


#根源唱作人 #民谣摇滚 #当代民谣
Canada 加拿大



中 文 名:莱昂纳德·科恩

外 文 名:Leonard Cohen

别    名:里奥纳德·科恩 / 李欧纳·柯恩

国    籍:加拿大 出生地加拿大,魁北克省,蒙特利尔



职    业:歌手 / 演员 / 作曲 / 编剧


1934年,Leonard Cohen出生在加拿大蒙特利尔一个犹太中产家庭,在他9岁时父亲就去世了。13岁时,他第一次拿起吉他,目的是为了给某个女孩留下印象,但在一两年后,他就开始在当地的咖啡馆演唱自己的歌。后来,Cohen就读于McGill大学,主修英文。17岁那年,他组建了一支叫做the Buckskin Boys的3人西部乡村乐队,同时,他开始写诗。当第一本诗集在1956年出版时,Cohen还是一名大学肄业生。



离开了舒适的家庭式生活之后,他回到美国,在音乐重镇纳什维尔附近安顿下来,准备开始他的音乐生涯。当时已经开始走红的民谣女歌手Judy Collins,翻唱了他的“Suzanne”,结果大受欢迎,成为电台热门歌曲和她最流行的代表曲目之一,于是她说服Cohen一起参加民谣巡演。在1967年夏天的纽约新港民谣节期间,Cohen首次登台亮相,并在CBS电视网节目上演唱自己的歌曲并朗诵了诗作。

Cohen与哥伦比亚唱片公司签约,于1968年初出版了他的首张唱片《The Songs of Leonard Cohen》,尽管制作简单、内容抑郁,但它在那个民谣盛行、唱作人风潮刚刚开始兴起的时代马上就大热起来,成千上万的大学生都买了这张唱片。

1968年,Cohen出版了诗选集《Selected Poems: 1956-1968》。它为他赢得了加拿大文学界的最高荣誉:总督奖。但他迅速地拒绝了这项荣誉。

1969-1972年期间,Cohen接连出版了第2、3张专辑《Songs from A Room》、《Songs of Love and Hate》,和第一张现场唱片《Live Songs》。但在商业上和评论上都大不如前。

1973年专辑《New Skin For the Old Ceremony》依然充满着阴沉和黯淡的情绪,继续深入细述了闺房里的隐秘搏斗,而封面使用中世纪的宗教情色插画,当时在美国被禁。

1977年,Cohen推出了他最受争议的专辑《Death of a Ladies' Man》,它是与著名制作人Phil Spector(以神秘与隐居著称,监制过包括The Beatles在内的许多著名乐队唱片)合作的,但到了最后的制作阶段Cohen却被排除在外。“这是个灾难,”Cohen回忆说,“那些涂鸦般的歌声混音工作,是Phil Spector在警卫守护下秘密进行的。我当时想,要么派一支私人军队去攻打位于日落大道的录音棚,要么就算了。我就算了。”

1979年专辑《Recent Songs》带来了少许变化,歌曲延续了Cohen解剖男女关系变迁的主题,也开始反映出他在宗教信仰上的长期探索。而1985年专辑《various Position》就完全投身到宗教怀里,歌曲“Hallelujah”、“The Law”、“Heart With No Companion”和“If It Be Your Will”都是当代的宗教赞美诗。

1988年初,Cohen为Jennifer Warnes制作了那张街知巷闻的唱片《Famous Blue Raincoat》(著名的蓝雨衣)(它比Cohen的任何一张唱片都要卖得好)。54岁Cohen的声线变得极富吸引力,低沉而性感,而那融合了黑色幽默、悲观色彩和诗歌意识的歌曲更是引人入迷,而这张唱片是他这10年来销量最好的专辑。

1992年,Cohen发表了专辑《The Future》,细述了一个男人面对余下岁月的恐惧感。在完成专辑巡演之后,Cohen大部分时间都在南加州Baldy修道院里修炼禅道,法号Jikan(意思是沉默的一个),主要的活动是冥想和给他的导师做饭。

