PVT are no longer an instrumental outfit. Where Make Me Love You was an ambient mute, and O Soundtrack My Heart flirted with tiny morsels of pre-programmed vocals, this is an entirely different beast. It’s not like they’ve just decided to throw in some tambourine – the boys have a voice! And what do the lads have to say for themselves? Well… not much really. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Rather than direct articulation, here the vocals are employed to great effect like any other element. The first single, Window, holds chopped, mutated and layered vocal sound bites, like a troupe of chanting monks are hiding in the corner of the practice room. Laurence Pike’s drumming is another standout. His work has always been masterful but not with the smack-you-in-the-face kind of rock we’re getting here, he’s all over it. And its often given its due right up front in the mix lending the album a great live feel