


#现代古典 #合唱团 #歌剧 #管弦乐 #交响乐 #声乐 #教堂音乐 #西方古典 #交响曲
United Kingdom 英国


奥利佛‧克努森(英语:Oliver Knussen1952年6月11日-),出生于苏格兰格拉斯哥),是英国当代作曲家和指挥家。


克努森在1963-1969年间于普赛尔音乐院跟随法国知名音乐教育家娜迪亚·布朗热的弟子约翰·兰伯特学习作曲,15岁的克努森于1968年在卡内基音乐厅亲自指挥了伦敦交响乐团演出他的《第一号交响曲(Symphony No.1)》。

随后三年(1970-1973)克努森于坦格尔木屋音乐季中接受冈瑟‧舒勒的指导,期间创作了多首为大型室内乐团而做的作品并参与演出,包括有《小熊维尼的哼唱与歌曲(Hums and Songs of Winnie-the-Pooh)》,《第二号交响曲(Symphony No.2)》,由纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔的诗作《海洋地球(Océan de Terre)》改编而成的大型室内乐团曲目,《奥菲莉亚之舞(Ophelia Dances)》。这些作品接连在音乐季中荣获大奖,作品风格具有丰富的层次感和流畅性,以及令人舒畅的现代感,因此很快的便在美国及英国打响了名堂。

1975年后克努森决定从此定居在英国,并创作了为数众多的曲目,尤其以《窃喜(Coursing)》及《第三号交响曲(Symphony No.3)》最为著名,更以此两首作品将他成功的推向英国当代音乐的第一线。

Born in Glasgow in 1952, Oliver Knussen grew up near London, where his father was principal double bass of the London Symphony Orchestra for many years.  It was with the LSO that he made his debut in April 1968, conducting his First Symphony in London and in Carnegie Hall, New York.  His first major works Coursing (1979) and the Third Symphony (1973-9) placed him in the forefront of contemporary British music.  In the 1980s he collaborated with Maurice Sendak on Where the Wild Things Are (1979-83) and Higglety Pigglety Pop! (1984-5, rev. 1999), two chamber operas that have since been performed all round the world, and in the UK by Glyndebourne and London's National Theatre.  In 2012 a new production of the two operas (with digital background) was premiered at the Aldeburgh Festival and subsequently travelled to LA and the Barbican, London as part of the BBC’s ‘Total Immersion’ festival dedicated to the composer.

Several of Knussen’s later works have quickly established themselves in the repertory: Flourish with Fireworks (1988), The Way to Yonder Castle (1988-90), Songs without Voices (1992), Two Organa (1994), the Horn Concerto (1994), the Violin Concerto (2002), Requiem – Songs for Sue for soprano and chamber orchestra (2005-6) and most recently, Ophelia’s Last Dance (2010) for solo piano.

Knussen has become one of the most skilled and sought-after conductors of new music, and in this capacity has appeared with many major international orchestras.  He is currently Artist in Association with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. From 1983 till 1998, Knussen was Artistic Director of the Aldeburgh Festival, and in 1992, in collaboration with Colin Matthews, established the Contemporary Composition and Performance Courses at the Britten-Pears Programme at Aldeburgh.

Among Knussen’s many awards are Honorary Memberships of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Royal Philharmonic Society, an Honorary Doctorate from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, and the 2004 Association of British Orchestras Award. In 2006 he was named the second recipient of the Michael Ludwig Nemmers Prize from Northwestern University, USA and in 2012 he won the Critics Circle award for an ‘Outstanding Musician.’ He became a CBE in the 1994 Birthday Honours.