1999年,结束了将近5年的修道生活,Cohen带着近百首新诗和歌词下山了。他立刻开始和Sharon Robinson(一个著名的幕后歌手,曾与Cohen共同创作了名曲“Everybody Knows”、“Waiting for the Miracle”)着手新歌的工作。

2001年10月,在隔了8年之后,Cohen终于发表了最新创作专辑。和早期那些唱片一样,它有一个简单而又纯粹的名字:《Ten New Songs》。这是一张弥漫着告别气息的歌曲集,充满了个人自白,挽歌式的感叹,一些轻微的抗议声,和禅意。它,看上去就像是个句号。


2014年发行专辑《Popular Problems》。

2015他的专辑《Popular Problems》荣获朱诺奖年度专辑。5月发行Live专辑《Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour》。

Leonard Norman Cohen, CC GOQ (born 21 September 1934) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, poet and novelist. His work has explored religion, politics, isolation, sexuality, and personal relationships.Cohen has been inducted into both the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame as well as the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He is also a Companion of the Order of Canada, the nation's highest civilian honor. In 2011, Cohen received a Princess of Asturias Awards for literature.

The critic Bruce Eder assessed Cohen's overall career in popular music by asserting that "he is]one of the most fascinating and enigmatic … singer/songwriters of the late '60s … And has retained an audience across four decades of music-making.... Second only to Bob Dylan (and perhaps Paul Simon)he commands the attention of critics and younger musicians more firmly than any other musical figure from the 1960s who is still working at the outset of the 21st century."

His second novel, Beautiful Losers (1966), received attention from the Canadian press and was considered controversial because of a number of sexually graphic passages.The Academy of American Poets has commented more broadly on Cohen's overall career in the arts, including his work as a poet, novelist, and songwriter, stating that "Cohen's successful blending of poetry, fiction, and music is made most clear in Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs, published in 1993, which gathered more than 200 of Cohen's poems … several novel excerpts, and almost 60 song lyrics... While it may seem to some that Leonard Cohen departed from the literary in pursuit of the musical, his fans continue to embrace him as a Renaissance man who straddles the elusive artistic borderlines."

Cohen's first album was Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967) followed by Songs from a Room (1969) (featuring the often-recorded "Bird on the Wire") and Songs of Love and Hate (1971). His 1977 record Death of a Ladies' Man was co-written and produced by Phil Spector, which was a move away from Cohen's previous minimalist sound. In 1979 Cohen returned with the more traditional Recent Songs, which blended his acoustic style with jazz and Oriental and Mediterranean influences. "Hallelujah" was first released on Cohen's studio album Various Positions in 1984. I'm Your Man in 1988 marked Cohen's turn to synthesized productions and remains his most popular album. In 1992 Cohen released its follow-up, The Future, which had dark lyrics and references to political and social unrest. Cohen returned to music in 2001 with the release of Ten New Songs, which was a major hit in Canada and Europe. In 2006 Cohen produced and co-wrote Blue Alert, a collaboration with jazz chanteuse Anjani Thomas. After the success of his 2008–13 world tours, Cohen released the highest charting album in his entire career, Old Ideas, to positive reviews. On 22 September 2014, one day after his 80th birthday, Cohen released his 13th studio album, Popular Problems, again to positive reviews.

On 12 August 2012, Cohen embarked on a new European tour in support of Old Ideas, adding a violinist to his 2008–2010 tour band, now nicknamed Unified Heart Touring Band, and following the same three-hours setlist structure as in 2008–2012 tour, with addition of number of songs from Old Ideas. The European leg ended on 7 October, after concerts in Belgium, Ireland (Royal Hospital), France (Olympia in Paris), England (Wembley Arena in London), Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy (Arena in Verona), Croatia (Arena in Pula), Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Romania and Turkey.

The second leg of the Old Ideas World Tour took place in the US and Canada in November and December, with 56 shows altogether on both legs.

Cohen returned to North America in the spring of 2013 with concerts in the United States and Canada. A summer tour of Europe happened shortly afterwards.

Cohen then toured Australia and New Zealand in November–December 2013.

Popular Problems was released in 2014.

In 2015,he won Juno Award, Album of the Year for Popular Problems.Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour was released on May 2015.

