个国家超过3千4百万歌迷做了2600多场表演。如此骄人的成绩,令他们无愧于任何加诸于他们的任何天王级称号。

1951年12月28日Hugh McDonald出生于Philadelphia

1953年10月7日,有古巴血统的Tico Hector Samual Juan Torres出生于NEW YORK

1959年7月11日,Richard Stephen Sambora出生于Perth Amboy, New Jersey

1962年2月7日David Brian Rashbaum出生于Edison, New Jersey,后更名为David Bryan

1962年3月2日Bon Jovi出生于Perth Amboy, New Jersey

1969年David Bryan开始学习古典钢琴

1973年Bon Jovi被所在小学开除

1973年Richard Stephen Sambora受Eric Clapton的影响开始爱好并学习吉他,曾经尝试成为KISS的吉他手,但是失败

1976年Bon Jovi开始学习吉他,并且进入男校St. Joseph's High School

Bon Jovi和David Bryan加入了一个以R&B 为主的乐团Atlantic City Expressway

1979年Bon Jovi和David Bryan首次在酒吧演出

1980年Bon Jovi高中毕业,在高中过程中被记109次缺席(强!)后逐步开始学习声乐与音乐

1980年Bon Jovi的好友David Bryan进入新泽西医科大学学习

1982年,Bon Jovi力劝David Bryan从事音乐,David Bryan与Bon Jovi一起来到纽约,后David Bryan考入朱丽叶音乐学院,最后David Brya肄业加入Bon Jovi的乐队。


1983年Richard Stephen Sambora看到了当时Bon Jovi的演出,向Bon Jovi毛遂自荐,代替了Dave Sabo的原吉他手位置,后Dave Sabo加入Skid Row,Skid Row也由于Bon Jovi的支持迅速走红,后来由于纠纷,两支乐队势成水火

1983年Tico Torres在Alec的力劝下加入BON JOVI乐队

1983年Jon Bon Jovi的作品《Runaway》被收录在纽约WAPP电台的精选大碟中,歌曲因此而有机会作全国性播放。

1983年Jon Bon Jovi与Mercury Records签下唱片合约。1983年Jon Bon Jovi和Richie Sambora, David Bryan, Tico Torres,Alec John Such正式组成了Bon Jovi乐队。

1984年1月21日Bon Jovi推出首张唱片《Bon Jovi》,销量达400万张

1985年4月推出唱片《7800 Fahrenheit》. 销量达300万

1986年8月推出唱片《Slippery When Wet》。销量量达2500万张,正式确定了乐队的世界级地位。单曲"Living On A Prayer" 和"You Give Love A Bad Name" 双双升到了Billboard单曲榜首

1986年在除夕夜于家乡新泽西州Meadowlands市举行跨年Homecoming Show,乐迷反应热烈。

1987乐队展开首次巡回演唱会《Headline Tour》。


1988年继续《Headline Tour》的行程,在16个月内走遍26个国家,并且作出237场表演.

1988年9月底推出唱片《New Jersey》发行量达1300万张

1989年4月29日Bon Jovi与Dorothea Hurley在拉斯维加斯结婚

1989年6月11日在新泽西Giants Stadium举行Bon Jovi Homecoming Show,全场满座。

1989年8月Bon Jovi 参加莫斯科和平音乐节,在奥林匹克体育馆展开历时两天的摇滚乐圣宴,揭示拒绝毒品、酒精的主题,并将美式摇滚引进苏联。他们堪称第一个受苏联官方邀请表演的西洋摇滚乐团,而《New Jersey》也正式在这个共产国家所属的Melodiya 唱片公司发行,这家公司从未出版过任何西洋摇滚乐团的专辑。

1990 年Jon Bon Jovi推出电影《Young Guns II》的原声大碟《Blaze Of Glory》,这亦是他的首张个人大碟。

1990年David Bryan和珠宝设计师 April McLean 结婚

1991年《Blaze Of Glory》夺得金球奖最佳电影歌曲大奖。

1991年《Blaze Of Glory》获得奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲提名,Jon Bon Jovi应邀出席颁奖礼作表演嘉宾.

