


#室内乐 #重奏 #管弦乐 #西方古典
Austria 奥地利


奥地利作曲家、伟大的音乐教师。毕业于Vienna Conservatory,并留在母校从事教学。他的作品鲜为人知,但是提起他的学生们却如雷贯耳:乔治·埃内斯库、古斯塔夫·马勒、雨果·沃尔夫、弗朗兹·施密特、西贝柳斯、策姆林斯基、科恩古尔德等等。富克斯不是那么出名,并不是因为其作品不好,而是因他十分低调的生活。他隐居在维也纳,拒绝参与任何演出。罗伯特·富克斯的音乐在业内很受推崇,就连勃拉姆斯这种轻易不会称赞别人音乐的作曲家,对富克斯也丝毫不吝啬溢美之词。大指挥家们诸如:尼基什、魏因加特纳、汉斯·里赫特等也对他的室内乐十分赞赏。罗伯特·富克斯最有名的作品应算是五部小夜曲(serenade),以至于人们送给他“serenaden-Fuchs”、甚至“serenader fox”这样的爱称。

Robert Fuchs (15 February 1847 – 19 February 1927) was an Austrian composer and music teacher.

As Professor of music theory at the Vienna Conservatory, Fuchs taught many notable composers, while he was himself a highly regarded composer in his lifetime.

He was born in Frauental an der Laßnitz in Styria in 1847 as the youngest of thirteen children. He studied at the Vienna Conservatory with Felix Otto Dessoff and Joseph Hellmesberger among others. He eventually secured a teaching position there and was appointed Professor of music theory in 1875. He retained the position until 1912. He died in Vienna at the age of eighty.

He was the youngest brother of Johann Nepomuk Fuchs, who was also a composer and an opera conductor.

Robert Fuchs taught many notable composers, including George Enescu, Gustav Mahler, Hugo Wolf, Jean Sibelius, Alexander von Zemlinsky, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Franz Schmidt, Franz Schreker, Richard Heuberger, Robert Stolz, Leo Fall, Petar Krstić, Erkki Melartin, Leo Ascher and Richard Stöhr.

&Unfailingly tuneful and enjoyable, Robert Fuchs’s piano trios are an easily accessible way to get to know a composer whom Brahms greatly admired,& noted the magazine Gramophone. &In his time Fuchs was very highly regarded, with one critic famously pointing to Fuchsisms in Mahler’s Second Symphony.&

The reason his compositions did not become better known was largely because he did little to promote them, living a quiet life in Vienna and refusing to arrange concerts, even when the opportunities arose. He certainly had his admirers, among them Brahms, who almost never praised the works of other composers. But with regard to Fuchs, Brahms wrote, “Fuchs is a splendid musician, everything is so fine and so skillful, so charmingly invented, that one is always pleased.” Famous contemporary conductors, including Arthur Nikisch, Felix Weingartner and Hans Richter, championed his works when they had the opportunity but with few exceptions, it was his chamber music which was considered his finest work.

In his lifetime, his best known works were his five serenades; their popularity was so great that Fuchs acquired the nickname &Serenaden-Fuchs& (roughly, &Serenader Fox&). The serenades have been recorded by the Cologne Chamber Orchestra under Christian Ludwig for Naxos.
