无论是立足何种音乐范畴中的乐团,其分分合合的惯例,对于乐迷来说早已司空见惯,不过在提到The Panic Channel,就不得不说到横跨80年末期至整个90年代,在摇滚/吉他乐界有着举足轻重地位,并曾担任Jane’s Addiction、Red Hot Chili Peppers、Gun N’Roses吉他手一职的超级吉他手Dave Navarro,无论满脑创意点子亦或勇于实验新音,都在每次新组合呈现当中,赢得广大回响,这次Dave的音乐新计画就是The Panic Channel。
这应该算是无心插柳柳成荫的组合,话说原本在2004年就已经有了The Panic Channel雏型,只是当时均为Jane’s Addiction团员的吉他手Dave Navarro、贝斯手Chris Chaney以及鼓手Stephen Perkins,平日一有灵感就会聚在一起玩玩音乐,也许是为了Jane’s Addiction新歌创作,也许是为了好玩打发时间,然而Dave知道Steve Isaacs是位不错的吉他手又有一副好嗓子,便邀约Steve在他们有新旋律时一起加入玩玩,想不到默契十足的排练以及彼此对音乐上理念的一拍即合,四人就顺势组织起The Panic Channel,虽然有许多“外务”在身的Dave,对此新计画感到新鲜与期待,便全心全意投入他一手撮合成的新组织。
by Corey Apar
The post-grunge side project that is the Panic Channel features a noteworthy lineup in guitarist Dave Navarro (Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers) and drummer Stephen Perkins (Jane's Addiction, Banyan, Porno for Pyros), along with bassist Chris Chaney (Taylor Hawkins, Alanis Morissette, Jane's Addiction, sub.bionic) and vocalist/guitarist Steve Isaacs (Skycycle). Navarro and Isaacs had initially met at an MTV Video Music Awards Show around when Isaacs was beginning a stint as an MTV VJ, but it wasn't until years later that a mutual friend caught one of Isaacs' solo gigs and got the two back in touch. Preliminary jam sessions soon turned into a full-fledged band with the addition of Chaney and Perkins into the mix. The Panic Channel's debut album, (One), was issued in August 2006 on Capitol Records, as lead single "Why Cry" made its way up the modern rock charts.