1991年Bon Jovi在新泽西州Red Bank举行的圣诞演唱会上表演。

1991年吉他手Richie Sambora与Eric Clapton合作推出个人大碟《Stranger In This Town》。 销量80万张

1991年Bon Jovi与McGhee Entertainment公司结束多年的合作关系,并自组经理人公司Bon Jovi Management,剪去长发,去除金属风格的过分装饰,声称要重新掌控自己,不要矫饰,只要音乐

1991年夏,Bon Jovi陷入人生情绪的一个巨大低谷

1991年Richard Stephen Sambora发行第一张个人专集《Stranger In This Town》


1992年11月推出大碟《Keep The Faith》。销量达1200万张

1992年展开巡回演唱会《Keep The Faith Tour》,总共在12个月内于全球40个国家举行了187场演唱会.

1993年10月推出精选大碟《Cross Road》销量达2000万张

1994年Richard Stephen Sambora与好莱坞明星Heather Locklear结婚

1994年11月Alec离开BON JOVI乐队,HUGH成为非正式贝斯手

1995年6月推出大碟《These Days》。销量达1000万张,其中This ain’t a love song获得巨大成功。


1995年3月开始展开为期9个月的巡回演唱会《Bon Jovi Tour》.

1995年破天荒在电视脱口秀节目《大卫牙擦骚》上作首次街头表演。1995年乐队的键盘手David Bryan 推出了个人专辑《On A Full Moon》

1997年Jon Bon Jovi在6月推出第二张个人大碟《Destination Anywhere》。在美国反响一般

1997年Jon Bon Jovi 由于专集《Destination Anywhere》获得了当年英国音乐奖的最佳男歌手的荣誉。

1998年Richard Stephen Sambora发行第二张个人专集《Undiscovered Soul 》

1999年Bon Jovi为电影《EDTV》灌录了插曲《Real Life》。


2000年为电视节目《The Today Show》作户外现场表演.


2000年推出了乐队唱片《It's My Life》。

2000年凭《It's My Life》获得格林美"最佳摇滚大碟"及"摇滚组合最佳演出"两项大奖提名。

2000年在My VH-1 Awards颁奖礼上,夺得"我最喜爱录影带"大奖.

2000年展开《Crush Tour》巡回演唱会,总共在11个国家内作41场表演,观众人数高达110万人。

2000年推出《Bon Jovi: The Crush Tour》影带及影碟,并在Fox Family Network播放。


2000年David Bryan 再次推出个人专辑《Lunar Eclipse》。

2001年5月推出演唱会大碟《One Wild Night: Live 1985-2001》销量达300万张

2001年展开《One Wild Night Tour》,总共在15个国家内进行54次表演,观众人数超过190万人.

2001年7月期间在新泽西州Giants Stadium举行了2场演唱会,并由VH-1电视台作现场直播。

2001年VH-1直播Bon Jovi的《One Last Wild Night》演唱会,结果这次转播成为了该台史上第二高收视率的直播节目。

2001年Jon Bon Jovi和Richie Sambora在九一一筹款节目《A Tribute To Heroes Telethon》上演出。

2001年Bon Jovi在九一一筹款演唱会《The Concert For New York》上作表演.

2001年Jon Bon Jovi和Richie Sambora在My VH-1 Awards颁奖礼上,为向刚去世的George Harrison致敬而合唱了《Here Comes The Sun》。

2001年Bon Jovi在My VH-1 Awards颁奖礼上,夺得「最劲爆演唱会」大奖。

2001年Tico Torres和委内瑞拉人Alejandra 结婚,之前离过两次婚。前一任妻子是著名的捷克名模Eva Herzigova



2003年计划推出《Bon Jovi Career 20th Anniversary》Boxed Set纪念大碟。

2003年11月推出不插电专集《This Left Feels Right》销量达200万张

2004年11月推出唱片《100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong 》

2005年获World Music Awards的Chopard Diamond Award,表彰其销量突破一亿。也是该奖有史以来的第四次。


2006年Richard Sambora与妻子离婚

2006年单曲WHO SAYS YOU CAN’T GO HOME得到格莱美最佳乡村合唱奖

2006年11月14日晚英国音乐名人堂颁奖礼上Bon Jovi和Prince,詹姆斯•布朗(James Brown),布赖恩•威尔逊(Brian Wilson),齐柏林飞船乐队(Led Zeppelin),罗德•史都华(Rod Stewart),达斯蒂•斯普林菲尔德(Dusty Springfield)一起入主英国音乐名人堂。

2007年6月乐队推出新专辑,第一周就成为Billboard 200榜首专辑,2008年格莱美多项大奖提名。

2008年7月完成全球lost highway巡回演唱会,Billboard统计部门放出2008年巡演收入榜单,Bon Jovi乐队以名为“Lost Highway”的巡演收入再次拔得头筹。

