




一开始,Julien-K是由工业摇滚乐队Orgy的成员Amir Derakh与Ryan Shuck创立的一个以电子摇滚为主的旁支计划(side project),其中Shuck担任主唱,Derakh负责吉他。之后乐队加入了键盘手Brandon Belsky以及鼓手Elias Andra,从而形成了现在看到的四人组合。Julien-K的音乐风格更偏向电子,根据主唱Shuck的说法:“乐队的初衷与Orgy一样,要成为一支电子乐队,并且可以与摇滚乐队同台”。此外,Julien-K团队还包括了制作人兼技术总监的Anthony 'Fu' Valcic以及Linkin Park主唱Chester Bennington。

Chester Bennington与Julien-K的合作甚密,他参与了Julien-K专辑的制作,Shuck将他称作“我们的兄弟、我们最亲密的朋友”。Julien-K与Chester Bennington一同成立了Bennington的个人乐队Dead By Sunrise。主唱Shuck说:“有Chester在的Julien-K呈现两种状态。当Chester担任主唱时,我们就变成了Dead By Sunrise,而我就成了吉他手。”2005年,Julien-K与Bennington一道在“ReAct Now: Music & Relief”赈灾演唱会上表演了Dead By Sunrise歌曲“Let Down”的不插电版本。Julien-K与Bennington还为Dead By Sunrise的另一歌曲“Morning After”制作了混音版本,收录于电影《Underworld: Evolution》的原声碟中。Dead By Sunrise的首张专辑预计2009年发行。

Julien-K的首张专辑名为《Death to Analog》,Derakh与Anthony 'Fu' Valcic担当制作人,Bennington为执行制作。专辑中的大量歌曲已经提前通过其官网及MySpace曝光。Julien-K的官方网站于2003年夏季开始上线,当时网站上只有一些歌曲的Demo版本,包括了Look at You、Kick the Bass、Someday Soon、Everyone Knows以及Technical Difficulties。直到2007年,网站才开始大规模更新信息。现在,网站上已经有大量的关于乐队的信息,包括简介、照片、试听等等。专辑的发行时间已经确定,为2009年3月10日。

除了制作自己的歌曲之外, 乐队成员Amir Derakh与Brandon Belsky还以JK DJS的名义举办了一些DJ表演。此外,乐队还以JK RMX的名义Remix了数首歌曲,包括了Avenged Sevenfold的“Strength of the World”、Mindless Self Indulgence的“What Do They Know?”、Motor的“Flashback Acid Test”、Dirty Heads的“Neighborhood”等。

Julien-K已经参与了不少现场演出。2007年,他们参加了Linkin Park的“Projekt Revolution”巡演。同年,他们作为开场乐队,加入到Evanescence在北美举行的“The Open Door”巡演。2008年6月至7月,他们还加入了Mindless Self Indulgence的“The If”巡演,并在巡演过程中限量发行包含6首歌曲的EP,EP包括了Kick the Bass、Technical Difficultes、Maestro以及它们各自的混音版本。乐队官网及MySpace还免费提供这张EP的MP3下载。

Julien-K is a music group that began as a side project for electronic music created by Amir Derakh and Ryan Shuck from Orgy, with the later addition of Brandon Belsky, Elias Andra, and Anthony 'Fu' Valcic.

Their debut album, Death to Analog, which was mixed by Tim Palmer, was released on March 10, 2009 in the U.S., and later on March 5, 2010 in Europe. Initially, the album was planned to be released on February 17, 2009; respectively, the date of the United States "death to analog" television.

Julien-K's webpage was launched in the summer of 2003 with initial demo versions of songs "Look at You", "Kick the Bass", "Someday Soon", "Everyone Knows", and "Technical Difficulties", the latter of which was later featured both in the film and on the soundtrack from Michael Bay's 2007 Transformers. Up until 2007, the webpage said "Coming Soon." Since the official webpage launch, the site has been redesigned and updated with a wealth of information, links, photos, and other media.

Julien-K have also lent musical contributions to several video games, including Sonic Heroes ("This Machine"), Shadow the Hedgehog ("Waking Up"), and the official musical score for the 2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game.
