


#独立流行 #童稚流行 #另类唱作人
United Kingdom 英国


Allo Darlin'是一支英国四人乐队,成员包括保罗雷恩斯、迈克尔柯林斯、比尔博廷和伊丽莎白莫里斯。伊丽莎白和比尔来自澳大利亚,麦克和保罗则来自于肯特郡。他们成为了亲密的朋友,并开始制作自己的音乐。虽然伊丽莎白自2007年以来以各种名目发表作品,但真正作为一个乐队出现却是从2009年1月开始的。 在这段时间里,他们与独立唱片公司签约,在德国和瑞典的演出场场爆满。惊叹于Indietracks和Swn节日的人群,他们在英国作巡回演出并录制了唱片。他们的单曲开始在BBC1、BBC6音乐台和XFM播放,并在诸如The Fly杂志、卫报等媒体上引起了热烈的讨论。 签约Fortuna Pop后的首支单曲The Polaroid Song发表于09年12月,这首歌曲进入了当年度的Drowned in Sound 的Top 50单曲榜,并使他们进一步获得了更高的赞誉。 他们的首张专辑发行于2010年6月,而在早些时候的三月发表了另一支单曲Dreaming。这张专辑是在布里克巷公爵受身店下面的“Soup”录音室与制作人Simon Trought完成的。


by Margaret Reges

Allo Darlin -- a sunny, light-hearted twee pop outfit along the lines of the School and A Smile and a Ribbon -- began as a vehicle for the solo songwriting exploits of Elizabeth Morris. Australian by birth, Morris moved to London, England in 2005, where she began making recordings under the name the Darlings. Morris would only release one disc under this name, a three-track affair called The Photo EP, which came out on the U.K.-based indie pop label WeePOP! in late 2007. Morris changed the project's name to Allo Darlin the following year. In a 2010 interview with Spinner.com, Morris explained that she got the band name from her time working in Soho. "I used to work near the market sellers," she said. "Every day I'd walk past and the old guys would yell out "Allo darlin'" as they ashed into their fruit bowls." She self-released a Christmas-themed EP, Merry Christmas from Allo Darlin, shortly before 2008 came to a close. A few months later, in early 2009, Allo Darlin's lineup expanded to include two members of Hexicon, guitarist Paul Rains (who first began working with Morris when the two recorded a cover of Bruce Springsteen's "Atlantic City") and drummer Michael Collins, along with Moustache of Insanity's Will Harrison on bass. The newly formed quartet released their first single, "Henry Rollins Don't Dance" (WeePOP! Records), that summer. Fortuna Pop signed the band soon after, and Allo Darlin saw a couple of singles on that label in short order (2009's "The Polaroid Song" and 2010's "Dreaming," which featured a cameo by the Pipettes' Monster Bobby). The band's self-titled debut full-length, produced by Simon Trought, was released on Fortuna Pop in the summer of 2010.