2009年乐队将在今年11月份发表全新录音室大碟《The Circle》,而抢先曝光的乐队首支单曲《We Weren’t Born To Follow》也不负众望,为乐队带来了令人嘱目的成绩。自这首歌在美国时间8月18日在电台首播以来,广受好评,成为乐队成军25年历史中,在HOT AC电台排行榜上攀升最快的一首歌。

2015年发行新专辑《Burning Bridges》和《This House Is Not for Sale》。



Jon Bon Jovi began playing piano and guitar in 1975, at the age of 13, with his first band 'Raze'. At 16, Bon Jovi met David Bryan and formed a band called "Atlantic City Expressway". Still in his teens, Bon Jovi played in the band "John Bongiovi and the Wild Ones," playing local clubs like "The Fast Lane," and opening for known acts in the area. By 1980, he formed another band, "The Rest", and opened up for New Jersey acts such as Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes.

By mid-1982, out of school and working part-time at a women's shoe store, Jon Bon Jovi took a job at the Power Station Studios, a Manhattan recording facility where his cousin Tony Bongiovi was co-owner. Bon Jovi made several demos—including one produced by Billy Squier—and sent them to record companies, though failing to make an impact. His first professional recording was as lead vocals in "R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas," which was part of the Christmas in the Stars album which his cousin co-produced.

The studio musicians who helped record "Runaway"—known as The All Star Review—were guitarist Tim Pierce, keyboardist Roy Bittan, drummer Frankie LaRocka, and bassist Hugh McDonald.

The song began to get airplay in the New York area, then other sister stations in major markets picked up the song.

David Bryan had quit the band that he and Bon Jovi had founded in order to study medicine. While in college, he realized that he wanted to pursue music full-time, and was accepted to Juilliard School, a New York music school. When Bon Jovi called his friend and said that he was putting together a band, and a record deal looked likely, Bryan followed Bon Jovi's lead and gave up his studies.

1984-1985:Bon Jovi and 7800° Fahrenheit

With the help of their new manager Doc McGhee they recorded the band's debut album, Bon Jovi, which was released on January 21, 1984. The album included the band's first hit single, "Runaway", reaching top forty on the Billboard Hot 100. The album peaked at number forty-three on the Billboard 200 album chart. The group soon found itself opening for Scorpions in U.S. and for Kiss in Europe.

In 1985, Bon Jovi's second album 7800° Fahrenheit was released. The band released three singles "Only Lonely", "In and Out of Love" and the ballad "Silent Night". The album peaked at number thirty seven on Billboard 200 and certified Gold by RIAA.

1986-1987:Slippery When Wet

On August 16, 1986, Slippery When Wet was released. The album reached number one in U.S., where it spent 8 weeks at number one on the Billboard 200 album chart.

1988-1991:New Jersey and hiatus

Determined to prove that the success of Slippery When Wet was not a fluke, Bon Jovi released their fourth effort New Jersey in September 1988. New Jersey peaked at number one in US, Canada, UK, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. The album produced five Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Bon Jovi the record for the most Top 10 singles spawned by a hard rock album.Two of the hits, "Bad Medicine" and "I'll Be There for You", managed to reach number one.The album's three other singles "Born to Be My Baby", "Lay Your Hands on Me", and "Living in Sin" reached the top ten. Bon Jovi even made the news when the video for "Living In Sin" was banned by MTV for featuring some too racy romance/sex scenes. After that it was re-edited and MTV put it in heavy rotation.

1992-1995:Keep the Faith and Cross Road

Bon Jovi's fifth studio album Keep the Faith was released in November 1992, representing "the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Bon Jovi" and marking a change in the band's sound and image. The album turned away from heavy drums and wild guitar solos, but instead introduced a more mature sound of Bon Jovi and contained more serious lyrics.The concert was released commercially in 1993 as Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi.

In October 1994, Bon Jovi released a greatest hits album titled Cross Road, with two new tracks: "Always" and "Someday I'll Be Saturday Night".

1995-1998:These Days and another hiatus

Bon Jovi's sixth studio album, These Days, was released in June 1995, during which time the band on European tour. The album debuted at number one in UK and spent four consecutive weeks at the top position.

Following the overwhelming success of the These Days Tour, the members of Bon Jovi went their separate ways. But unlike the period following the New Jersey tour, tainted with uncertainty, this hiatus was a conscious group decision. The members of Bon Jovi agreed to a self-imposed two-year sabbatical from the band.

