Manila Grey 一支来自于加拿大温哥华的菲律宾裔hiphop/ r&b 音乐团体。这只小团队由儿时玩伴Neeko和Soliven组成,该二重奏组于2016年与南亚音乐制作人“azel north”合作开始发行音乐。 这对二人获得了现代亚洲美学与大气R&B超音波的衔接,在北美收到了极大的好评。
MANILA GREY is a Filipino-Canadian hip-hop/R&B duo originating from Vancouver, Canada formed by childhood friends Soliven and Neeko. The duo started releasing music in 2016 in collaboration with South Asian music producer “azel north”. The duo has recieved acclaim for bridging modern Asian aesthetics with atmospheric R&B sonics.