


#嘻哈 #节奏布鲁斯 #都市音乐
Japan 日本


生于日本大阪的Joji,是一位多才且远见卓识的歌手兼制作人,在网络上他吸引了来自各地的追随者。Joji的音乐创作风格标新立异:将缓慢的节奏,忧郁的情绪,动情的嗓音覆盖在简单粗粝的结构之上,再混入trap、folk、 electronic、和R&B元素。被Pigeons & Planes网站列入“2017年度最佳新人”的他,无疑是当下数字音乐时代最令人关注的,有前景的艺术家之一。

在正式做音乐前,身为网络达人的Joji,就拥有一支数量众多且几近狂热粉丝军团,使他的搞笑视频仅在YouTube上就收获了6亿点击量。他开启自己的音乐生涯后,这些忠实的追随者依旧对他保持密切的关注。在没有正式发行作品前,他为数不多的曲目小样就在Soundcloud和YouTube上收获了数以百万的收听量。2017年EP《In Tongues》发行前的2首独立单曲《I Don’t Wanna Waste My Time》和《Rain On Me》,让人看到Joji令人着迷却低调的才华,他在音乐中情感丰富的表达和令人沉思的演绎,收获包括Pigeons & Planes和Earmilk在内的媒体一众好评。

Osaka, Japan-born singer and producer Joji is the multi-talented visionary, capturing a following from every corner of the internet. The Osaka, Japan-born musician defies convention - his songs are characterized by down tempo, melancholic themes and soulful vocals, layered over lush grimy textures, blending elements of trap, folk, electronic, and R&B.Named a Best New Artist of 2017 by Pigeons & Planes, Joji is one of the most interesting and promising artists living in the digital age.

A master of multiple mediums, Joji commands a massive and almost fanatical fan base, with over 600 million views on YouTube alone.His loyal following has carried over into Joji’s music career.  Although yet to release anything commercially, Joji's few tracks have millions of plays across Soundcloud and YouTube. His only two 2017 songs thus far - “I Don’t Wanna Waste My Time” and “Rain On Me” - have already been lauded for their “beautiful, captivating, understated quality” (Pigeons & Planes) and “lush emotion and thoughtful execution” (Earmilk).

