


#协奏曲 #键盘音乐 #独奏 #西方古典 #奏鸣曲
France 法国


Samson Francois(桑松·弗朗索瓦,1924-1970)钢琴家,6岁登台演奏,11岁获法国尼斯音乐学院钢琴演奏奖,后到意大利和南斯拉夫继续学习,1939年回巴黎,进巴黎音乐学院师从科尔托,1940年获音乐学院比赛一等奖,1943年获玛格丽特·隆国际比赛一等奖。其演奏曲目包括肖邦、李斯特、德彪西、拉威尔、巴托克、普罗科菲耶夫的作品,尤以演奏德彪西、肖邦的作品最为著称。 弗朗索瓦对于肖邦的诠释是其演奏生涯最大的成就之一,同时也是关于他最大争议的所在。弗朗索瓦指下的肖邦无论就形式或内涵来说,与人们通常概念中的“波兰肖邦”相去甚远,也是倾向唯美的、浸透着感观享受的“法式肖邦”。基于这般理解,弗朗索瓦着力点是这位具有贵族气质并出入于法国上流社会的年轻音乐家的特定“状态”:敏感、多情、自由、欢快甚至有些矫饰。于是,他的波罗涅兹多了一种俊逸洒脱,少了一份大器铿锵;他的圆舞曲更是巴黎沙龙烛光掩映、醉态朦胧的写照……

Samson Pascal François (18 May 1924 – 22 October 1970) was a French pianist and composer.

François was born in Frankfurt where his father worked at the French consulate. His mother, Rose, named him Samson, for strength, and Pascal, for spirit. François discovered the piano early – at the age of two – and his first studies were in Italy, with Pietro Mascagni, who encouraged him to give his first concert at the age of six. Moving from country to country with his itinerant family, he studied in Belgrade with professor Ćirilo Ličar (Cyril Licar), obtaining a first prize in performance. Professor Ličar also introduced him to the works of Béla Bartók.

Having studied in the Conservatoire in Nice from 1932 to 1935, where he again won first prize, François came to the attention of Alfred Cortot, who encouraged him to move to Paris and study with Yvonne Lefébure at the École Normale de Musique. He also studied piano with Cortot (who reportedly found him almost impossible to teach), and harmony withNadia Boulanger. In 1938, he moved to the Paris Conservatoire to study with Marguerite Long, the doyenne of French teachers of the age. He won the piano section of the inaugural (1943) Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud Competition.

He was particularly admired for his performances of Chopin, Schumann, Debussy, and Ravel. Many of these interpretations are now available on compact disc. François was a keenjazz fan — particularly of the brilliant pianist Bud Powell, who lived and performed in Paris — and claimed that jazz influenced his playing. He composed, among other works, a concerto for piano and incidental music for film.

He married Josette Bahvsar, and their son Maximilien was born in 1955. Maximilien published a biography of his father in 2002 (see bibliography below).

Samson François's extravagant lifestyle, good looks, and passionate but highly disciplined playing, gave him a cult status as a pianist, although his passion for nightlife and his reckless behavior (lavish drinking and drug use) resulted in a heart attack on the concert platform in 1968. His early death followed only two years later.

François himself said &never play simply to play well& and, in a remark clearly inspired by his jazz influences, &It must be that there is never the impression of being obliged to play the next note.&

