


#流行摇滚 #独立流行 #独立摇滚 #独立电子乐 #舞曲朋克
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 两门剧院乐队

外 文 名 Two Door Cinema Club

成立地点 北爱尔兰

成立时间 2007年

风    格 Indie Pop/Dance-Punk


Two Door Cinema Club是一支来自北爱尔兰的乐团,于2007年组成。三位团员分别是负责吉他和合成器的Alex Trimble 、贝斯手 Kevin Baird 及吉他手Sam Halliday,没有鼓手,取而代支的是由Trimble 以电脑软件作节拍编程。


Two Door Cinema Club(两门剧院乐队)是一个电子流行/独立摇滚的班戈和多纳哈迪乐队,在北爱尔兰于2007年成立。

什么是青春?或许是做自己喜欢做的事。来自北爱尔兰的 Two Door Cinema Club 于 2007 年组成,同期将作品上载至 myspace 后大受欢迎,随即三位年青人放弃了大学学位,全心走上音乐之路。三位团员分别是负责吉他和合成器的 alex trimble 、贝斯手 kevin baird 及吉他手 sam halliday 。没有鼓手,取而代支的是由 trimble 以电脑软件作节拍编程。组成二年多,首张专辑《tourist history》终于在三月推出。他们来自北爱尔兰的班戈,这个旧游客区。提起北爱尔兰的乐团大家可能会想到 snow patrol 这个流行乐团。不过 Two Door Cinema Club 签约的并非英国厂牌,而是法国潮流服饰品牌 kitsuné 的分支 kitsuné music。因此他们的形象也较其他英国乐团来得独特。

《Two Door Cinema Club 》是支一听就会爱上的乐团。好比 The Postal Service 遇上 Vampire Weekend ,也带点 the rapture 的思绪,但来得青春电幻。打头阵的《Cigarettes in the Theatre》就以滂沛的电吉他推进,与庞克的底蕴筑成振奋人心的一幕。然后《Come Back Home》以漫不经心但有力的吉他驱驶,同样令人愉快。《Do You Want it All》急速放置,快乐的敲击点缀了缤纷。《This Is The Life》醒目的电吉他与吉他扫弦交织成一段段美好的梦话,令人回味。

平易近人的《something good can work》令人爱不释手。听《i can talk》时突然想起 delphic 的《doubt》,也是他们喜欢的乐团。认真再听却找到受 bloc party 影响的蛛丝马迹。单曲作品《undercover martyn》表现出乐团本身的力量,时而紧凑时而爽脆。《what you know》有著流行吉他音乐的结构,歌声部份也是如此真挚。带有点点 80 年代合成器声效的《eat that up, it's good for you》同样大有英伦流行曲的格调。专辑最后的《you're not stubborn》有著动听而易记的吉他旋律层迭。

电气节拍及流丽的新浪潮气味,短促而美好的曲子,旋律丰富却又易记。纵使《tourist history》并非一张惊世骇俗的作品,但 《two door cinema club》 仍然是该年度至今最值得留意的单位之一。作为一支新晋乐团的首张专专辑,《tourist history》交足功课。

乐队成员:Sam Halliday, Alex Trimble and Kevin Baird。唱过poker face等。 They are signed to French record labelKitsuné Music, through which they released their debut albumTourist Historyon 1 March 2010.他们签署的法国唱片狐音乐,他们通过发表于2010年3月1日他们的首张专辑旅游史。


Tourist History(2010)专辑

Daytrotter Sessions(2011)EP



Next Year(2013)EP


Changing Of The Seasons(2013)EP

Are We Ready? (Wreck)(2016)EP

Bad Decisions(2016)EP


Two Door Cinema Club are an Irish indie rock band from Bangor and Donaghadee in County Down. The band formed in 2007 and is composed of three members: Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths), Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), and Kevin Baird (bass, synths, backing vocals).

The band's debut album, ‘Tourist History’, was released on 1 March 2010 by French independent record label Kitsuné Music. In the United States, where the band are signed to Glassnote Records, the album was released on 27 April 2010. ‘Tourist History’ was selected for the Choice Music Prize for Irish Album of the Year (2010) the following year.

The band's second album ‘Beacon’ was released on 3 September 2012, debuted at number one on the Irish Albums Chart and reached number two in the UK Albums Chart.

The band's third album ‘Gameshow’ is due to be released on 14 October 2016. The first single, "Are We Ready? (Wreck)" was released on 14 June 2016 and was debuted on Annie Mac's Hottest Record on BBC Radio 1.

