


United States of America 美国


尽管不愿承认,但也不可否认,来自美国的Midnight Syndicate开创了一个暗黑氛围的新纪元。Midnight Syndicate的创始人Edward Douglas打小就是重金属乐队Black Sabbath的忠实拥趸,在玩了6年金属后发现自己不是这行的料,又迷上了哥特艺术家Joseph Vargo的神秘学,Douglas对这种中世纪黑暗神秘的东西参悟能力很快,并且有了黑金的底子,这种东西很快就上手了。在96年改名Midnight Syndicate后,随后97年第一张同名专辑就“炮制”出来。这在Bon Jovi流行的美国一下子就火了起来,最大的下载网站MP3.com一周内专辑下载量就轻松破了10万,在文化中心美国的成功也使得Midnight Syndicate全世界名声大造,这也传到了中国,现在很多国人还把Midnight Syndicate奉为暗黑圣经,也从侧面表现出了其影响。当然,这也让欧洲各位纯种暗围——Ataraxia、Estampie等等郁闷不已。在Gavin Goszka加入后,乐队在98年发行了Born of the Night,其实也是Joseph Vargo独立电影的原声配乐,这张也被认为是Midnight Syndicate真正的成熟之作,伴着中世纪复古的背景,永远是黑暗的笼罩,管弦乐合成乐器无一不突出一个主题——无处不在的吞噬一切的黑暗,让你放弃希望,无奈的接受这黑暗,即使你死掉也要把你从棺材里拖出来。这张专辑后来又再版二次,可以看出其受欢迎程度了。

by Mario Mesquita Borges

Inspired by gothic rock and other obscure sounds, Midnight Syndicate creates darkly blended compositions, that also display their pop/rock style influences. The band sustains its dramatic musical scenarios not only by way of their common musical inspirations, ranging from Black Sabbath to King Diamond, but also by a shared wish of portraying the darkest edges of existence. It was in 1991, in Cleveland, OH, that Edward Douglas decided to form Syndicate. However, it was only six years later that Syndicate's first disc, the self-titled Midnight Syndicate, hit the record stores, in 1997. In 1998 and following the later addition of Gavin Goszka, the Cleveland duo released its second full-length, Born of the Night. Following two years of production and rehearsing, the two-team delivered it's third album, Realm of Shadows, in 2000. In 2001, the group emerged with its fourth album, Gates of Delirium. This particular album was a huge success on MP3.com, where it held six spots in their Top 20 positions during Halloween. The next year, Symphonies From the Crypt was released towards the end of the summer.
