Vancouver Sleep Clinic (温哥华睡眠诊所,简称VSC) 是澳大利亚氛围和电子音乐创作人、歌手 Tim Bettinson 的个人音乐计划。1999年,他出生在布里斯班一个爱好音乐的普通家庭里,父亲是 Fleetwood Mac 和 Eagles 的忠实听众,所以从小他便浸染在父亲经典摇滚的世界里。
VSC 的音乐里潜藏的感性、温柔的特质,常常能打动电视剧和电影的音乐制作人并且得到他们的青睐。也许你对他的名字还很陌生,但是他的音乐你肯定在影视作品中有所耳闻。电影《午夜邂逅》《阿罗哈》《绝命时钟》都有用他的歌做插曲,并且还有多首歌出现在热门电视剧像《侠胆雄狮》《芝加哥急救》《吸血鬼日记》《良医》等中。
从触碰人心的氛围电子,到流行时尚的嘻哈,再到沉稳坦然的 R&B。风格从来都不是 VSC 最特立独行的标签,只是他一个一个尝试过的点心。跟华裔美国歌手、著名 DJ ZHU 合作的《Modern Conversation》,就能看出他潜藏的才华与爆发能力。
Tim Bettinson 的嗓音及其多变,所以他能完全驾驭不同曲风的音乐,同时又能体现自己的特色。当然他还特别的善于模仿,所以在他早期的音乐里,你总能发现各种熟悉的影子,比如 Bon Iver、Sigur Ros 、Sufjan Stevens、Patrick Watson 、JMR 等。但你仅仅觉得他只停留在模仿的层面,那就太大错特错了。他近期发布的新作,令不少乐评人和音乐媒体为之震惊——他在音乐中传达了社交媒体对人的影响,以及当下的人们各种不健康的心理。
Vancouver Sleep Clinic as a name in itself conjures up imagery of long cold winters, of isolation and remoteness and the sometimes self-imposed reclusiveness in all of us as the days get shorter and we move into the bitter months ahead. The adopted moniker of 17 year-old Tim Bettinson perfectly hones in on this visuality and with new track ‘Collapse’ taken from his forthcoming debut EP, the influences of those dark corners inside ourselves interweave throughout his sound.
As we draw closer into the winter here in the Western hemisphere, VSC feels like it was designed to be delivered just in time for the onslaught of the colder weather. Taking into consideration that Tim lives in Australia, he set about writing songs for VSC during his winter but what was in fact our Summer - timing can be everything.
After months of assembling lyrics and instrumentation from various maths books, notes, whiteboards and bedroom walls, humbly working with scattered cheap microphones, an old laptop and an outdated keyboard - Vancouver Sleep Clinic’s debut EP was born, a combination of soaring falsetto vocals built upon progressive synthetic instrumentation to create an ambient base for a vessel of emotional connections to be made.
Bearing messages of sorrow, humility and hope above all else - songs are written from the heart alone. Together, let’s create something beautiful.