1999-2004:Crush, Bounce and This Left Feels Right

After a nearly four-year hiatus, during which several band members worked on independent projects, Bon Jovi regrouped in 1999 to begin work on their next studio album. In June 2000, Crush was released as the band's seventh studio album and constituted something of a comeback. The first single "It's My Life" was noted as one of the group’s most successful releases in a decade and most importantly, becoming a symbol of the band's longevity as they prevailed through many different changes in the mainstream rock scene with admirable success. It's My Life helped introduce them to a new, younger fan base. The band received two Grammy nominations for Best Rock Album Crush and Best Rock Performance by Duo/Group "It's My Life". The video for "It's My Life" won the My VH1 Music Awards for "My Favorite Video".

In spring 2002, the group entered the studio to begin recording their eighth studio album. Bounce was influenced by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, released on October 8, 2002. The album debuted at number two in both the US and UK . The band went on the Bounce Tour for the album, during which they made history as the last band to play Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia before it was torn down.

Bon Jovi's ninth studio album This Left Feels Right was released in November 2003.

2005-2008:Have a Nice Day and Lost Highway

The band's tenth studio album, Have a Nice Day, was released in September 2005. The album debuted at number two in both the US and UK, reaching number one in fifteen countries.

Soon after the release of Have A Nice Day, the band started gearing up for the new 2005–2006 worldwide Have A Nice Day Tour. This tour, took the band to numerous stages and stadiums throughout the world.

In October 2007 the band announced the Lost Highway Tour. Starting with the 10 shows to open the brand new, Newark, New Jersey Prudential Center, the band toured Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and then Europe, finishing in the summer of 2008. The tour was the highest grossing tour of 2008 in Billboard's rankings, with ticket sales of $210.6 million, reported from November 14, 2007 through Nov.11, 2008.In all, 2,157,675 tickets were sold during 2008.Combined with $16.4 million in 2007 from the Newark shows, making a combined gross of $227 million in ticket sales. In Pollstar's calculus for North America, the Lost Highway Tour had the highest gross for 2008 at $70.4 million.

2009-2011:The Circle and Greatest Hits

On November 10, 2009, the band released their twelfth studio album, entitled The Circle. The Circle is a return to rock n' roll after their Nashville influenced album, Lost Highway.

Bon Jovi released a greatest hits album with four new songs in October 2010. The album debuted at number one in Canada, Ireland, Europe, Australia and made the top five in twenty countries. At the 2010 MTV Europe Music Awards, Bon Jovi received the Global Icon Award. In October 2010, Bon Jovi released the concert film, "The Circle Tour Live From Jersey" in U.S. theaters. At the same time, the band announced their upcoming tour. At the conclusion of 2011, the tour placed second on Billboard's annual, "Top 25 Tour", earning over £790 million dollars.

2012-2014:Inside Out, What About Now and departure of Sambora

In October 2012, Bon Jovi announced Because We Can, a new world tour for 2013, in support of their new album, What About Now, which was released on March 12, 2013. The tour started in February 2013 and visited North America, Europe, Africa, the Far East, Australia and Latin America.

On November 27, 2012, Bon Jovi released a new live video album, called Inside Out, made up of content from shows at the O2 Arena, MetLife Stadium, and Madison Square Garden.The album was first shown at movie theaters, with screenings preceded by a question-and-answer session with Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Bryan and Tico Torres streamed live from a theater in New York, and was subsequently made available for purchase on iTunes.

In November 2014, Jon Bon Jovi told a reporter that Richie Sambora had officially left the band, saying "He's quit. He's gone. No hard feelings."That November, he also revealed that he was finishing writing songs for the band's next studio album, their first without Sambora, who was unofficially replaced by touring guitarist Phil X. Sambora has since stated that "There's no bad blood with me any more. I love Jon, and I still see the possibility of a return."

2015-present:Burning Bridges and This House Is Not for Sale

On July 31, Bon Jovi released twin lead singles "We Don't Run" and "Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning" for the upcoming new album Burning Bridges.

A Bon Jovi consultant confirmed that a new studio album is still planned to be released in 2016 followed by a world tour. On September 30, 2015, Jon Bon Jovi announced during a press conference that the title of their upcoming album will be This House Is Not for Sale. In the article, he said the following "The record is about our integrity. Integrity matters and we're at a place in our career where we don't have anything left to prove."

