


#碾核 #重金属 #流行朋克
Switzerland 瑞士


来自瑞士的欧洲金属核班霸,98年发的第一张DEMO立即受到瞩目,卖出两千张。随后于03签约年欧洲金属核大厂Lifeforce(Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban),乐队风格从新派硬核开始加入更多金属成分。04年签约于METAL BLADE,随后以几乎一年一张的速度稳步发行专辑。与美式旋死金属核不同的是,Cataract更着重于硬核与传统死亡的相结合,没有华丽的SOLO和清嗓,只用怒吼和凶狠的RIFF鸣出属于欧洲金属核自己的声音!

Although originally formed with a hardcore mindset, in 1998, Switzerland's Cataract quickly adopted a harder, metallic edge to their songwriting, finding their true calling as a metalcore act in the vein of Hatebreed or Heaven Shall Burn. After a few demos and compilation appearances, the quintet (featuring vocalist Mosh, guitarists Greg and Simon Fuellemann, bassist Michi, and drummer Ricky) released their debut album, Golem, through Ferret Records, in 2000. New frontman Fedi (aka Federico Carminitana) arrived in time for the following year's Martyr's Melodies EP and Cataract's first tour of the U.S. (supporting Poison the Well, Nora, and others), after which they returned to Switzerland and began recording their second full-length, The Great Days of Vengeance -- unleashed in 2003 by Germany's LifeForce Recordings. Yet another label switch awaited, and come 2004, Cataract's third long-player, With Triumph Comes Loss, was released by American metal stalwart Metal Blade.
