"They Say Just Wait Till Morning, you'll find new things every day"
曲风混合了Jazz-hiphop和管弦乐及Dark hiph...
@Senpai:Hi everyone, this is Senpai. I found this site not long ago and loved seeing how many fans I have here. Thank you all so much for the love. I never knew I had so many Chinese fans, so I just released a DEMO song just for you guys. Take a listen and tell me what you think! 感谢大家!
@Cherlock:@阿垃垃圾Boss 你看啊这是#~前辈~#的音乐=皿= 又是一个带感的美国宅
@Senpai:Hi everyone! If you follow me, then you will notice that I sent a message to your inbox. Sorry if you can't read English :( I still haven't learned Mandarin yet. Please take the time to read it! I have a brand new music album coming out! I'm working on the songs now ^_^.
Thank you for the love!
@Senpai:Happy New Year, everyone! Let's make it the best. 新年快乐!希望能做得最好!