


#梦幻流行 #仙音
Belgium 比利时


Colour Kane来自比利时,由乐团Abricot的两名资深音乐人Bruno Kimpe和Joeri Gydé,以及女主唱Marjan Snykers三人组成.07年初推出的首支单曲”Too Late”,请来瑞典Downtempo团Glorybox帮忙混音.他们的音乐还得到了Robin Guthrie的关注,不仅邀请他们作为自己在比利时Lumière shows的嘉宾,还亲自帮他们制作混音单曲”Seaside Dream”.07年4月发行的首张专辑”A Taste Of”,除了一贯唯美的Dream-Pop,变幻莫测的Shoegaze吉他噪音墙,亦在飘逸流畅的旋律中融入不少Downtempo元素.慵懒的碎拍,配上女主唱Marjan Snykers时而低沉时而高亢的催眠性嗓音,盈造出空灵飘渺,充满无限想象的空间.

Colour Kane are one of the new breed of dream popsters, with cascading guitars and sweet soaring vocals propelled by driving bass and electronic beats. Where so much dream pop is described through aesthetic alone, Colour Kane’s music draws a wonderful arc between melancholy and bliss.

The band developed from the seeds of trip pop project Abricot, comprising Belgian music scene veterans Bruno Kimpe and Joeri Gydé. The pair teamed up with vocalist Marjan Snykers and Colour Kane was borne.

The band’s music found Robin Guthrie, who offered his support, ultimately leading to the band supporting Robin during his Lumière shows in Belgium in addition to the remixed track found on “A Taste Of”.

After increased following on independent US FM stations, Colour Kane signs end 2006 with Hidden Shoal, a new cinematosonic label on the australian west coast.

Their debut, “A Taste Of”, is now available as a pre-release exclusively from the HSR Store. The album will see official cd release in April 2007 and as a digital release in May 2007 where it will be available from all good digital music stores such as Itunes, eMusic, Sony Connect and Rhapsody. Distribution in the US by Darla.

