


#民谣流行 #根源唱作人 #独立民谣
United Kingdom 英国



中  文 名:詹姆斯·贝

中  文 名:James Bay

别       名:詹贝贝,贝贝

国       籍:英国

民       族:英格兰

出  生  地:哈特金,赫特福德郡Hitchin Hertfordshire


职       业:音乐家,吉他手


英国音乐家,唱作男歌手詹姆斯·贝James Bay,嗓音沙哑而性感,代表作《Hold Back the River》,《When We Were on Fire》等。

2013年7月18日,Bay发行了他的首张密纹唱片 The Dark of The Morning。

2014年5月12日,发行第二张专辑Let It Go,随后单曲Let It Go进入iTunes 专辑榜前十名。

2014年9月, "Let It Go"在英国歌曲排行榜 UK charts 第62位,达到顶峰。9月Bay还在英国著名奢侈品品牌 Burberry 2015 春夏季秀场上共献唱三首歌曲,包括《When we were on fire》等。James Bay 与 Burberry 的合作始于 2013 年,在这次 2015 春夏伦敦时装周上,James Bay的演出让这场秀变得更加的完美,似乎让人置身于仙境。Bay 还为 Burberry 录制了一个原声。

2014年还与 Hozier 共同巡演,包括波士顿万圣节之夜演出。Bay 化妆成半面骷髅头。

2014年11月21日,Bay 发行第三张专辑 Hold Back the River,其中歌曲《Hold Back the River》在英国歌曲排行榜排名16位。


2014年12月4日,获得 2015 Brit Awards Critic Choice Winner 全英音乐奖乐评人选择奖,击败独立摇滚乐队 Years &Years 和 G eorge The Poet。James Bay 将会出席2015年2月25日在伦敦02 Arena剧院举行的颁奖礼,并现场亲身接受这个荣誉。

2016年2月,在全英音乐奖上登台表演。5月,Ivor Novello奖,他荣获最热作品奖。6月发行录音室专辑《Craving》。

James Michael Bay (born 4 September 1990) is an English singer-songwriter and guitarist.In 2014, he released his single "Hold Back the River", which has been certified platinum, before releasing his debut studio album Chaos and the Calm (2015). The album went to number one in the UK and number 15 in the US. In February 2015, Bay received the Brit Awards "Critics' Choice" award.At the 2016 Brit Awards he received the award for Best British Male Solo Artist.Bay also received three nominations at the 2016 Grammy Awards, including for Best New Artist.

Bay released his debut extended play, The Dark of the Morning, on 18 July 2013. His second EP, Let It Go, was released on 12 May 2014.The Let It Go EP debuted in the top 10 iTunes album chart and the lead single, titled "Let It Go", peaked at number 10 in the UK charts. Bay has performed live on the Burberry runway and has also recorded a Burberry Acoustic session. Bay toured with Hozier in 2014.

Bay recorded his entire debut studio album Chaos and the Calm at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, with producer Jacquire King.It debuted at number one in the UK charts and has been certified platinum. His single, "Hold Back The River" peaked at number 2 in the UK charts and has been certified platinum.

Bay performed on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival in June 2015.

At the 2016 Brit Awards in London on 24 February, Bay received the award for Best British Male Solo Artist, and also performed "Love Yourself" with Justin Bieber at the ceremony.

Craving was released on June 2016.

