


#独奏 #西方古典 #奏鸣曲
Sweden 瑞典


Göran Söllscher于1955年12月31日生于瑞典Vaxjo,在瑞典东部的Kalmar长大。他从7岁起开始学习吉他,1965年到1970年间在Kalmar Municipal School of Music学习。Göran Söllscher1973在Kalmar首次登台演出,并且在1975年首次出现在瑞典的电视节目中。1978年他赢得了巴黎国际吉他大赛(Concours Internationale de Guitarre in Paris)的冠军。这使得Göran Söllscher有机会在著名的DG公司录制唱片。

可以说,也正是由于与DG公司的合作,才使我们认识了这位吉他演奏家。另外,他还在80年代初随瑞典的乐队来过中国。与DG公司另外一位名气很大的吉他演奏家纳西索·耶佩斯大师类似,Göran Söllscher使用的吉他也非常特别,他在演奏不同的乐曲时,会使用特制的Georg Bolin 11弦吉他或是标准的六弦吉他(通常是José Ramirez)。按照Göran Söllscher自己的说法,他的11弦吉他是按照文艺复兴时期鲁特琴的定音来调弦的,这样可以方便的演奏大量巴洛克时期为鲁特琴所作的乐曲。通过录音,我们可以明显地感到Göran Söllscher使用11弦吉他演奏文艺复兴和巴洛克时期的作品非常之精彩,各个声部层次分明,音色甜美,音乐表现深邃有内涵,其录制的巴赫鲁特琴全集可以说是该乐曲的最佳版本之一,另外其早年的录音Greensleeves和Cavatina两张唱片也是异常经典,一经推出就畅销不衰。

Although the two are often mentioned in a single breath, the temperament, style, and even career details of Swedish classical guitarist Göran Söllscher and those of the controversial and famous Japanese guitar virtuoso Kazuhito Yamashita are really just about as different as one could imagine. Yamashita was thrust into the limelight while still a teenager; Söllscher, on the other hand, continued his conservatory studies until his mid-twenties and took his time building up a major international career. Yamashita puts his amazing technical skill on display each and every night (and sometimes gets criticized for doing so); Söllscher is altogether more reserved, allowing mechanism to dominate only when he feels the music calls for it, giving warm, full-toned renditions of such standards as the Bach lute works, as opposed to flamboyant Yamashita transcriptions. It is not surprising, then, that the world's classical guitarists and classical-guitar lovers tend to sit on one side or the other of the Yamashita-Söllscher fence as far as next-generation talents are concerned: their approaches are so radically different from one another that most listeners find themselves unable to love them both equally.

Göran Söllscher was born in Växjö in 1955, and as a youth studied guitar at the Kalmar Municipal Music School. Later, he attended the conservatories in Malmö and Copenhagen, studying all the while with guitarist Per Olof Johnson. In 1978, he won the Concours Internationale de Guitare in Paris, and over the course of the 1980s, he conquered the international recital circuit. In 1991, he was a key participant in the much-touted international festival in honor of composer Joaquin Rodrigo (whose works include many now-standard guitar pieces), and soon afterwards he was appointed to the faculty of the Malmö Conservatory. Söllscher has been active throughout his career as a chamber musician; among the more well-known collaborations is a disc of Paganini's music for violin and guitar made with Gil Shaham.

